Page 53 - MIN TTC
P. 53
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Distinguished Peruvian Press Visiting One Happy Island

PALM BEACH - Rex Broek- and movie editor Aaron
man, editor The Huaraz Croes, Xtreme Productions
Telegraph and news an- Aruba, and together they
chor at El Informativo, lined up a great number
from Peru, is currently visit- of interesting people and
ing Aruba and impressed gorgeous places to con-
with the excellent tourism tribute to the raw footage
infrastructure and exciting which will be edited by
attractions decided to film the crew of Cable Andino
a number of TV segments in Huaraz, with five dif-
for his local news channel, ferent introductions from
Cable Andino Channel 3, iconic Aruba locations.
in Huaraz, his home town, Special thanks to Peruvian
population 120,000 just like living on the island, Edwin,
Aruba, covering the his- Adolfo, Roxanne, mem-
tory of the island, Sports, ber of Parliament Marisol
Gastronomy, Culture and Lopez Tromp and the El
Peruvian living in Aruba. Chalan Restaurant own-
He recruited the help of ers, for their cooperation
his brother fitness instructor with the projects.
Roy Broekman who in turn The Huaraz Telegraph,
recruited local film maker where the materials will

also be printed is a month- Valley, at the elevation want to play beach ten-
ly English language news- of 3,050m. The city lives nis, windsurf and kite surf,”
paper, serving the tourist off Peruvian Andes tour- banters Rex, who enjoys
and the local popula- ism, especially winter sport Aruba’s weather and hos-
tion of Huaraz, you may and adventure with many pitality, while working on
visit www.thehuaraztele- visitors from around the his documentary., for more infor- world practicing climbing, Pictured here the crew at
mation. Huaraz is the cap- hiking, and snowboard- el Chalan, with Marisol Lo-
ital of the State of Ancash, ing. pez Tromp and at the TV
located in the central part “Our visitors, looking at station in Peru with Dennis
of the Callejon de Huaylas the Aruba footage might Caballero.q
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