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LOCALWednesday 7 January 2015

De Maio Family Honored for Their Loyalty to Aruba!

PALM BEACH - Nicholas The symbolic honorary Ms. Darline S. de Cuba other island, saying their On the pictures Ms. Dar-
and Victoria De Maio of title of Goodwill Ambas- representing Aruba Tour- top reasons for returning line S. de Cuba from
Massapequa, New York sador is presented in the ism Authority conducted are they consider Aruba ATA is seen together
were honored as Good- name of the Minister of the ceremony at the La to be the “Happy Island”, with Nicholas and Vic-
will Ambassadors to Aru- Tourism as a token of ap- Quinta Resort. the great weather and toria, along with Mrs. Ika
ba recently for visiting our preciation to guests who Victoria commented that friendly Aruban hospitali- Arends, General Man-
island for an amazing 30 visit Aruba for 20-or-more she will never change her ty, the white sand beach- ager of La Quinta Beach
consecutive years! years consecutive. vacation island for any es and the local food. Resort.q
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