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A28    u.s. news
                  Dialuna 7 December 2020

                         Trump tactics to overturn election could have staying power

            (AP) — Even after he exits  somehow      escaped   layers  held  an  unofficial  meeting  his  resignation  from  fellow  so an audit could be done —
            the  White  House,  Presi-   of  security  and  scrutiny  by  where  Trump’s  lawyers  re-  Republicans and threats, and  despite  an  extensive  county
            dent  Donald  Trump’s  ef-   election  workers  across  the  peated claims of irregularities  Aaron  Van  Langevelde,  one  canvassing  process  that  did
            forts  to  challenge  the  le-  country. They have filed law-  with  the  state’s  vote  count  of  two  Republicans  on  the  not  find  significant  irregu-
            gitimacy  of  the  election  suits  without evidence, tried  but provided no evidence of  Michigan board that certified  larities.  He  ultimately  con-
            and  seeking  to  overturn  to pressure  state lawmakers  widespread fraud. The chair-  that state’s results.       ceded.
            the  will  of  voters  could  into seating their own presi-  woman of the Arizona GOP  While  the  other  Republi-  Using the 2020 election as a
            have staying power.          dential  electors  and  sought  asked    a  court  to  overturn  can  on  the  Michigan  board  springboard  to  create  more
                                         to  influence  low-level  party  Biden’s win in the state.  abstained,  Van  Langevelde  trust  in  the  process  would
            Trump’s  tactics  are  already  members who sit on the state  The  effort  then  shifted  to  said  he  was  required  under  help,  said  David  Carroll,
            inspiring  other  candidates  and  local  boards  that  certify  Michigan, where Trump law-  state  law  to  certify  Biden’s  head  of  the  democracy  pro-
            and  have  been  embraced  by  election results.          yer  Rudy  Giuliani  appeared  win. The result, Foley noted,  gram  at  the  Carter  Center,
            a wide array of Republicans.  This  is  despite  the  fact  that  at  a  four-hour  legislative  could  have  easily  been  dif-  founded by former President
            Supporters  include  congres-  the federal government’s own  hearing  to  argue  that  fraud  ferent  if  other  Republicans  Jimmy  Carter  and  his  wife,

            sional  candidates,  state  law-  cybersecurity  arm  declared  had occurred.          more open to Trump’s argu-   Rosalynn.
            makers,  party  chairs,  con-  the presidential election “the  “Throughout  this  hearing,  ments  had  occupied  those  That could involve requiring
            servative  legal  groups  and  most secure in American his-  my  colleagues  continued  to  same positions.         state  and  local  election  of-
            appointees   to   previously  tory,”  and  Attorney  General  speak  in  circles  about  ‘get-  “What makes this year’s nar-  ficials to be nonpartisan and
            little-known state vote-certi-  William Barr said the Depart-  ting  to  the  bottom  of  this.’  row  escape  so  unnerving  is  appointed  rather  than  elect-
            fication boards. The breadth  ment of Justice uncovered no  But we’re already at the bot-  how far the plot to overthrow  ed  by  party,  clarifying  vague
            of support for Trump’s effort  evidence  that  would  change  tom,  and  there’s  nothing  the election got with so little  election  laws,  implementing
            could be a troubling sign for  the outcome.               down  here,”  said  Michigan  factual  ammunition,”  Foley  federal  standards  for  parts
            future elections.            Even  so,  Trump  has  found  state  Rep.  Darrin  Camilleri,  said.                   of  the  process  and  ensuring
            “What this president is doing  friendly  lawmakers  and  par-  a  Democrat.  “Down  here  at  Others  believe  Trump’s  be-  more  training  for  election
            is poisoning democracy,” for-  ty officials  willing to bolster  the bottom of all this, it’s just  havior is more of a fluke and  workers and volunteers.
            mer  Michigan  Gov.  Jennifer  his claims and adopt his tac-  a dark, empty place.”    unlikely to result in any last-  “There was a lot of discussion
            Granholm said. “And, yes, he  tics. On Friday, a group of 64  On  Thursday,  a  legislative  ing  damage  to  the  electoral  before  the  election  that  the
            is  setting  a  precedent,  sug-  GOP lawmakers in Pennsyl-  committee  in  Georgia  re-  process.                  process  might  not  be  cred-
            gesting that it is OK to violate  vania signed a statement urg-  ceived  testimony  from  a  “Everybody  knows  that  it’s  ible. Those are the things we
            these norms that have made  ing  Congress  not  to  accept  Trump  campaign  attorney  just  because  they  lost,”  said  see around the world where
            our country great.”          the state’s slate of electors for  about  purported  irregulari-  Pennsylvania  Lt.  Gov.  John  democracy  is  weak,”  Carroll
            Granholm,    a   Democrat,  Democrat  Joe  Biden.  They  ties despite a hand count and  Fetterman,   a   Democrat.  said. “It will be important for
            joined  with  former  New  cited  a  litany  of  complaints  machine  audit  that  revealed  “There isn’t anyone from the  us to sit down as a nation and
            Jersey  Gov.  Christine  Todd  over  how  the  election  was  no major problems with the  president on down that gen-  as a society and say we don’t
            Whitman,  a  Republican,  to  conducted.                  vote.                        uinely believed that there was  want  this  to  happen  again.
            raise concerns about Trump’s  “A  number  of  people  have  Election law experts say time  any  real  fraud.  That’s  what  If we don’t, it’s likely that it
            refusal to concede and efforts  shown  themselves  willing  will tell whether Trump’s ap-  makes it so disingenuous.”  could.”
            to undermine the integrity of  to go along or at least being  proach and the support it has  A  few  candidates  have  fol-  Trump’s  strategy,  even  if  it
            elections.                   perceived of going along in-  generated in the GOP repre-  lowed Trump’s lead, refusing  fails, will probably still be an
            “This  is  not  who  we  are  as  stead of just condemning the  sent a shift in how candidates  to  concede  and  seeking  ex-  effective rallying tool for sup-
            Americans,  and  we  don’t  entire  operation,”  said  Wen-  handle defeat.            traordinary  measures  to  ad-  porters, and it has generated
            want the public coming away  dy Weiser with the Brennan  “Next time could be worse,”  dress their concerns.         at least $170 million in dona-
            from this thinking this is the  Center  for  Justice  at  New  constitutional law expert Ed-  A Pennsylvania congressional  tions  since Election Day. As
            norm,”  said  Whitman,  who  York University Law School.  ward B. Foley warned in an  candidate  who  lost  his  race  Trump hints  at running for
            served  in  President  George  “It  was  not  written  off  as  it  op-ed last week while offer-  has yet to concede and signed  president again, he will need
            W. Bush’s administration.    should have been.”           ing praise for the few Repub-  on  to  a  lawsuit  challenging  his  supporters  to  stay  ener-
            Trump  and  his  allies  have  In  recent  days,  lawmakers  licans willing to stand up to  the validity of all mail ballots  gized and on his side.
            pushed conspiracies  involv-  in  battleground  states  have  Trump.                   cast  this  year.  A  Republican  “I  don’t  think  it’s  going  to
            ing voting machines manipu-  provided  friendly  forums  Those included Georgia Sec-   candidate for U.S. Senate in  go  away,”  said  Democratic
            lated  by  dead  foreign  lead-  for  Trump  allies  to  air  their  retary of State Brad Raffens-  Michigan called on the state  California  Secretary  of  State
            ers and tens of thousands of  suspicions. A group of GOP  perger,  who  certified    his  to  take  the  unprecedented  Alex Padilla, “because I don’t
            fraudulent  mail  ballots  that  state  lawmakers  in  Arizona  state’s election amid calls for  step  of  delaying  certification  think he is going away.”

                            Fire guts historic church home to New York’s Liberty Bell

                                                            (AP) — A historic church in lower Manhat-       gregation of the Collegiate Churches of New York,
                                                            tan that houses New York’s Liberty Bell and  which date to the Dutch settlement of the island in
                                                            whose congregation dates to the city’s earli-   the 1620s, according to the church’s website.
                                                            est days was gutted by a massive fire early Sat-  The Middle Collegiate Church had been in two
                                                            urday that sent flames shooting through the  other locations in Manhattan since 1729.
                                                            roof.                                           The  bell  tower  houses  New  York’s  Liberty  Bell,
                                                                                                            which  pealed  to  mark  the  birth  of  the  nation  in
                                                            The Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village  1776 and has since been rung for the inaugurations
                                                            burned before dawn after a fire spread from a five-  and deaths of American presidents and events such
                                                            story vacant building adjacent to the church around  as remembrance of the Sept. 11 attacks, according
                                                            5 a.m. Flames shot from the roof and the church’s  to the church.
                                                            stately front window glowed from the conflagra-  Lewis believed the bell survived the fire but was
                                                            tion inside.                                    not certain. Church minister Amanda Ashcraft told
                                                            “We are devastated. We are gutted like our building  WABC that the Tiffany stained glass windows were
                                                            is gutted; our hearts are crushed like our doors are  gone.Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted that the fire was
                                                            crushed,” said the Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis. “But we  “heartbreaking”  and  pledged:  “We’ll  do  whatever
                                                            know how to be the church, and we know that God  we can to help Middle Collegiate rebuild.”
                                                            is God, yesterday, today and tomorrow.”         The fate of the church building is unclear, Lewis
                                                            The fire department said in an Instagram post that  said, but the ministry will continue.
                                                            there were four minor injuries to firefighters and  “Our church has been worshipping digitally since
                                                            that marshals were investigating the blaze.     March 15,” Lewis said. “And that’s what we’ll be
                                                            Built in 1892, the church is home to the oldest con-  doing tomorrow.”
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