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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 7 December 2020

                         1.2M doses of China-made COVID vaccine arrive in Indonesia

            (AP)  —  Indonesia’s  gov-                                                             ing  for  millions  of  other  teers  in  West  Java’s  Band-
            ernment  said  1.2  million                                                            doses of the Sinovac vaccine  ung  city  since  August.  The
            doses of a COVID-19 vac-                                                               to arrive in the form of raw  government also looked into
            cine developed by China-                                                               materials that will be further  partnerships  with  two  other
            based  biopharmaceutical                                                               processed  by  state-owned  Chinese  drug  manufactur-
            company Sinovac Biotech                                                                pharmaceutical holding com-  ers, Sinopharm and CanSino
            arrived in the country late                                                            pany PT Bio Farma.           Biologics.
            Sunday.                                                                                However,  Widodo  said  that
                                                                                                   emergency use authorization  Penny  Lukito,  head  of  the
            President  Joko  Widodo  said                                                          from the country’s Food and  Food  and  Drug  Control
            in a televised address that an-                                                        Drug Control Agency is still  Agency,  estimated  that  the
            other 1.8 million doses of the                                                         needed for mass vaccinations  Sinovac vaccine would obtain
            vaccine are expected to arrive                                                         to start.                    emergency use authorization
            in early January.                                                                      Indonesia  is  already  cooper-  from the agency by the third
            “We  are  very  grateful,  thank                                                       ating  with  Sinovac  in  phase  or  fourth  week  of  January,
            God,  the  vaccine  is  now                                                            3 clinical trials of its vaccine  after the agency evaluates in-
            available so that we can im-  of  the  COVID-19  disease,”                             candidate,  with  tests  being  terim results from the third-
            mediately  curb  the  spread  Widodo said.                The government is still wait-  carried  out  on  1,620  volun-  stage clinical trial.

                         First Rohingya refugees arrive at isolated Bangladesh island

            (AP)  —  Authorities  in                                                                                            Amnesty  International  and
            Bangladesh on Friday sent                                                                                           Human  Rights  Watch  on
            the  first  group  of  more                                                                                         Thursday urged the govern-
            than 1,500 Rohingya refu-                                                                                           ment to cancel the relocation
            gees  to  an  isolated  island                                                                                      plan.
            despite  calls  by  human                                                                                           The  current  refugee  camps
            rights groups for a halt to                                                                                         near the town of Cox’s Bazar
            the process.                                                                                                        are  overcrowded  and  unhy-
                                                                                                                                gienic. Disease and organized
            The  1,642  refugees  boarded                                                                                       crime  are  rampant.  Educa-
            seven Bangladeshi naval ves-                                                                                        tion  is  limited  and  refugees
            sels in the port of Chittagong                                                                                      are not allowed to work.
            for the trip to Bhashan Char,                                                                                       Still, most Rohingya are un-
            according  to  an  official  who                                                                                    willing to return to Myanmar
            could not be named in accor-                                                                                        due to safety concerns. Gov-
            dance with local practice.                                                                                          ernment officials didn’t have
            After about a three-hour trip                                                                                       an estimate of how many ref-
            they  arrived  at  the  island,                                                                                     ugees would be willing to be
            which  was  once  regularly                                                                                         relocated to the island.
            submerged by monsoon rains                                                                                          Prime  Minister  Sheikh  Ha-
            but now has flood protection  about whether to relocate to  group following an attack by  able  to  make  a  free  and  in-  sina  has  repeatedly  told  the
            embankments,  houses,  hos-  the island in the Bay of Ben-  insurgents.  The  crackdown  formed  decision  about  relo-  U.N. and other international
            pitals and mosques built at a  gal.                       included  rapes,  killings  and  cating to Bhasan Char based  partners that her administra-
            cost of more than $112 mil-  The director of infrastructure  the torching of thousands of  upon  relevant,  accurate  and  tion would consult them be-
            lion by the Bangladesh navy.   development  on  Bhashan  homes, and was termed eth-    updated information,” it said.  fore  making  a  final  decision
            Located 21 miles (34 kilome-  Char,  Commodore  Abdul-    nic cleansing by global rights  U.N.  spokesman  Stephane  on the relocation, and that no
            ters) from the mainland, the  lah  Al  Mamun  Chowdhury,  groups and the U.N.          Dujarric  said  Friday:  “We  refugees would be forced to
            island surfaced only 20 years  told  reporters  on  the  island  Foreign media have not been  have  heard  some  reports  move.
            ago and was never inhabited.  that  the  international  com-  permitted to visit the island.  from  the  camps  that  some
            Saleh Noman, a Bangladeshi  munity has nothing to worry  Contractors  say  its  infra-  refugees may be feeling pres-  Bangladesh  attempted  to
            journalist  who  traveled  with  about regarding the safety of  structure  is  like  a  modern  sured  into  relocating  to  the  start  sending  refugees  back
            the  refugees,  said  by  phone  the refugees.            township,  with  multifam-   island of Bhasan Char or may  to Myanmar under a bilateral
            from the island that the ref-  He  said  he  expects  that  the  ily  concrete  homes,  schools,  have  changed  their  initial  framework  last  November,
            ugees  were  given  rice,  eggs  U.N.  and  others  would  be  playgrounds and roads. It also  views  about  relocation  and  but no one was willing to go.
            and chickens for lunch after  convinced  about  the  overall  has  solar-power  facilities,  a  no longer wish to move,”   The Rohingya are not recog-
            their body temperatures were  arrangements  after  visiting  water supply system and cy-  “If so,” he said, “they should  nized as citizens in Myanmar,
            measured  by  health  workers  the  island.  Asked  when  that  clone shelters.        be  allowed  to  remain  in  the  rendering them stateless, and
            as a coronavirus precaution.  would  be,  he  answered  that  International aid agencies and  camps in Cox’s Bazar.”  face  other  forms  of  state-
            Before  they  boarded  the  the  government  is  working  the  U.N.  have  vehemently  Dujarric  said  the  U.N.  has  sanctioned discrimination.
            ships  they  were  also  given  on it.                    opposed the relocation since  also  seen  “troubling  images  A U.N.-sponsored investiga-
            face masks to protect against  On  Thursday,  11  passenger  it was first proposed in 2015,  of some distressed refugees”  tion  in  2018  recommended
            COVID-19.                    buses  carrying  the  refugees  expressing  fear  that  a  big  during Thursday’s relocation  the  prosecution  of  Myan-
            The island’s facilities are built  left  Cox’s  Bazar  on  the  way  storm  could  overwhelm  the  and  has  shared  its  concerns  mar’s top military command-
            to  accommodate  100,000  to  the  island.  They  camped  island  and  endanger  thou-  with Bangladesh authorities.  ers  on  charges  of  genocide,
            people, just a fraction of the  overnight in school buildings  sands of lives.         “Our  longstanding  position,  war crimes and crimes against
            million  Rohingya  Muslims  in  the  southeastern  city  of  The  U.N.  said  in  a  state-  which bears repeating, is that  humanity  for  the  violence
            who have fled waves of vio-  Chittagong.                  ment  Wednesday  that  it  has  comprehensive technical and  against the Rohingya.
            lent persecution in their na-  Authorities  in  Cox’s  Bazar  not been involved in prepara-  protection  assessments  to  Myanmar  is  defending  itself
            tive  Myanmar  and  are  cur-  did not say how the refugees  tions for the relocation or the  evaluate  the  safety  and  sus-  in the International Court of
            rently  living  in  crowded,  were selected for relocation.  selection of refugees and has  tainability  of  life  on  Bhasan  Justice in the Hague, Nether-
            squalid  refugee  camps  in  About 700,000 Rohingya fled  limited  information  about  Char  should  take  place  be-  lands, after the West African
            Cox’s Bazar district.        to the camps in Cox’s Bazar  the overall plan.            fore any relocation,” Dujarric  nation  of  Gambia  brought  a
            The  United  Nations  has  after August 2017, when the  “The  United  Nations  takes  said.  “That’s  essential  for  us  case backed by the Organiza-
            voiced  concern  that  refu-  military  in  Buddhist-major-  this opportunity to highlight  in  terms  of  providing  a  way  tion for Islamic Cooperation,
            gees  be  allowed  to  make  a  ity  Myanmar  began  a  harsh  its longstanding position that  forward  for  any  U.N.  en-  Canada and the Netherlands
            “free and informed decision”  crackdown  on  the  Muslim  Rohingya  refugees  must  be  gagement on this process.”  over the crackdown.
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