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U.S. NEWS Thursday 22 augusT 2024
RFK Jr. to speak Friday amid speculation he’ll drop independent
presidential bid and support Trump
By JONATHAN J. COOPER He also said he would “cer-
and ALI SWENSON tainly” be open to Kennedy
Associated Press playing a role in his adminis-
PHOENIX (AP) — Indepen- tration if Kennedy drops out
dent presidential candi- and endorses him instead.
date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “He’s a very smart guy. I’ve
will speak Friday “about the known him for a very long
present historical moment time,” Trump told the net-
and his path forward,” his work. “I didn’t know he was
campaign announced thinking about getting out,
Wednesday, fueling grow- but if he is thinking about
ing speculation that Ken- getting out, certainly I’d be
nedy could drop out and open to it.”
support Republican nomi- Trump, who had previously
nee Donald Trump. railed against Kennedy as
Kennedy’s running mate “the most radical left can-
openly discussed the pos- didate in the race,” was
sibility on a podcast this also asked by CNN If he
week, saying the cam- would consider appoint-
paign was considering a ing Kennedy to a role in his
move to “join forces” with Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., waves to the media outside the Nassau administration if he wins in
Trump to limit the election County Supreme Court in Mineola, N.Y. on Wednesday, Aug., 21, 2024. November,
chance of Kamala Harris, Associated Press “I like him a lot. I respect him
whose Democratic con- Democratic dynasty. Kennedy will give a speech been in regular contact in a lot,” Trump said. “I proba-
vention winds up Thursday Last month, during the Re- in Phoenix, hours before recent weeks, including a bly would, if something like
night in Chicago. publican National Conven- Trump is scheduled to hold meeting in Milwaukee as that would happen. He’s a
The move would have tion, Kennedy’s son posted a rally in neighboring Glen- Republicans gathered for very different kind of a guy
once seemed unthinkable and then quickly deleted dale. A spokesperson for their national convention — a very smart guy. And,
for Kennedy, a Democrat a video showing a phone Kennedy, Stefanie Spear, last month. yeah, I would be honored
for most of his life and — as call between Kennedy and declined to say whether He told CNN Tuesday that by that endorsement, cer-
the nephew of President Trump, in which the former he planned to drop out or he would “love” an en- tainly.”
John F. Kennedy and the president appeared to try why he chose Arizona for dorsement from the inde- that challenges the sig-
son of Robert F. Kennedy to talk Kennedy into siding his speech. pendent candidate, whom natures collected by his
— a member of a beloved with him. Trump and Kennedy have he called a “brilliant guy.” campaign.q
Company that sent AI calls mimicking Joe Biden to New
Hampshire voters agrees to pay $1 million fine
By NICK PERRY faces a proposed $6 million up to one year on a charge
Associated Press FCC fine as well as state of impersonating a candi-
MEREDITH, N.H. (AP) — A criminal charges. date.
company that sent decep- The phone messages were The FCC said that as well
tive calls to New Hampshire sent to thousands of New as agreeing to the civil fine,
voters using artificial intel- Hampshire voters on Jan. Lingo Telecom had agreed
ligence to mimic President 21. They featured a voice to strict caller ID authenti-
Joe Biden’s voice agreed similar to Biden’s falsely sug- cation rules and require-
Wednesday to pay a $1 gesting that voting in the ments and to more thor-
million fine, federal regula- state’s presidential primary oughly verify the accuracy
tors said. would preclude them from of the information provided
Lingo Telecom, the voice casting ballots in the No- by its customers and up-
service provider that vember general election. stream providers.
transmitted the robocalls, Kramer, who paid a ma- “Every one of us deserves
agreed to the settlement gician and self-described to know that the voice on Steve Kramer is seated Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at Superior
to resolve enforcement ac- “digital nomad” to create the line is exactly who they Court, in Laconia, N.H., during his arraignment in connection with
tion taken by the Federal the recording, told The As- claim to be,” FCC chairper- charges of voter suppression and impersonating a candidate.
Communications Com- sociated Press earlier this son Jessica Rosenworcel Associated Press
mission, which had initially year that he wasn’t trying said in a statement. “If AI company had earlier said right” by saying consumers
sought a $2 million fine. to influence the outcome is being used, that should it strongly disagreed with have a right to know when
The case is seen by many of the primary, but he rath- be made clear to any con- the FCC’s action, calling it they are receiving authen-
as an unsettling early ex- er wanted to highlight the sumer, citizen, and voter an attempt to impose new tic content and when they
ample of how AI might be potential dangers of AI and who encounters it. The FCC rules retroactively. are receiving AI-generated
used to influence groups of spur lawmakers into action. will act when trust in our Nonprofit consumer advo- deepfakes. Weissman said
voters and democracy as If found guilty, Kramer communications networks cacy group Public Citizen the case illustrates how
a whole. could face a prison sen- is on the line.” commended the FCC on such deepfakes pose “an
Meanwhile Steve Kramer, tence of up to seven years Lingo Telecom did not im- its action. Co-president existential threat to our
a political consultant who on a charge of voter sup- mediately respond to a Robert Weissman said democracy.”q
orchestrated the calls, still pression and a sentence of request for comment. The Rosenworcel got it “exactly