Page 7 - aruba-today-20240822
P. 7
local Thursday 22 augusT 2024
Aruba’s Nature is to be Cherished
Bubali Magic
This beautiful close-up im-
age of the pink bird is cour-
tesy of Michiel Overstee-
gen of the Aruba Birdlife
Conservation. This impor-
tant foundation showcases
and builds awareness of
Aruba’s birds and other na-
tive flora and fauna. You
may have seen a ‘pink
cloud’ lately at the Bubali
or Spanish Lagoon Wet- an idea of our entire island. na. Motorized vehicles are
ST. CRUZ — The national ucational and informative lands areas? It’s most likely Lately there is a discussion forbidden to drive on the
park Arikok comprises al- programs and fun activities to be Roseate Spoonbills going on about the effect sand dunes in the Northern
most 18 % of the island. Its is available. (Ajaia ajaja) or ‘Chucharon certain activities have on part of the island and all
rugged terrain, desert-like Did you know that four of Cora’ as they are known in our nature, for example the beaches in Aruba are for-
hills filled with tall cacti, the in total seven species Papiamento. This unusual ATV vehicles cause a lot of bidden for any motorized
breathtaking coastline and of sea turtle lay their eggs looking bird forages in shal- dust, noise and leave tire vehicle. Treasure our island
protected local flora and on Aruba's beaches? In low muddy water while tracks. Animals live in these to enjoy it like you do: as a
fauna welcome you to be the national park, a Least sweeping its flattened bill areas where the vehicles tropical and natural para-
explored. There is numer- Tern (Sternula antillarum) from side to side to catch run, often with high speed dise. We truly appreciate
ous wildlife to discover like keeps a strict eye on a very small fish, crustaeceans and with detrimental con- it!q
for example the sea turtle special event taking place and other aquatic inverte- sequences to flora and fau-
who lays his eggs on the below on the beach: a brates. The Roseate Spoon-
park’s beaches. There are majestic Leatherback (Der- bill remains an uncommon
more places on the island mochelys coriacea) heads sight as they are vulnerable
that are a preserved area back to sea after laying to degradation of feeding
like the Bubali Plas which is her eggs, while another and nesting habitats (Wet-
a bird sanctuary. nest laid 2 months ago by lands). (Source: arikok na-
the same female hatches. tional park)
The national park Arikok A very rare occurrence
takes you on a memorable of daytime nesting and The aforementioned is just
journey of the islands past hatching. Sea turtles pre- a part of what Aruba’s na-
offering unique geological, fer nesting in the cool and ture has to offer. We can-
cultural and historical sites. dark hours of the night. And not stress enough to go, see
These can all be enjoyed hatchlings usually wait for for yourself. The island has
and explored either on the cue of cooling surface the most beautiful beach-
your own or during guided sand before emerging. es but it is also worthwhile
tours. A wide variety of ed- to go beyond this and get
Papiamento words and phrases you may want to know!
(Oranjestad)—Aruba is a melting ferent ways to greet according to “anochi”.
pot of different nationalities, cul- the time of day, and Papiamento
tures and languages. Primarily for is no different. Since Papiamento is Yes…no…maybe?
this reason, the average Aruban heavily influences from Portuguese The affirmative and negative ex-
can understand and speak Dutch, and Spanish, some of these phras- pression is very simple in Papia-
English and Spanish relatively well. es may look very familiar. mento. Just like Spanish, our yeses
However, as much as we pride are “si” and our no’s are “no”. Pret-
ourselves in being able to com- 1. Bon dia is used in the morn- ty easy right? If you want to gain
municate with almost everyone, “hallo” to greet someone. We do ing, up to about noon. Bon dia es- some extra points from younger lo-
we cherish our native tongue Pa- however, always follow it up with sentially means good morning. The cals, you can also say “se”, which
piamento above all else. Want to “con bay?” or “con ta?” Con bay word “bon” means “good”, and is a more casual affirmative used
learn some common words in our is a shortened version of “con ta while “dia” does not directly mean mostly by the younger generation.
language? Here are a few basic bay?”, which essentially means “morning” in English, it is used often However, do note: some older
words and phrases that can get “how are you?” to refer to the morning time. generations may find this improper
you a hat tip from an Aruban. 2. Bon tardi. In the afternoon and not respectful, so keep that in
The word “con” in Papiamento to early evening hours, we use mind.
When you arrive at the airport in means “how?” and is pronounced “bon tardi” to greet people, which
Aruba, one of the first words in Pa- with a rounder “o” sounds, like in means “good afternoon”. “Tardi” Thanks man…
piamento you may encounter is the English word “cone”. “Ta bay” actually comes from the word “at- Lastly, a word that we can also
“Bon bini.” Bon bini in Papiamento refers to how you are doing. ardi”, which directly translates to say more often is “danki”, which
means welcome, and is probably “afternoon”. However, the short- means literally “thank you”. “Dan-
the most famous Papiamento When we say goodbye, we use ened “tardi” is used to keep the ki” is derived from the Dutch word
word for tourists. the word “ayo” (not like the Ayo rhythm on the phrase. And the “bedankt”. Though we don’t really
Rock Formation, but also…kinda?). same could be said for our last have a translation for “I appreci-
Hi! Bye! We may also use “te oro”, which greeting of the day. ate it” in English, we do use “ma-
To be fair, there is no unique way to means “see you later”. 3. Bon nochi. You guessed it, sha danki” to convey the message.
say “hello” in Papiamento. At least, “bon nochi” means “good night”. “Masha” means “a lot” or “very”,
not officially. We often just use the Greetings during the day Just like “tardi”, “nochi” is actually so “masha danki” means “thank
English “hello” or “hey”, or Dutch Most, if not all, languages have dif- the shortened version of the word you very much”. q