Page 9 - aruba-today-20240822
P. 9

                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 22 augusT 2024

            Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill

                                                                                    (or about 540 feet above sea level).
                                                                                    The highest point is Jamanota Hill at
                                                                                    189 meters (620 feet), located in the
                                                                                    Arikok National Park.

                                                                                    The staircase that run on the side of
                                                                                    the hill was first built in 1951, when
                                                                                    Mr. Eduardo Tromp constructed it.
                                                                                    At that time, the staircase consist-
                                                                                    ed of 900 steps. Over time, as the
                                                                                    steps faced erosion, the government
                                                                                    decided to renovate these stairs in
                                                                                    1991. This new project delivered the
                                                                                    newer staircase with only 587 steps.
                                                                                    However, don’t be fooled—it may still
                                                                                    be a work out to get on top. In addi-
            (Oranjestad)—If you are a regular  Santa Anna mountain located in the  tion, there is now a gazebo placed
            hiker, or maybe want to spice up  coastal state of  Falcon in Venezuela,  halfway up the stair for a little rest.
            your morning work out session, then  providing one of the best views you  The view at this resting stop is also a
            you might enjoy one of the most pop-  can get on Aruba.                 sight to see.
            ular climbing sites on the island: The                                  The best time to climb the hill would
            Hooiberg Hill. Accompanied with a  located at the center district of the  be early in the morning or right be-
            600-step staircase, this hill overlooks  island, Santa Cruz, the Hooiberg Hill  fore sunset, as it may not be as hot.
            a great part of the island, the Carib-  is the second highest point on the  However, the hill is of course open
            bean sea, and sometimes even the  island at 165 meters above sea level  all day, every day.q

            The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history

            (Oranjestad)—The  Bushiri-   sioned  by  the  Dutch  West  ing for more gold. About 25
            bana Gold Mill Ruins is one  India Company. Under the  pounds worth was found.
            of  the  most  visited  places  leadership  of  Mr.  Paulus
            by  tourists  on  the  island,  Printz,  a  three-year  search  At the same time, the Aru-
            as  it  lies  along  the  north-  was conducted on Aruba,  ban  government  took  im-
            ern coast line near the mini  to  no  avail.  Though  they  mediate  actions,  and  in-
            pool and on the way to the  found  some  gold,  it  was  formed Curacao that gold
            Natural  Bridge.  Despite  its  enough  to  motivate  a  fur-  was  found.  At  first,  every-
            seemingly  plain  appear-    ther search, and the assign-  one  could  look  for  gold,
            ance,  this  ruin  represents  ment  was  discontinued  by  as  long  as  they  sold  it  to
            one  of  the  most  important  Printz himself.            the government. However,
            histories  of  the  island:  The                          after  some  time,  the  gov-
            Aruban Gold Rush.            It wasn’t until 100 years lat-  ernment  decided  to  im-
                                         er,  in  1824,  when  a  young  plement  stricter  rules  and  was  no  different,  but  used  the Bushiribana Gold Mill.
            Built in 1872 by English com-  boy  found  a  lump  of  gold  banned  local  search  par-  a  unique  method  that  in-
            pany  Aruba  Island  Gold  while  out  herding  his  fa-  ties.                        volved  grinding  the  rocks  The  gold  mill  itself  had  a
            Mining  Company  Ltd,  the  ther’s sheep. His father took                              and  letting  the  dust  be  short life-span: only 10 years
            gold  mill  at  Bushiribana  it to a local merchant who  Over the years, concession-   blown  away  by  the  strong  in  service,  but  its  structure
            was  constructed  in  the  then sold the lump for $70.  holding had seen different  northeast  wind,  leaving  remained relatively solid till
            area where most gold was  Unbeknownst  to  the  boy  companies  from  around  clumps of gold behind. The  this  day,  and  is  now  a  his-
            found  by  locals.  The  story  and  his  father,  they  quite  the world, all of which used  next  step  was  melting  the  torical remnant.
            of  gold  on  Aruba  actually  literally  struck  gold,  and  primitive  methods  to  dig  gold  and  letting  it  attach
            dates  back  to  1725,  when  as  word  got  out,  a  gold  and  carve  out  gold  from  to  quicksilver  in  order  to   Sources: Etnia Nativa & gold-
            a  first  exploration  for  gold  fever  spread  among  the  the  rocks.  Aruba  Island  obtain pure gold. All these
            on the island was commis-    locals  who  started  search-  Gold Mining Company Ltd.  processes  were  done  at
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