Page 13 - ATA 10 DEC 2015
P. 13
LOCALThursday 10 December 2015
Playa Linda Honors Its Hospitality Professionals
PALM BEACH –In honor of its deserved congratulations Subularse, who marked an
many, dedicated hospital- to individuals who have impressive 20 years with
ity professionals, Playa Lin- made a career at the Pla- the Playa Linda, as well as
da Beach Resort recently ya Linda, and who, Front Office and Reserva-
hosted a celebratory lunch in turn, have played an im- tions Manager Rocheline
for those employees com- portant role in making the ‘Roosje’ Roos and Con-
pleting a milestone work resort a top timeshare in cierge Yvette Tromp, both
anniversary this year. The Aruba. with 15 years.
festive event, held at Taste Among the honorees was Also receiving praise was
of Belgium, provided well- Grounds Attendant Gaspar Loss Prevention Officer Tito
Boekhoudt with 10 years
and Relief Engineer Sylves-
ter Celestine with five years
Earlier this year,
an even larger number
of milestone anniversa-
ries were celebrated, and
among them were em-
ployees who have been
at the resort almost since
it first opened its doors.
Honorees included 25-year
veterans, Cecilia Charles,
Catharina Angela, Amalia
Gomezand Monica Liver-
pool (now retired). Also re-
ceiving special recognition the efforts of the entire Pla-
was Maria Teresa Santana ya Linda team, that con-
and Maureen Wong, each tinue to bring accolades
with 20 years of service. for the resort, and constant
Eduard Maduro and An- commentary from guests
nelies de Cuba, each on the friendliness and ex-
marked 10 years, cellence of resort staff.
and Kenny Haakmeester Each of this year’s spe-
rounded up the group with cial honorees received a
five years on the job. souvenir picture frame as
It is the invaluable expertise well as the customary bo-
as well as the enduring loy- nus in appreciation for all
alty and diligence of these their years of outstanding
individuals, combined with work.q