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Diabierna, 7 Augustus 2020                                   AWEMainta                                                                      11

           Aruba Bank ta yuda Fundacion Mi Voz

                  Ta Bo Voz pa por yuda 200 mucha

       Aruba Bank, representa
       pa Sra. Gina Habibe-                   ANUNCIO IMPORTANTE
       Arendsz,       Executive
       Director y  Sra.  Nataly               Na Aruba Bank N.V. nos ta haci tur locual ta na nos alcanse pa sigura e bienestar di nos
       Executive  Director  a                 clientenan y nos empleadonan. Nos a tuma e decision pa adapta nos horario di servicio na
       haci un donacion  na                   nos sucursalnan na Camacuri, Hato y San Nicolas, cuminsando, 6 di augustus, 2020. Nos
       Fundacion  Mi  Voz Ta                  lo ta operacional for di 8:00 am te cu 2:00 pm, te cu proximo aviso.
       Bo Voz, representa pa
       Sra.  Lisette Gomes,                   Tur nos ATM’s, Smart Deposit Machines y Night Depositories lo ta operacional manera
       Presidente      y     Sra.             custumber. Nos ta sigi brinda servicio na nos clientenan via nos Contact Center (527- 7777)
       Yolanda  Partosemito,                  (di 8:00 am te cu 6:30 pm) y via nos website (
       Tesorera, pa e proyecto
       di “Adopt a child  for                 Nos ta urgi nos clientenan pa uza e servicionan disponibel via Aruba Bank Online, Aruba
       back to school”. Un                    Bank App, ATMs, servicionan via Drive Thru, Night Depositories y areanan di Self-Service.
       total di 200 muchanan
       lo ricibi ayudo for di e               Bishita nos na pa mas informacion y update frecuente.
       fundacion  pa e aña
       escolar 2020-2021.                     Masha danki pa e pasenshi y comprencion.

       E meta di e Fundacion
       cu e proyecto di back to                 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT
       school ta  pa por yuda
       diferente famia cu ta
       den necesidad y no por                 At Aruba Bank N.V. we care deeply about doing what we can to keep our customers and
       cumpra e articulonan di                employees safe. We have decided to adapt our business hours at our branches at Camacuri,
       scol pa nan yui.                       Hato, and San Nicolas, starting, August 6th, 2020. We will be operational from 8:00 am until
                                              2:00 pm, until further notice.

       Ademas di esaki nan
       lo sigui tambe cu  nan                 All our ATM’s, Smart Deposit Machines and Night Depositories will remain operational as
       tarea di  atende  cu tur               usual. We will continue to deliver services to our customers via our Contact Center (527 7777)
       tipo di caso relaciona                 (from 8:00 am until 6:30 pm) and via our website (
       cu abuso di mucha y lo
       sigui duna guia tambe                  We urge our customers to use services available via Aruba Bank Online, Aruba Bank App,
       na muchanan y  fami-                   ATMs, services via Drive Thru’s, Night Depositories, and/or Self-Service areas.
       anan cu a wordo abusa
       di un manera  of otro.                 Please visit for more information and frequent
       Banda di esaki lo tra-                 updates.
       ha riba prevencion  cu
       focus ariba e mucha.                   We thank you for your patience and understanding.
       E meta ta pa yega di-
       rectamente na e mu-
       cha y crea muchanan
       fuerte cu nan por para
       pa nan mes y bisa no
       na abuso. Aruba Bank                     Visit
       ta desea tur mucha un                    for more information.
       bon comienso di aña
       escolar 2020-2021!
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