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                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            An infamous day. A search for answers. Will America tune in?

            By CALVIN WOODWARD           world can’t shake and split
            Associated Press             into two hostile camps over
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  In  a  politics  and  culture  —  the
            time of agonizing over oth-  twin  pillars  of  the  nation’s
            er  things,  the  Jan.  6,  2021,  very foundation.
            attack  on  the  U.S.  Capitol  And they’ve already been
            — and democracy itself —  through  the  wringer  on  all
            returns in sharp focus as a  things Trump.
            special  House  committee  Beginning in prime time on
            opens  hearings  this  week  Thursday,  the  committee
            on  the  insurrection  and  is  setting  out  to  establish
            Donald  Trump’s  part  in  it.  the  historical  record  of  an
            Will Americans care?         event  damaging  not  only
            The  committee’s  aggres-    to a community or individ-
            sive investigation is produc-  ual families but to the col-
            ing a spool of plot lines that  lective idea of democracy
            together will tell the tale of  itself.
            a violent uprising fueled by  After  more  than  100  sub-
            the venom and lies of a de-  poenas,  1,000  interviews
            feated president.            and  100,000  documents,
            But  Americans  are  pro-    the committee promises to
            cessing  the  nightmare  of  tell a story for the ages.
            the slaughter of children in  Dozens of the insurrection-
            Texas, the racist murders in  ists  have  been  brought  to   Police with guns drawn watch as rioters try to break into the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol on
            Buffalo, New York, and the  justice.  But  the  commit-   Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington.                                          Associated Press
            other  numbingly  repeated  tee’s goal is larger: Who in
            scenes  of  carnage  in  the  a position of power should   besieged Capitol because  ry? Did Trump flush incrimi-   mused  they  may  be,  and
            United States.               also be held to account?     he  suspected  the  Secret  nating  papers  down  the  whether  that  might  mean
            They’re  contending  with  There are so many layers of    Service  at  the  behest  of  White House toilet?         prosecution of an ex-presi-
            what  feels  like  highway  inquiry.                      Trump  was  trying  to  take  One  aim:  to  establish  dent.
            robbery  at  the  gas  pump,  Did  Vice  President  Mike   him away to stop him from  whether  Trump’s  acts  are
            nagged  by  a  virus  the  Pence  refuse  to  leave  the   certifying Joe Biden’s victo-  criminal, as one judge has        Continued on Page 2
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