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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 16 OctOber 2021

                          UK counterterror officers lead probe in lawmaker’s slaying

            (AP)  —  A  long-serving  member  Sir David.                            sionate, well liked colleagues in Par-  Kim Leadbeater, Jo Cox’s sister and
            of  Parliament  was  stabbed  to                                        liament. But I can’t. I feel sick. I am  now a member of Parliament herself,
            death  Friday  during  a  meeting  Politicians  from  across  the  political  lost.”                        said it was “horrific” that Amess’ fam-
            with  constituents  at  a  church  in  spectrum  expressed  shock  and  sor-                                ily  was  experiencing  what  hers  had
            England,  an  attack  that  united  row at the death of Amess, who leaves  Scottish  First  Minister  Nicola  Stur-  gone through.
            Britain’s  fractious  politicians  in  a wife and five children. Flags at Par-  geon  of  the  Scottish  National  Party
            shock  and  sorrow.  A  25-year-old  liament were lowered to half-staff.  said on Twitter: “In a democracy, poli-  “They  will  think  about  this  every
            man was arrested at the scene.                                          ticians must be accessible and open to  single day for the rest of their lives,”
                                                “This  is  an  incident  that  will  send  scrutiny, but no one deserves to have  she said.
            Police said that counterterrorism of-  shockwaves across the parliamentary  their life taken while working for and
            ficers  were  leading  the  investigation  community and the whole country,”  representing their constituents.”  “I find myself now working as a poli-
            into the slaying of Conservative law-  House  of  Commons  Speaker  Lind-  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  Justin  tician and trying to do good things for
            maker David Amess but that they had  say Hoyle said. “In the coming days  Welby,  head  of  the  Church  of  Eng-  people, and it’s really important you
            not yet determined whether it was a  we will need to discuss and examine  land,  said  the  killing  was  a  blow  to  get  good  people  in  public  life,  but
            terrorist attack. They did not identify  MPs’  security  and  any  measures  to  “everyone who desires a peaceful and  this is the risk we are all taking, and
            the suspect, who was held on suspi-  be taken, but for now, our thoughts  flourishing democracy.”           so many MPs will be scared by this.”
            cion of murder.                     and prayers are with David’s family,
                                                friends and colleagues.”
            “The investigation is in its very early
            stages,” Essex Police Chief Constable  Violence against British politicians is
            Ben-Julian Harrington said.         rare, but concerns have grown in re-
                                                cent years about the increasingly bit-
            The slaying came five years after an-  ter polarization of the country’s poli-
            other MP, Jo Cox, was murdered by a  tics. Several people have been jailed
            far-right extremist in her small-town  in recent years for threatening British
            constituency, and it renewed concern  lawmakers.
            about the risks politicians run as they
            go about their work representing vot-  In 2016, a week before the country’s
            ers.  British  politicians  generally  are  divisive  Brexit  referendum,  Cox,  a
            not  given  police  protection  when  Labour  Party  lawmaker,  was  fatally
            they meet with their constituents.  stabbed  and  shot  in  her  northern
                                                England  constituency.  An  extremist
            Prime  Minister  Boris  Johnson  said  was convicted.
            he  and  his  Cabinet  were  “deeply
            shocked and heart-stricken.”        British  lawmakers  are  protected  by
                                                armed  police  when  they  are  inside
            “David was a man who believed pas-  Parliament,  and  security  there  was
            sionately in this country and in its fu-  tightened after an attacker inspired by
            ture, and we’ve lost today a fine pub-  the Islamic State group fatally stabbed
            lic servant and a much-loved friend  a police officer at the gates in 2017.
            and colleague,” Johnson said.
                                                But politicians have no such protec-
            The  prime  minister  would  not  say  tion  in  their  constituencies.  Amess
            whether the attack meant politicians  published the times and locations of
            needed  tighter  security,  saying,  “We  his open meetings with constituents
            must really leave the police to get on  on his website.
            with their investigation.”
                                                Two  other  British  lawmakers  have
            Amess, 69, was attacked around mid-  been attacked over the past two de-
            day  at  a  Methodist  church  in  the  cades during their “surgeries,” regu-
            town of Leigh-on-Sea, about 40 miles  lar meetings where constituents can
            (62 kilometers) east of London. Para-  present concerns and complaints.
            medics tried without success to save
            him. Police arrested the suspect and  Labour  legislator  Stephen  Timms
            recovered a knife.                  was stabbed in the stomach in 2010
                                                by  a  student  radicalized  by  online
            “We are not looking for anyone else in  sermons  from  an  al-Qaida-linked
            connection with the incident and do  preacher.
            not believe there is an ongoing threat
            to the wider public,” police said.  In  2000,  Liberal  Democrat  Nigel
                                                Jones and his aide Andrew Penning-
            Amess  had  been  a  member  of  Par-  ton were attacked by a man wielding
            liament  for  Southend  West,  which  a sword during such a meeting. Pen-
            includes  Leigh-on-Sea,  since  1997,  nington was killed and Jones wound-
            and had been a lawmaker since 1983,  ed in the attack in Cheltenham, Eng-
            making him one of the longest-serv-  land.
            ing politicians in the House of Com-
            mons.                               Former Prime Minister Theresa May,
                                                a Conservative, tweeted that Amess’
            A social conservative on the right of  killing was a “tragic day for our de-
            his  party,  he  was  a  well-liked  figure  mocracy,” and former Labour Prime
            with  a  reputation  for  working  hard  Minister  Tony  Blair  said  he  was
            for his constituents and campaigning  “shocked and horrified.”
            ceaselessly to have Southend declared
            a city.                             Conservative    lawmaker    Tracey
                                                Crouch  tweeted:  “Heartbroken.  I
            He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth  could write reams on how Sir David
            II in 2015 for his service, becoming  was one of the kindest, most compas-
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