P. 24
Saturday 16 June 2018
Apple closing iPhone security gap used by law enforcement
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE ate with the FBI at the time
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — became a political hot
Apple is closing a security potato pitting the rights of
gap that allowed outsiders its customers against the
to pry personal information broader interests of pub-
from locked iPhones with- lic safety. While waging his
out a password, a change successful 2016 campaign,
that will thwart law enforce- President Donald Trump
ment agencies that have ripped Apple for deny-
been exploiting the vulner- ing FBI access to the San
ability to collect evidence Bernardino killer's locked
in criminal investigations. iPhone.
The loophole will be shut In a Wednesday state-
down in a forthcoming ment, Apple framed its de-
update to Apple's iOS cision to tighten iPhone se-
software, which powers curity even further as part
iPhones. of its crusade to protect the
Once fixed, iPhones will no highly personal information
longer be vulnerable to in- that its customers store on
trusion via the Lightning port their phones.
used both to transfer data CEO Tim Cook has hailed
and to charge iPhones. The privacy as a "fundamen-
port will still function after tal" right of people and
the update, but will shut off In this July 28, 2016 file photo, the Apple logo is shown on a sign hanging in front of a new Apple skewered both Facebook
data an hour after a phone Store, in the Williamsburg section in the Brooklyn borough of New York. and one of Apple's biggest
is locked if the correct pass- Associated Press rivals, Google, for vacu-
word isn't entered. uming up vast amounts of
The current flaw has pro- identified third party in few months earlier. The FBI company create a security personal information about
vided a point of entry for 2016 to unlock an iPhone sought outside help after backdoor into iPhone tech- users of their free services
authorities across the U.S. used by a mass killer in the Apple rebuffed the agen- nology. to sell advertising based on
since the FBI paid an un- San Bernardino shooting a cy's efforts to make the Apple's refusal to cooper- their interests. q
Samsung joins global pledge to increase renewable energy use
By YOUKYUNG LEE display panels, said in April
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — it would push its supply
Samsung Electronics Co., chain to switch to renew-
the world's biggest smart- able energy.
phone maker, joined on Samsung gave no renew-
Thursday a growing list of able energy target for fa-
companies that are prom- cilities in its home country of
ising to increase their use of South Korea, where about
solar and other renewable three quarters of the en-
energy to help curb global ergy comes from coal and
warming. nuclear power.
Samsung, part of South It also declined to give a
Korea's biggest corporate target for Vietnam, which
group, is the first Asian elec- has become its largest
tronics manufacturer to join manufacturing base for
a movement spearheaded smartphones.
by Apple Inc. and other Sili- Samsung, also a major pro-
con Valley companies. ducer of computer chips,
The South Korean tech gi- said its plans include in-
ant said it would use more stalling 42,000 square me-
renewable energy at fac- ters (450,000 square feet)
tories and other operations of solar panels this year at
in the United States, Europe In this Jan. 31, 2018, file photo, an employee walks past a logo of the Samsung Electronics Co. at its headquarters in Suwon,
and China but still would its office in Seoul, South Korea. South Korea, and two other
rely on local power grids Associated Press cities where it operates ma-
that use fossil fuels and, jor semiconductor plants.
to compensate for that, BMW AG and a handful of the list rely on outside con- Samsung a year ago to set The effect of that would be
would buy credits from out- other manufacturers. Most tractors for manufacturing. a renewable energy tar- largely symbolic because
side renewable energy sup- are in less energy-intensive "Samsung's commitment get. the portion of renewable
pliers. The company said it technology and service in- represents a big step for- The company faced grow- energy in Samsung's South
had not determined which dustries. ward in reducing the im- ing pressure from clients for Korean business still would
providers it might use. The maker of Galaxy smart- pact that our technology its manufacturing services, be minimal.
Other companies that phones faces bigger chal- is having on the planet," some of whom had called South Korea gets 6 percent
have joined the renewable lenges due to its vast fac- the environmental group on their suppliers to make a of its energy from renew-
energy pledge, dubbed RE tory network in more than Greenpeace said in a similar commitment. able sources. The govern-
100, include automakers 30 countries, while many of statement. Apple, a major customer ment aims to increase that
General Motors Co. and the Silicon Valley names on Activists began pressing for Samsung's chips and to 20 percent by 2030.q