P. 28

                     Saturday 16 June 2018
            Send in the goats: Portugal goes low-tech to beat wildfires

            By BARRY HATTON                                                                                                     less  than  75,000  hectares
            Associated Press                                                                                                    (185,325 acres). Since 2000,
            MOITA  DA  GUERRA,  Portu-                                                                                          that number has grown to
            gal  (AP)  —  Unaware  that                                                                                         more  than  150,000  hect-
            time is short, more than 200                                                                                        ares a year, with experts at-
            brown-and-white      goats                                                                                          tributing  the  rise  to  hotter,
            slowly  munch  their  way                                                                                           drier summers.
            through  the  thick  under-                                                                                         The  hamlet  of  Moita  da
            growth that covers the hills                                                                                        Guerra,  in  the  heart  of
            of southern Portugal.                                                                                               the  Serra  do  Caldeirao  hill
            Squinting  against  the  sun's                                                                                      range,  250  kilometers  (150
            glare,  Daniel  Fernandes,                                                                                          miles)  south  of  the  capital
            a  61-year-old  goatherd,                                                                                           Lisbon,  illustrates  some  of
            whistles and makes clicking                                                                                         the challenges.  It lies in a
            noises to direct his animals                                                                                        thinly populated area only
            across  the  ridges  where                                                                                          a  few  kilometers  (miles)
            they can fill their bellies on                                                                                      from  the  famous  beaches
            the dense vegetation.                                                                                               that  make  this  Algarve  re-
            Yet  this  is  not  just  a  pretty                                                                                 gion  one  of  Europe's  top
            pastoral scene. These hun-                                                                                          vacation destinations.
            gry  goats  are  on  the  front                                                                                     "There  used  to  be  lots  of
            lines  of  Portugal's  fight                                                                                        herds  around  here,"  Fer-
            against  deadly  summer                                                                                             nandes, the goatherd, says,
            wildfires.                                                                                                          leaning on his thick walking
            The  government  is  hiring                                                                                         stick.  "Some  people  have
            this  herd,  and  dozens  of                                                                                        died,  some  gave  up,  and
            others  nationwide,  as  part                                                                                       young  people  aren't  inter-
            of its race against the clock                                                                                       ested in this."
            to  guard  rugged  parts  of                                                                                        Fanned  by  the  summer
            the  Iberian  nation  against                                                                                       "Nortada" — north wind —
            a repeat of last year's cat-  In this picture taken June 5 2018, a goat eats under the trees in Moita da Guerra, on the hills of   the  abundant,  waist-high
            astrophic  wildfires.  That  in-  southern Portugal's Algarve region.                                               brush  here  fuels  wildfires
            cludes  trying  to  clean  up                                                                      Associated Press  that race across the hills.
            as much woodland as pos-                                                                                            Fernandes  and  his  wife
            sible  before  temperatures  one that has at times been  Emergency  shelters  and  towns  and  cities.  That  has  Anita  —  the  only  two  resi-
            rise and the land becomes  slowed  by  red  tape.  But  evacuation  routes  are  be-   left  care  of  the  forests  in  dents left in Moita da Guer-
            a tinderbox.                 one  of  the  tactics  being  ing  established  in  villages,  the hands of mostly elderly  ra  —  vividly  recall  a  major
            Blazes  routinely  blacken  adopted  is  a  proven  win-  and  their  church  bells  will  people  who  often  lack  fi-  blaze  in  2004  that  almost
            large areas of forest every  ner: Deploying goats as an  now toll when a wildfire ap-  nancial resources.           engulfed them. In the end,
            year  in  Portugal.  But  last  environmentally-friendly  proaches.                    Portuguese    farmers   of-  the flames leapt over them
            year  they  killed  106  peo-  way to prevent wildfires has  The  government  is  also  ten  plant  long,  unbroken  between the treetops and
            ple in what was by far the  been done for decades in  upgrading  firefighters'  re-    stretches  of  eucalyptus,  a  kept  going.  Their  goats
            deadliest  summer  fire  sea-  the United States, especial-  sponse  capabilities,  hiring  fast-growing tree that offers  were crucial to the family's
            son on record. It was also a  ly California and the Pacific  12  water-dumping  planes  a quick financial return from  survival, because they had
            wake-up call for authorities,  Northwest.                 and  41  helicopters.  In  the  the country's important pa-  eaten and trampled down
            who were slow to react to  With  Portugal's  peak  July  peak  wildfire  period,  it  per  pulp  industry.  But  eu-  the  undergrowth  that  sur-
            social trends and a chang-   1-Sept.  30  wildfire  period  promises  that  more  than  calyptus  also  burns  like  a  rounded their home, starv-
            ing climate.                 just around the corner, the  10,700 firefighters will be on  fire torch. The government  ing the flames.
            "Last year was when it be-   government  is  enacting  standby — 1,000 more than  is  introducing  legislation  to  His latest herd is busy on a
            came  patently  clear  to  a  raft  of  preventive  mea-  last year.                   encourage the planting of  government-financed  mis-
            us  that  something  differ-  sures.  They  include  using  But even as Portugal rushes  more  slow-growing  native  sion  this  year  to  carve  out
            ent had to be done," says  goats  and  bulldozers  to  to get ready, experts warn  species, such as cork trees,  firebreaks  in  the  Algarve
            Miguel Joao de Freitas, the  clear  woodland  10  me-     it will likely take years to cor-  holm oaks or chestnut trees,  before the hot days of sum-
            government's junior minister  ters (33 feet) either side of  rect  the  trends  that  make  which are more resilient to  mer arrive.
            for  forests  and  rural  devel-  country  roads.  Property  the  country  especially  vul-  flames  and  can  slow  the  Still,  a  lot  remains  to  be
            opment.  "Prevention  is  the  owners must clear a 50-me-  nerable.                    advance of wildfires.        done to fend off the threat
            most  urgent  requirement,  ter (164-foot) radius around  In recent decades, people  Climate  change  isn't  help-  of wildfires in Portugal — a
            and  it  has  to  be  done  as  an isolated house, and 100  have  deserted  the  coun-  ing.  In  the  1980s,  Portugal  project that experts say will
            soon as possible."           meters (328 feet) around a  tryside  in  droves  to  pur-  saw  its  annual  average  of  take years.
            It's  a  mammoth  task,  and  hamlet.                     sue  a  better  life  in  bigger  charred  forest  come  in  at  "Unfortunately,  there  is  no
                                                                                                                                single,  game-changing  fix
                                                                                                                                to  the  dilemma  Portugal
                                                                                                                                now finds itself in regarding
                                                                                                                                the  threat  of  catastrophic
                                                                                                                                fire," a report published by
                                                                                                                                fire  experts  in  April  com-
                                                                                                                                mented.  "Rather,  the  solu-
                                                                                                                                tion  will  demand  dozens
                                                                                                                                of  strategic  improvements
                                                                                                                                made  in  the  next  several
                                                                                                                                years and possibly over the
                                                                                                                                next decade."q
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