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Ayo & Casibari: Aruba’s famous rock
                                      formations                                                  A brief
                                                                                             history of the

                                                                                              Light House

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                                                                                      May 11, 2024
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                     The stories of “Compa Nanzi”
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r

            The Biden-Netanyahu relationship is strained like never before.

            Can the two leaders move forward?

            By AAMER MADHANI, ZEKE
            MILLER and JULIA FRANKEL
             Associated Press
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-
            dent Joe Biden and Israeli
            Prime  Minister  Benjamin
            Netanyahu     have    long
            managed  a  complicated
            relationship,  but  they’re
            running  out  of  space  to
            maneuver as their views on
            the Gaza war diverge and
            their  political  futures  hang
            in the balance.
            Their  ties  have  hit  a  low
            point as Biden holds up the
            delivery of heavy bombs to
            Israel — and warns that the
            provision  of  artillery  and
            other weaponry also could
            be  suspended  if  Netan-
            yahu  moves  forward  with
            a  widescale  operation  in
            the  southern  Gaza  city  of
            Netanyahu,  for  his  part,  is
            brushing  off  Biden’s  warn-
            ings  and  vowing  to  press
            ahead, saying, “If we have
            to  stand  alone,  we  will
            stand alone.”                This combination photo shows President Joe Biden, left, on March 8, 2024, in Wallingford, Pa., and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
                                         Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct. 28, 2023.
                  Continued on page 2                                                                                                       Associated Press
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