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                     Saturday 11 May 2024
            A campaign ad by a South African party showing a burning flag is

            called treason by the president

            By GERALD IMRAY                                                                        our unity. The symbol of our  or heard it on other TV and
            Associated Press                                                                       existence as a nation. And I  radio stations.
            CAPE  TOWN,  South  Africa                                                             think it is treasonous.”     He  said  Ramaphosa  and
            (AP) — A campaign video                                                                Racial  undertones  remain  the  ANC’s  history  of  cor-
            for  South  Africa’s  oppo-                                                            in the country, which is still  ruption  and  mismanage-
            sition  party  showing  the                                                            uneasy  about  its  history  ment are to blame for the
            country’s flag in flames has                                                           of  brutal  segregation.  The  economic  crisis  that  now
            stoked  tensions  just  weeks                                                          opposition  Democratic  Al-  plagues  South  Africa,  with
            ahead  of  national  elec-                                                             liance  is  the  only  one  of  the  official  unemployment
            tions  that  are  seen  as  the                                                        South  Africa’s  main  politi-  rate  at  32%  —  the  highest
            most pivotal since the end                                                             cal parties that is led by a  in the world. More than 30
            of the apartheid system of                                                             white  politician  and  has  million South Africans live in
            racial segregation 30 years   This frame grab taken on Friday, May 10, 2024 from video from a   sometimes  been  accused  poverty,  according  to  the
            ago.                          campaign clip for South Africa’s opposition Democratic Alliance   of prioritizing the interests of  World Bank.
                                          party shows the country’s flag in flames.
            The  opposition  Democrat-                                            Associated Press   the  country’s  white  minor-  Analysts  predict  the  elec-
            ic  Alliance  says  the  ad  is                                                        ity.                         tion  will  be  a  turning  point
            a  symbolic  depiction  of  Some say the ad accurate-     but  critics  say  burning  the  Thuli   Madonsela,   who  for  South  Africa  and  that
            what  it  claims  will  befall  ly portrays the deep prob-  flag  —  for  many  a  sym-  helped draft a new demo-   the ANC will lose its parlia-
            the country if the ruling Af-  lems  of  the  African  con-  bol  of  their  liberation  from  cratic  constitution  follow-  mentary majority for the first
            rican National Congress, or  tinent’s  most  advanced  apartheid  —  goes  too  far,  ing  the  end  of  apartheid,  time,  requiring  it  to  form  a
            ANC, forms a coalition with  economy.                     though burning the nation-   said  on  the  social  media  coalition to stay in power.
            two other parties to remain  In  the  video,  which  has  al flag is not illegal in South  platform X that she is con-  Some  say  the  DA’s  cam-
            in  power  after  the  May  29  been posted on social me-  Africa.                     cerned  the  ad’s  designers  paign  ad  is  legitimate.  On
            election.                    dia and on the Democratic  The  multicolored  flag  was  may  harbor  “unconscious  Wednesday,  SABC  pub-
            South   African   President  Alliance’s   social   media  adopted  after  the  first  all-  rage against our flag.”  lished an interview with po-
            Cyril   Ramaphosa,     who  pages, a narrator says: “This  race elections that brought  DA  leader  John  Steen-    litical  analyst  Solly  Moeng,
            leads the ANC, has called  election is about survival.”   the  ANC  to  power  under  huisen said in a campaign  a Black political analyst.
            the  ad  “despicable”  and  “Unite  to  rescue  South  Af-  Nelson  Mandela  in  1994  speech  in  the  city  of  Jo-  “The  country  is  in  turmoil,
            “treasonous.”                rica,”  the  voice  adds  as  and officially ended apart-  hannesburg  on  Thursday  the country is burning,” said
            State  broadcaster  SABC  the video then plays in re-     heid.                        that  the  video  was  “the  Moeng. “The DA is portray-
            said  on  Thursday  it  would  verse and the flag emerg-  “It  is  that  flag  that  unites  most  successful  political  ing the country, the symbol
            not  air  the  video  because  es intact, with the caption  all of us,” Ramaphosa said  advertisement in our dem-   of  the  country,  which  is  in
            of an alleged “outcry from  “VOTE DA” over it.            earlier this week. “It is despi-  ocratic  history,”  claiming  pain, turmoil, burning.”
            South  Africans”  and  that  The  Democratic  Alliance  cable that a political party,  more than 4 million people  “There’s   nothing   wrong
            airing it would only be “fu-  has  come  up  with  contro-  as it seeks to express itself,  have viewed it online and  with that,” he said.q
            eling the outrage.”          versial ads in past elections  go and burn this symbol of  “millions  more”  have  seen

            Australian judge extends ban on X sharing video of Sydney bishop’s


            By ROD McGUIRK               April 22 and Kennett will de-                                                          speech stance.”
            Associated Press             cide on Monday whether it                                                              “The fact is that that stance
            MELBOURNE,  Australia  (AP)  will  continue  in  its  current                                                       is  in  large  measure  illusory.
            —  An  Australian  judge  on  form.                                                                                 Because  X  doesn’t  stand
            Friday extended a ban on X  X  is  alone  among  social                                                             for ‘global removal is bad’
            allowing videos of the stab-  media  platforms  in  fight-                                                          in  some  pure  sense,”  Beg-
            bing of a Sydney bishop in  ing  a  notice  from  Austra-                                                           bie said.
            his church last month after  lia’s  eSafety  Commission,                                                            X’s  own  policies  repeat-
            government  lawyers  con-    which  describes  itself  as                                                           edly refer to circumstances
            demned  the  social  media  the  world’s  first  govern-                                                            in  which  the  platform  will
            company’s  free  speech  ment  agency  dedicated                                                                    elect  to  remove  content
            argument  for  keeping  the  to  keeping  people  safer                                                             globally, Begbie said.
            graphic images circulating.  online,  to  take  down  the                                                           “The  real  position  is  this:
            Australian  Federal  Court  video of the attack during                                                              X  says  that  ‘reasonable’
            Justice  Geoffrey  Kennett  an  Assyrian  Orthodox  ser-  The opening page of X is displayed on a computer and phone   means  what  X  wants  it  to
            extended  his  order  that  X  vice streamed online.      in Sydney on Oct. 16, 2023.                               mean,” Begbie said.
            Corp.,  the  company  re-    A bishop and priest were in-                                          Associated Press   “Global removal is reason-
            branded by billionaire Elon  jured but both survived.                                                               able  when  X  does  it  be-
            Musk when he bought Twit-    Musk has accused Australia  but  eSafety  argues  the  An eSafety lawyer, Tim Beg-     cause X wants to do it. But
            ter  last  year,  block  users  of  censorship  and  has  ap-  video can be still accessed  bie, described X in court on  it  becomes  unreasonable
            from  sharing  videos  of  the  plied  to  the  Federal  Court  from  Australia  through  Vir-  Friday as a “market leader  when  X  is  told  to  do  it  by
            April 15 attack.             to  overturn  the  eSafety  tual Private Networks.        in  proliferating  and  distrib-  the laws of Australia,” Beg-
            The attack led to terrorism-  notice. The court will sit on  VPNs are services that allow  uting  violent  content  and  bie added.
            related  charges  for  the  Wednesday  to  consider  users to access sites in other  violent and extremist mate-    X  lawyer  Bret  Walker  said
            alleged  attacker,  a  teen-  setting  a  hearing  date  for  countries that are blocked  rial.”                    X  had  taken  reasonable
            ager,  and  triggered  a  riot  X’s application.          in their own nation. The reg-  Begbie   said   Australia  steps  to  block  the  con-
            outside the church.          X  has  geoblocked  Austra-  ulator  wants  a  worldwide  could  not  be  expected  to  tent from Australia but said
            The order has existed since  lian users from the content,  ban on the video.           conform  to  X’s  “pro-free  there had been glitches.q
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