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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 14 Mei 2022

                         No more murder charge for women in Louisiana abortion bill

            (AP) — The sponsor of a  Right  to  Life,  the  Louisi-
            bill  that  would  have  sub-  ana  Conference  of  Catholic  It  came  on  a  day  when  leg-
            jected  Louisiana  women  Bishops,  and  the  National  islation  was  already  moving
            to  murder  charges  for  Right  to  Life  Committee  slowly as lawmakers tried to
            having abortions abruptly  were  among  the  prominent  find  a  compromise  on  Mc-
            pulled  the  proposal  from  anti-abortion  opponents  of  Cormick’s  bill.  The  House
            debate Thursday night af-    the measure.                 recessed  for  more  than  an
            ter House members voted                                   hour while lawmakers broke
            65-26  to  totally  revamp  Edwards,  a  devout  Catholic,  into  groups  behind  closed
            the  legislation,  eliminat-  declared prosecuting women  doors  to  discuss  the  legisla-
            ing the criminal penalties.  for abortion “absurd.”       tion.
            The controversial bill would  McCormick  had  just  as  Pending at the time was the
            have ventured farther against  strongly  disagreed,  saying  a  amendment  by  Rep.  Alan
            abortion  than  lawmakers’  woman who has an abortion  Seabaugh.  The  Shreveport
            efforts  in  any  other  state.  It  should  be  in  the  same  legal  Republican  is  an  anti-abor-
            would  have  made  women  position  as  a  woman  who  tion stalwart. But his amend-   Seabaugh argued.             en  who  get  abortions,  but
            who  end  their  pregnancies  takes the life of a child after  ment  overhauled  McCor-                             a  committee  chairman  said
            subject to criminal homicide  birth.  “When  I  give  equal  mick’s  bill,  declaring  that  The  amendment  mirrors  a  Friday  he  would  not  allow
            prosecutions.                protection  to  the  unborn,  women would not face crim-  pending  Senate  bill  aimed  it.  “There  are  still  reason-
                                         that’s  the  possibility,”  he  inal penalties for abortion. It  at  tightening  up  Louisiana  able people in the Legislature
            “This  is  a  thorny  political  said in a Wednesday evening  also allowed abortion to save  abortion laws that would go  who are going to ensure that
            question,  but  we  all  know  phone interview.           the life of a pregnant woman.  into  effect  if  Roe  v.  Wade  is  extreme bills like that are not
            that it is actually very simple.                          And  it  eliminated  language  overturned.  McCormick,  as  going to get a hearing,” Rep.
            Abortion  is  murder,”  Rep.  Supporters  of  the  bill  were  in McCormick’s original bill  the  sponsor,  is  unlikely  to  Brent Crane said.
            Danny  McCormick,  a  Re-    adamant.  Scores  of  them  that  appeared  to  make  con-  advance it in the House but
            publican from Oil City, pro-  gathered  at  the  Capitol  to  traceptive  drugs  and  at  least  the  Senate  version  can  still  Louisiana  already  has  laws
            claimed as he opened debate.  pray  and  show  support.  As  some aspects of in vitro fer-  advance.                on  the  books  criminalizing
            He  noted  that  a  majority  of  the  group  watched  from  tilization illegal.                                    abortion, including a “trigger
            Louisiana  lawmakers  in  the  the  House  balcony  as  the                            McCormick’s  bill,  intro-   law” ensuring that it will be a
            heavily  Republican  Legisla-  bill was pulled, one shouted  The amendment also stripped  duced  in  March,  had  drawn  crime if the Supreme Court
            ture  say  they  are  anti-abor-  “Shame.”                language from McCormick’s  intense  scrutiny  in  light  of  reverses  the  Roe  vs.  Wade,
            tion, and briefly chided those                            bill  widely  regarded  as  bla-  last week’s leak of a draft of  the  1973  ruling  establishing
            abortion opponents who also  The House had not yet start-  tantly  unconstitutional  —  a  a U.S. Supreme Court opin-  abortion rights. The statutes
            oppose his bill. “We’re falter-  ed debating the controversial  declaration  that  any  federal  ion indicating the high court  appear  to  exempt  women
            ing  and  trying  to  explain  it  legislation when the building  law,  regulation  or  court  rul-  is preparing to overturn deci-  from  prosecution,  although
            away.”                       was  temporarily  evacuated  ing  that  allows  abortion  is  sions  upholding  a  constitu-  some  abortion  rights  advo-
                                         Thursday  after  the  speaker  void and that any judge who  tional right to abortion.  cates  have  suggested  they
            But    McCormick’s    mea-   interrupted  proceedings  and  blocks  enforcement  of  the                            need tightening.
            sure  had  drawn  increasingly  said an unknown, unclaimed  bill’s provisions could be im-  There was no indication yet
            strong opposition from many  package  had  been  found  in  peached.                   that lawmakers in other states  McCormick has said the ex-
            anti-abortion  stalwarts.  Gov.  the  capitol’s  Memorial  Hall                        are taking up similar legisla-  isting laws are inadequate to
            John  Bel  Edwards,  an  anti-  —  a  gathering  area  between  “We can’t grant ourselves the  tion.  In  Idaho,  Republican  give fetuses equal protection
            abortion   Democrat,   said  House  and  Senate  Cham-    power to order a court to rule  state Rep. Heather Scott has  under law.
            he  would  veto  it.  Louisiana  bers.                    future acts unconstitutional,”  proposed  prosecuting  wom-

                          Company charged in deadly 2017 Wisconsin plant explosion

            (AP) — A federal grand jury has  partment announced Friday.             ment  alleges  that  between  March  our team.”
            charged a milling company with                                          2013  and  February  2018,  the  com-
            fraud and conspiracy in connec-     The  grand  jury  returned  an  indict-  pany failed to keep up with cleanings  The explosion May 31, 2017, leveled
            tion  with  an  explosion  at  a  Wis-  ment earlier this week against Didion  at the Cambria plant as required by  most  of  the  sprawling  facility  about
            consin corn plant that killed five  Milling  Inc.  and  company  leaders,  federal  regulations  and  falsified  re-  45  miles  (72  kilometers)  northeast
            workers  in  2017,  the  Justice  De-  court  records  indicate.  The  indict-  cords to make it look as if the clean-  of Madison. Killed in the blast were
                                                                                    ings were completed.                Didion  employees  Duelle  Block,
                                                                                                                        Robert  Goodenow,  Carlos  “Charly”
                                                                                    The  indictment,  which  alleges  that  Nunez, Angel Reyes and Pawel Tor-
                                                                                    Didion’s safety violations caused the  doff.  Fifteen  more  people  were  in-
                                                                                    five employees’ deaths, goes on to say  jured.
                                                                                    that dust filters in the plant weren’t
                                                                                    properly  ventilated.  The  indictment  Federal inspectors have said an accu-
                                                                                    seeks  all  of  the  profits  Didion  has  mulation of grain dust likely caused
                                                                                    made off of the alleged conspiracy.  the explosion. Corn dust is combus-
                                                                                                                        tible; if concentrations in the air reach
                                                                                    Didion  officials  issued  a  statement  a high level a spark or other ignition
                                                                                    saying the explosion was an accident  source can cause it to catch fire and
                                                                                    and that they were disappointed that  explode.  Federal  regulations  require
                                                                                    the  federal  government  decided  to  grain mill operators to perform regu-
                                                                                    pursue “unwarranted charges.”       lar cleanings to reduce dust accumu-
                                                                                                                        lations that could fuel a blast.
                                                                                    “What  happened  on  May  31,  five
                                                                                    years ago was a horrible accident, not  The  U.S.  Occupational  Safety  and
                                                                                    a  criminal  act,”  the  statement  said.  Health Administration fined Didion
                                                                                    “While we have cooperated fully with  more than $1.8 million in connection
                                                                                    the  investigation  since  day  one,  we  with the explosion in the months fol-
                                                                                    now must respond with a strong, vig-  lowing the explosion.
                                                                                    orous  defense  for  the  company  and
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