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A30    world news
                       Diasabra 14 Mei 2022

                         UAE’s long-ailing leader Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed dies at 73

                                                                                    normalized relations in 2020.       ing Russia amid its war in Ukraine.
                                                                                                                        Messages of condolences also poured
                                                                                    The UAE announced a 40-day period  in  from  around  the  region  and  the
                                                                                    of mourning and a three-day suspen-  world, foremost from leaders of Arab
                                                                                    sion of work across the government  countries  supported  by  Abu  Dhabi.
                                                                                    and private sector, including flags to  Iran’s  state-run  IRNA  news  agency
                                                                                    be flown at half-staff.             said  the  country’s  foreign  minister,
                                                                                                                        Hossein  Amirabdollahian,  also  ex-
                                                                                    There was no immediate announce-    pressed condolences.
                                                                                    ment on a successor, although Sheikh
                                                                                    Mohammed  bin  Zayed  is  anticipat-  Sheikh Khalifa was the eldest son of
                                                                                    ed to claim the presidency at a time  Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan,
                                                                                    of  high  oil  prices,  which  boost  the  widely  revered  by  Emiratis  as  the
                                                                                    UAE’s spending power.               country’s  founding  father.  The  fed-
                                                                                                                        eration recently marked its 50th an-
                                                                                    “The UAE has lost a loyal son, and  niversary.
                                                                                    the  leader  of  its  blessed  empower-
                                                                                    ment  journey,”  Sheikh  Mohammed  Though  he  had  been  out  of  public
                                                                                    bin  Zayed  wrote  on  Twitter  after  sight  since  his  stroke,  Sheikh  Khal-
                                                                                    his brother’s death was officially an-  ifa’s  image  was  ubiquitous,  gracing
                                                                                    nounced on state media. “Khalifa bin  every hotel lobby and major govern-
            (AP)  —  The  United  Arab  Emir-   2014, a decade after becoming presi-  Zayed,  my  brother,  supporter  and  ment  office  across  the  country.  On
            ates’ long-ailing ruler and presi-  dent,  he  ceased  having  any  involve-  mentor,  may  Allah  Almighty  grant  occasion,  Emirati  state  media  pub-
            dent,  Sheikh  Khalifa  bin  Zayed  ment in the day-to-day affairs of rul-  you eternal peace.”             lished rare photographs and videos of
            Al Nahyan, died Friday, the gov-    ing the country.                                                        Sheikh Khalifa.
            ernment  announced  in  a  brief                                        In a statement, U.S. Secretary of State
            statement. He was 73.               The last several years of his life saw  Anthony  Blinken  described  Sheikh  The president holds the most power-
                                                his  half-brother  Abu  Dhabi  Crown  Khalifa “as a true friend of the United  ful  position  among  the  seven  semi-
            Sheikh Khalifa oversaw much of the  Prince Mohammed bin Zayed rise to  States,” adding that the U.S. remains  autonomous  city-states  of  the  UAE,
            country’s blistering economic growth  become the de-facto ruler and deci-  committed to its steadfast friendship  which  stretches  along  the  shores
            and  his  name  was  immortalized  on  sion-maker  of  major  foreign  policy  and cooperation with the UAE. Vice  of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of
            the world’s tallest building, the Burj  decisions, such as joining a Saudi-led  President  Kamala  Harris  also  ex-  Oman.  Historically,  the  president
            Khalifa,  after  bailing  out  debt-crip-  war  in  Yemen  and  spearheading  an  pressed her condolences.  is  from  Abu  Dhabi,  the  largest  and
            pled Dubai during its financial crisis  embargo on neighboring Qatar in re-                                 richest  of  the  seven  emirates.  The
            over a decade ago.                  cent years. The crown prince, also the  Ties have been strained between the  vice president and prime minister is
                                                deputy  supreme  commander  of  the  Biden administration and the leaders  from Dubai, titles currently held by
            However, after suffering a stroke and  armed forces, shepherded the UAE’s  of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which  Sheikh  Mohammed  bin  Rashid  Al
            undergoing  emergency  surgery  in  budding ties with Israel after the two  have not joined U.S. efforts in isolat-  Maktoum.

                         UN humanitarian official urges attention to drought in Kenya

            (AP)  —  A  top  United  Na-  as part of efforts to draw at-                           drought  conditions  are  af-
            tions  humanitarian  official  tention  to  the  humanitarian  The U.N. warned earlier this  fecting  pastoral  and  farming  Somalia is seen as particularly
            has  raised  concern  about  challenge stemming from the  year that an estimated 13 mil-  communities.              vulnerable.  About  250,000
            people going hungry in a re-  drought.                    lion people are facing severe                             people there died from hun-
            mote part of northern Kenya,                              hunger  in  the  wider  Horn  Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya  ger in 2011, when the U.N.
            joining calls for the interna-  “Lomoputh  deserves  our  at-  of  Africa  region  as  a  result  face the driest conditions re-  declared  a  famine  in  some
            tional community to commit  tention,”  Griffiths  said,  not-  of  persistent  drought  con-  corded since 1981, the U.N.  parts of the country. Half of
            more resources to address the  ing  that  children  scavenging  ditions.  Malnutrition  rates  World Food Program report-  them were children.
            wider region’s drought crisis.  for fruit to eat need help “to  are  high  in  the  region,  and  ed in February.
                                         have  the  slightest  possibility
            Martin  Griffiths,  the  U.N.  to survive to the next day.”
            under-secretary-general  for
            humanitarian  affairs,  said  he  Kenyan President Uhuru Ke-
            saw families in Kenya’s Tur-  nyatta  declared  the  drought
            kana region that have nothing  conditions a national disaster
            left after their animals starved  in September 2021.
            to  death.  Turkana  is  an  epi-
            center of the drought affect-  Some residents of Lomoputh
            ing parts of the East African  spoke  to  The  Associated
            country.                     Press of their desperate need
                                         for food aid.
            “The  world’s  attention  is
            elsewhere,  and  we  know  “I have not received any help,
            that,”  Griffiths  said  during  and  this  child  has  not  eaten
            a  visit  to  the  region  Thurs-  anything since yesterday,” Je-
            day. “And the world’s misery  cinta Maluk, a mother of five
            has not left Turkana, and the  children,  said.  “This  is  the
            world’s rains have not come  main problem.”
            to  Turkana,  and  we’ve  seen
            four successive failures of the  The extreme drought in Ke-
            rains.”                      nya, where 3.5 million people
                                         are  affected  by  severe  food
            Griffiths and other humani-  insecurity  and  acute  malnu-
            tarian  representatives  visited  trition,  has  excacerbated  the
            a  pastoralist  community  in  factors  causing  people  to  go
            Turkana’s  Lomuputh  area  hungry.
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