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A30 world news
Diaranson 6 Juli 2022
Blinken sets G-20 meeting with Chinese FM; silent on Russia
energy security. And, Rus- a valuable forum," State De- tin should attend but has
sian Foreign Minister Sergey partment spokesman Ned urged the Indonesian hosts
Lavrov will be there, mark- Price told reporters. to invite Ukrainian President
ing the first time that he and Volodymr Zelenskyy should
Blinken will be in the same Like many recent interna- the Russian leader partici-
room, let alone the same city, tional diplomatic gatherings, pate.
at the same time in nearly six the Bali meeting will be fo-
months. cused on Ukraine as the par- In the meantime, the U.S.
ticipants set the stage for a and China are separately at
The State Department an- summit of G-20 leaders, also severe odds over numerous
nounced Tuesday that Blink- to be held in Indonesia, in issues ranging from trade and
en would meet with Wang in November. But unlike, the human rights to Taiwan and
Bali, but had little to say about Western-dominated G-7 and disputes in the South China
the possibility of him see- NATO summits that were Sea.
ing Lavrov, who the U.S. has held in Europe last week, the Blinken's meeting with Yang
shunned since the Ukraine G-20 will have a different fla- was announced after China's
invasion in February. U.S. vor. envoy to trade war talks with
officials have accused Lavrov Washington expressed con-
and other Russian diplomats China and many other par- cern about U.S. tariffs on
of a lack of seriousness in the ticipants, including India, Chinese imports in a call with
run-up to the Ukraine war. South Africa, Brazil and sev- with Treasury Secretary Janet
eral other large developing Yellen. Neither said gave any
The Biden administration nations, have resisted signing indication that progress has
has ruled out "business as onto U.S. and European op- been made on the matter.
usual" with Russia while it position to Russia's invasion.
remains in Ukraine and U.S. Some have outright refused In his meeting with Wang,
officials said there would be Western entreaties to join Price said Blinken "will re-
no formal discussions be- condemnations of the con- inforce our commitment to
tween Blinken and Lavrov in flict, which the U.S. and its working with international
Bali. But, they could not rule allies see as an outright attack partners to confront global
out the possibility of a chance on the international rules- challenges, including food
encounter, which would based order that has prevailed and energy insecurity and the
their first since they last met since the end of World War II. threat Russia's continued war
(AP) — Secretary of State While strained U.S.-China in Geneva in January. against Ukraine presents to
Antony Blinken will see ties will be the focus of Blink- The divergence has set the the international order."
his Chinese counterpart en's talks with Chinese For- "The secretary intends to en- stage for a potentially con-
this week at a meeting of eign Minister Wang Yi, the gage fully in the G-20. I'm tentious preparatory meeting From Bali, Blinken will trav-
foreign ministers from the broader G-20 gathering in not going to speak to any ahead of November's sum- el to Bangkok, Thailand, to
Group of 20 bloc of na- Indonesia of leading indus- plans on the part of Foreign mit, amid questions about make up for a trip to the Thai
tions that will likely exac- trialized nations will almost Minister Lavrov ... but I can whether Russian President capital that he was forced to
erbate splits over Russia's certainly be overshadowed tell you the secretary will be Vladimir Puti n will at- cancel late last year due to
war in Ukraine. by the Ukraine conflict and a full and active participant tend. The U.S. has made COVID-19 reasons.
its effect on global food and in the G-20, which we see as clear it does not believe Pu-
Israel's Lapid meets Macron in Paris on first trip as PM
(AP) — Israeli caretaker "The current situation can- that it "will not be enough."
Prime Minister Yair Lapid not continue as it is. It will France helped negotiate the
on Tuesday used his first lead to a nuclear arms race deal and is one of the par-
trip abroad since taking in the Middle East, which ties in talks aimed at trying
office to urge world pow- would threaten world peace. to revive it. Israel says that
ers to step up pressure on We must all work together to if the agreement is restored,
Iran over its nuclear ac- stop that from happening," it should include tighter re-
tivities, calling the Islamic Lapid told reporters. strictions and address Iran's
republic a threat to re- non-nuclear military activi-
gional stability. He and Macron, both cen- ties across the region.
trists, called each other
Lapid met in Paris on Tues- friends, but disagreed over Lapid called the JCPOA a
day with French President the Iran nuclear deal. "dangerous deal," saying it
Emmanuel Macron, who isn't tough or far-reaching
called on Lapid to revive talks The 2015 deal offered Iran enough.
toward peace with the Pales- relief from economic sanc- He said Israel and France
tinians and said Israelis are tions in exchange for curbs "may have disagreements
"lucky" to have him in charge. on its nuclear activities. In about what the content of the
2018, then President Donald agreement should be, but we in opposition to Benjamin Netanyahu with the Israeli
Lapid, who took office Friday, Trump, with strong Israeli do not disagree on the facts: Netanyahu, the first govern- electorate.
focused on Israel's concerns backing, withdrew from the Iran continues to violate the ing coalition to include an
about Iran's nuclear ambi- deal, causing it to unravel. agreement and develop its Arab party. Macron used their meeting
tions and the stalled global Since then, Iran has stepped program, enriching uranium to urge efforts by Israel to-
deal aimed at curbing them. up key nuclear activities, beyond the level it is allowed Lapid will stay in office un- ward long-term peace with
Israel accuses Iran of trying to including uranium enrich- to and removing cameras til a November election and the Palestinians.
develop nuclear weapons — ment, well beyond the con- from nuclear sites." perhaps beyond if no clear
a charge Iran denies — and tours of the original agree- winner emerges. Making "There is no alternative to a
says the tattered nuclear deal ment. He heads the centrist Yesh his first trip abroad as prime return to political dialogue
doesn't include sufficient Macron called for a return Atid party, and was one of the minister, Lapid may try to between Israelis and Pales-
safeguards to halt Iran's prog- to the 2015 deal, called the architects of the historic alli- use the meeting with Macron tinians," he said, to revive "a
ress toward making a bomb. Joint Comprehensive Plan ance of eight diverse factions to bolster his credentials as a process that's been broken
of Action, but acknowledged that found common ground statesman and alternative to for too long."