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CREWMEMBER 2023   Alhambra Casino celebrates its Awards Ceremony 2023

 AWARD CEREMONY  ORANJESTAD – As every year, Alhambra Casino awarded  Annie Dirksz, marketing manager; Jan ten Have, regional
             its outstanding employees for the past year with a cele-
                                                                      speeches praising the commitment and incredible work
             bration ceremony, which included awards to commemo-      director of operations; and Susan Varnes, president, gave
 Anniversary Awards  rate anniversaries, perfect attendance as well as Crew-  by Alhambra Casino’s staff during 2023, and in the end,
             member and Supervisor of the year.                       handed out the awards for outstanding performances.

 5 years  15 years  The occasion was celebrated with a delicious lunch and  Everyone present was able to enjoy a happy occasion.
             live music by Nico Connor.
                                                                      Congratulations to the winners!q
 Jaysell Dirksz  Jane Geerman
 Jehrnon Geerman  Lubeychca Trott
 Sheritza Geerman
 Melinda Hassell
 Lindelle Koolman
 Paulus Lacle
 Jessica Maduro
 Joselyn Maduro
 Kelvin Maduro
 Robert Maduro
 Albert Neuman
 Genan Peterson
 Sylvester Rasmijn
 Ronald Toppenberg
 Melitsa Webb
 Hubert Wernet  25 years
 Lucia Willems
 Edward Mansell

 10 years

 Brunildo Kruythoff
 Erick Luidens
 Glenda Paesch
 Kenia Perez

                  Perfect Attendance
 20 years  30 years  Sandra Adamus     Urmi Inocencia           Jairo Paesch

                  Julio Andrade        Richard Jacobs           Jamie Pascal
 Shirley Adamus  Claverina Tromp  Robert Bareno  Ashward Jones  Kenia Perez
 Brenda de Cuba   Mozes Boekhoudt      Armando Kelly            Kim Pom
 Patrick Figaroa  Mayra Cole           Omar Kelly               Robert Quandus
 Oscard Pietersz  Aldrick Croes        Ronald Kelly             Dianira Ras
                  Gregorio de          Javier Kock              Omira Ras
                  Cuba                 Alexander Krozendijk     Sylvester Rasmijn
                  Michaud Daal         Brunildo Kruythoff       Julissa Rijke
                  Arthuro Danies       Evan Levingston          Rebecca Stennett
                  Glenn D'Aguiar       Nelson Lozano            Claverina Tromp
                  Jaysell Dirksz       Angelo Maduro            Lubeychca Trott
                  Michael Fenies       Carlos Maduro            Rudolph Vorst
                  Gerald de Freitas    Jason Maduro             Theodor Werleman
                  Edeline Geerman      Kelvin Maduro            Hubert Wernet
                  Haidee Godoy         Robert Maduro            Carlos Wester
                  Angela Goijla        Wilbert Maduro           Roberto Wever
                  Melinda Hassell      Na'Chelle Maria          Nereida Whitfi eld
                  John Henriquez       Edward Mansell           Jonathan Willems
                  Brenda Hughes        Maurys Odor              Lucia Willems
                  Enid Ignacio         Fatima Paesch
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