Page 13 - MIN TTC 5 DEC 2015
P. 13

                                                                                                                                      Saturday 5 December 2015

Chicken of Sea, Bumble Bee merger canned as US objects 

MARCY GORDON                    a year ago between Thai-        brand is StarKist Co., based     without this deal,” Assistant   companies had mutually
AP Business Writer              land’s largest seafood          in Pittsburgh, a subsidiary      Attorney General Bill Baer      agreed to terminate the
WASHINGTON (AP) —               company and Bumble Bee          of Dongwon Industries of         said in a printed statement.    deal. “During the last year,
Chicken of the Sea and          Foods of the U.S., was off.     Seoul, South Korea. Bumble       He said the two compa-          Bumble Bee has conduct-
Bumble Bee have called          If Thai Union Group, own-       Bee, which is owned by the       nies knew or should have        ed  business  as usual and
off their proposed merger       er of Chicken of the Sea,       British investment firm Lion     known that competition          now has a renewed focus
after the Obama adminis-        had bought Bumble Bee,          Capital LLP, is based in San     already is lacking in the       to execute its vision for the
tration told the companies      it would have combined          Diego. Tri-Union Seafoods,       canned tuna market, and         company well into the fu-
it would hurt competition in    the second- and third-larg-     the Thai Union subsidiary        more consolidation would        ture,” Lischewski said.
the U.S. canned tuna mar-       est sellers of tinned tuna in   operating as Chicken of          make the situation worse.       Representatives of Tri-Union
ket. The Justice Depart-        the U.S. in a market long       the Sea International, also      Bumble Bee CEO Chris            Seafoods didn’t immedi-
ment announced Friday           dominated by three ma-          is based in San Diego.           Lischewski confirmed in         ately return telephone calls
that the deal, announced        jor brands. The third major     “Consumers are better off        a statement that the two        seeking comment.q

China announces measure to limit stock market swings 

JOE McDONALD                    vestor rights and promote       A Chinese investor naps while monitoring stock prices at a brokerage house in Beijing, Friday,
AP Business Writer              orderly and healthy mar-
BEIJING (AP) — Chinese          ket development,” said a        Dec. 4, 2015. Asian stocks sank Friday, extending a sell-off in world markets after Europe’s
regulators announced a          statement on the websites
mechanism Friday to tem-        of the stock exchanges in       central bank unveiled plans to stimulate the continent’s ailing economy that fell short of investor
porarily suspend stock          Shanghai and the south-
trading in the event of         ern city of Shenzhen. Such      expectations. 							                                            (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
wide price swings in the        “circuit breakers” are rela-
latest attempt to enforce       tively common in Asian          Index soared more than           up prices if needed. The        The Shanghai index fell 30
stability in volatile markets.  stock markets. In Thailand,     150 percent starting late        bubble burst after an un-       percent in a few weeks but
Trading will be halted for 15   trading is suspended for 30     last year after state media      related change in banking       rebounded following Bei-
minutes if a broad market       minutes if the main market      said shares were inexpen-        rules in early June made        jing’s intervention. It has ris-
index, the CSI 300, rises or    index falls 10 percent from     sive. That led investors to      investors think Beijing’s sup-  en 20 percent from its low
falls by 5 percent, the Chi-    the previous day’s close.       believe Beijing would prop       port might be weakening.        in early August.q
na Securities Regulatory        The Chinese measure
Commission announced.           also calls for trading to be
The measure takes effect        suspended until the fol-
Jan. 1. Authorities are try-    lowing day if, even after
ing to restore confidence       temporary halts, the total
in Chinese stocks after a       daily change in the CSI
plunge in prices in June        300 exceeds 7 percent.
prompted a panicked,            The CSI 300 is made up of
multibillion-dollar govern-     the 300 largest-capitaliza-
ment intervention. Bei-         tion stocks on China’s ex-
jing is gradually unwind-       changes in Shanghai and
ing emergency controls          the southern city of Shen-
that included a freeze          zhen. It has risen or fallen
on new stock offerings to       by at least 5 percent on six
stop the market plunge.         trading days this year, most
The mechanism for tem-          recently on Aug. 24, when
porary trading suspensions      it fell 7.8 percent. Before
is intended to “safeguard       the June slump, the bench-
market order, protect in-       mark Shanghai Composite

OPEC keeps oil production at its current high level 

GEORGE JAHN                     ceiling of 30 million barrels,  line once it sheds nuclear-      but only after his country      production goes mostly
Associated Press                is likely to push the price of  related sanctions in a few       makes a “full return to the     for domestic consumption,
VIENNA (AP) — OPEC na-          oil down further.               months. Senior oil official      market.”                        that move could also add
tions decided Friday to         The ministers of the Or-        Amir Hossein Zamaninia           Iraq is also resurgent. The     some to the total amount
keep producing oil at their     ganization of the Petro-        said last week Iran hopes        country has seen the fast-      of OPEC barrels on sale.
current high levels, effec-     leum Exporting Countries        to bring an extra 500,000        est rise in crude produc-       A final statement on the
tively acknowledging their      appeared to have little         barrels on the market by         tion in the world this year.    meeting was unusual in not
inability to push up crude      choice. Major producing         early next year. He said he      It was pumping more than        mentioning any decision
prices.                         nations in the cartel were      hopes the extra output will      4 million barrels a day last    on production ceilings. But
An attempt to nudge the         opposed to reducing out-        be accommodated within           month and was respon-           conference president Em-
cost of oil higher would        put. Instead, OPEC is poised    OPEC’s formal ceiling of 30      sible for last month’s big-     manuel Ibe Kachikwu told
have involved lowering          to produce more oil.            million barrels a day.           gest monthly rise in output     reporters that there was
output. Instead, the orga-      Iran, which once pumped         Arriving for Friday’s meet-      among all OPEC countries.       agreement to maintain
nization’s endorsement of       around 4 million barrels a      ing, Iranian oil minister Bijan  And the ministers agreed to     “current actual produc-
present output, which is        day and is now down to          Namdar Zanganeh said             readmit past member Indo-       tion,” which is well above
more than 1.5 million bar-      about half that, is prepar-     Iran is ready to discuss a       nesia, to expand their ranks    the formal ceiling set at 30
rels a day above the formal     ing to come back fully on       ceiling for its production —     to 13. While that country’s     million barrels a day.q
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