Page 9 - MIN TTC 5 DEC 2015
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                                                                                                                                                                  Saturday 5 December 2015

The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba Recognized At 2015 Shoco Awards

PALM BEACH - The Ritz-      man from The Ritz-Carlton,    Aruba Tourism Author-
Carlton, Aruba is proud to  Aruba were nominated for      ity and Hotel Association,
announce that Ms. Alta-     awards including Ms. Lu-      honoring individuals within
gracia Lampe was award-     cia Franken – Supervisor of   the hospitality industry on
ed “Manager of the Year”    the Year, Carlos Irausquin –  the island. Honorees are
during the 2015 Aruba Sho-  One Happy Island Ambas-       recognized for their unique
co Awards held recently     sador, and Elba Fajardo –     service excellence quali-
on the island. In addition  Employee of the Year.         ties, hospitality experience
to Ms. Lampe, three addi-   The Shoco Awards are          and outstanding contribu-
tional Ladies and Gentle-   hosted annually by the        tions to the success of Aru-
                                                          ba’s tourism industry.
                                                          “We are thrilled that a
                                                          number of our ladies and
                                                          gentleman were recog-
                                                          nized by the Aruba Tourism
                                                          Authority and Hotel Asso-
                                                          ciation during the recent
                                                          Shoco Awards,” said Corey
                                                          Guest, director of Human
                                                          Resources for The Ritz-Carl-
                                                          ton, Aruba. “It is an honor
                                                          for our team to be recog-
                                                          nized for the exceptional
                                                          quality of service which we
                                                          remain so committed to
                                                          providing as Aruba contin-
                                                          ues to welcomes more and
                                                          more visitors from around
                                                          the world.”
                                                          The Shoco is Aruba’s local
                                                          indigenous bird and island
                                                          treasure, representing cre-
                                                          ativity, wisdom, focus and
                                                          vision. Award categories for
                                                          the annual event include:
                                                          Employee of the Year; Su-
                                                          pervisor of the Year; Man-
                                                          ager of the Year; Young
                                                          Tourism Professional of the
                                                          Year; Lifetime Achieve-
                                                          ment award; Tour Guide of
                                                          the Year and One Happy
                                                          Island Ambassador.q
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