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a4   local
                 Thursday 30 January 2025

            Papillon: Where Culinary Tradition Sparks with Timeless Elegance

                                                                       At the heart of Papillon’s magic lies its
                                                                       menu  –  a  symphony  of  flavors  orches-
                                                                       trated by culinary artisans. Imagine sa-
                                                                       voring  the  decadent  richness  of  foie
                                                                       gras or the sublime delicacy of frog legs,
                                                                       each  dish  a  love  letter  to  tradition  in-
                                                                       fused with a dash of innovation. And oh,
                                                                       the  spectacle  of  the  Dover  sole  being
                                                                       expertly prepared tableside! It’s culinary
                                                                       theater  at  its  finest,  leaving  you  spell-
                                                                       bound  with  every  bite.  All  this  served   yssey,  each  dish  meticulously  paired
                                                                       with a backdrop of the Caribbean am-        with wines handpicked from the largest
                                                                       bience, complete with live musical per-     French wine selection on the island by
             Tucked away in the vibrant heart of the Village for over   formances and an inviting and colorful     the esteemed Maitre d’ Michael Otten.
             a decade and a half, Papillon isn’t just a restaurant; it’s   twist to your dinner experience!        It’s a soirée reserved for those who truly
             a culinary adventure waiting to unfold. Picture this: a                                               appreciate the artistry of gastronomy –
             sanctuary where the flavors of the French Caribbean       But wait, there’s more! Enter the realm     an exquisite symphony for the palate.
             have  danced  harmoniously  with  classic  French  fare   of  the  Chef’s  Table,  a  weekly  extrava-
             for the past 15 years, all set against the backdrop of a   ganza  led  by  the  maestro  himself,  Ex-  In  essence,  Papillon  isn’t  just  a  restau-
             movie-inspired ambiance that’s as enchanting as it is     ecutive Chef Juan Ludeña. Prepare to        rant;  it’s  an  oasis  for  epicurean  explor-
             welcoming.                                                be  whisked  away  on  a  six-course  od-   ers. It’s where passion meets refinement,
                                                                                                                   where every dish is a masterpiece wait-
             Located in the heart of Palm Beach and within walk-                                                   ing to be savored, and every moment is
             ing distance from hotels and local markets in the area,                                               a celebration of the finer things in life. So
             Papillon takes the famous story of a French man expe-                                                 if you’re craving the warmth of French
             riencing the flavors and culture of the Caribbean and                                                 Caribbean delights, Papillon invites you
             incorporates  these  aspects  of  the  Caribbean  touch                                               to  join  them  on  an  unforgettable  jour-
             into their French culinary repertoire. Step through the                                               ney for the senses. Bon appétit!
             doors of the newly-expanded Papillon, and you’re not
             just stepping into a dining establishment; you’re step-                                               Papillon is located in Palm Beach in front
             ping into a world where sophistication embraces you                                                   of the Hilton Resort, and open from 5pm
             like an old friend. The decor, a homage to the allure of                                              to  10pm.  Early  Bird  takes  places  from
             the iconic film, casts a spell of intimacy and comfort,                                               5pm to 7pm. For reservations or more in-
             urging you to settle in and relish every moment. Here,                                                formation please contact the restaurant
             dining isn’t just about sustenance; it’s about indulging                                              at +297 699 5400, e-mail them at info@
             in  an  experience  meticulously  crafted  to  ignite  your                                  or visit their website
             senses.                                                                                               at papillonaruba.comq

            How Aruban beaches came to be!

            (Oranjestad)—We’ve talked  of Aruban beaches.             coral reefs) have started to  around a torn coral reef is  shallow?
            about the best beaches to                                 wear and tear the reefs over  swept away along with the  Ah!  Good  question…and
            visit on the island before, but   How did Aruba get its   time, resulting in its gradual  debris by the ocean stream.  interesting phrasing.
            have  you  ever  wondered      white, sandy beaches?      breakdown.  Fish  that  feed  However,  in  areas  where
            how Aruba got its white, san-  Aruba’s beaches have de-   off corals also contribute to  it’s shallow and the stream  Aruba is a continental island.
            dy beaches, and why there’s  veloped  over  the  span  of  this, one small bite at a time.  is  weaker,  the  sand  tends  The island actually forms part
            a clear difference between  thousands of years. Waves  Over the course of thousands  to sick to the bottom faster.  of South America, and the
            the  northern  and  southern  crashing  on  the  rocky  for-  of years, as waves continue  This  is  why  the  beaches  in  space between Aruba and
            shores? Here are some fun  mations  along  our  coast  to crash and fish continue to  the  south—the  areas  with  the  South  American  con-
            facts about the development  line (which consists mainly of  eat off the corals, sand starts  weaker stream and shallow-  tinent  is  simply  referred  to
                                                                      to accumulate around the  er  ocean  floors—has  sand  as land that runs under the
                                                                      area.  However, whether the  that  stretches  for  miles.  In  ocean.  This  is  why  it  gets
                                                                      sand stays there is another  contrast, the northern area,  gradually  deeper  in  the
                                                                      question  to  be  answered,  where  the  stream  is  much  south,  whereas  the  ocean
                                                                      and  this  is  where  we  high-  stronger and the ocean floor  floor in the north runs steeply
                                                                      light the biggest difference  is much deeper, there is no  to the bottom. q
                                                                      between the northern and  sand  present—they  were
                                                                      southern coast of the island.  swept away with the current!   Source: archival document
                                                                                                                                provided by the National Ar-
                                                                      The sand that accumulates  Why north deep, but south         chive of Aruba (ANA).
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