Page 17 - AHATA
P. 17
SPORTS Thursday 30 January 2025
As the Chiefs chase a 3-peat, DeAndre Hopkins and other vets
finally get their Super Bowl chance
By DAVE SKRETTA three consecutive Lombardi
AP Sports Writer Trophies come Super Bowl
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Sunday.
DeAndre Hopkins was stuck They might as well start
on a downtrodden team in scheduling these February
Tennessee headed for the business trips.
No. 1 overall pick in the draft. But for most players, including
Kareem Hunt was stuck with- Hopkins, making it is akin to
out a job at all. a crowning achievement, a
Yet the veteran wide re- moment they worked for their
ceiver and running back, entire career. In his case, that
along with Marquise Brown, meant 178 regular-season
D.J. Humphries and others, games and eight more in
managed to strike gold as in, the playoffs.
gold and diamond-encrust- His combined production
ed AFC championship rings has meant more than 1,000
when circumstances brought catches and 13,000 yards,
them to Kansas City. or roughly 7 1/2 miles worth
Now, that collection of play- of receptions. And it meant
ers will try for even more many wins, but just as many
riches when they face the losses.
Philadelphia Eagles in the Su- So it was quite the career
per Bowl in a little more than Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins (8) runs with the ball past Buffalo Bills cornerback lifeline for Hopkins when the
a week, a remarkable twist Kaiir Elam (5) during the first half of the AFC Championship NFL football game, Sunday, Jan. 26, Chiefs, who had lost Brown
for NFL careers that had been 2025, in Kansas City, Mo. Associated Press and Rashee Rice to injuries,
long on personal success but asked the Titans about a
short on team results. done just about everything in in the league 12 years and I straight trip to the big game, trade. He joined a franchise
“Words can’t really describe his career but play for a true haven’t gotten this far.” and fifth in six years, as they with a championship pedi-
it,” admitted Hopkins, a championship contender. “A The Chiefs have, of course. try to become the first fran- gree from a team that fin-
three-time All-Pro, who had dream come true. I’ve been They are making their third chise in NFL history to raise ished 3-14 this past season. q
MetaCorp continues to invest in Aruba:
“The Balashi Beer Experience” to open at Gloria
MetaCorp and its subsidiary Gloria have of-
ficially announced an exciting new devel-
opment for Aruba: “The Balashi Beer Experi-
ence.” This innovative attraction will bring
the story of Aruba’s iconic Balashi Beer to life
through immersive video projections, vibrant
imagery, special effects, interactive exhibits,
and engaging games, culminating in a unique
beer-tasting experience.
The attraction promises to be dynamic, cre-
ative, and interactive, featuring nine differ-
ent scenarios. Visitors will embark on a journey
through the world of Balashi Beer and its home
on Aruba, famously known as the "One Happy
Scheduled to open in 2026, “The Balashi Beer
Experience” is expected to draw thousands of
visitors annually. It will appeal to hotel tourists,
cruise ship passengers, and adult residents of sion at Gloria. Its addition represents a sig- like the pandemic, MetaCorp has contin-
Aruba, who have long supported the Balashi nificant milestone in Gloria's evolution as a ued to expand its investments. These include
brand. premier entertainment destination. It will also opening The Movies in San Nicolas, investing in
complement existing offerings, including The New York Laundry, Brouwerij Nacional Balashi,
To ensure a world-class experience, MetaCorp Movies, Olive Garden, P.F. Chang’s, and Star- EcoTech, and developing ATCO Concrete
enlisted the expertise of Sandenburg-DST, the bucks. into APEX. The company also launched Eco-
Amsterdam-based agency behind the glob- As Aruba’s oldest company, MetaCorp takes Gas with branches in Noord and San Nicolas
ally acclaimed “The Heineken Experience” pride in consistently seeking opportunities to and added Antillean Soap Company (ANSO),
and other award-winning brand experiences. enhance the island’s economy and tourism. from Curaçao, to its portfolio, which includ-
Sandenburg-DST has developed the concept The company firmly believes in Aruba's poten- ed significant investments into modernizing
and is now working on the design for “The Bal- tial and sees this investment as more than just equipment and creating new products.
ashi Beer Experience.” a new attraction—it’s an opportunity to cre-
ate jobs and further enrich the island's appeal. For updates and more information about
This new attraction will occupy approximately the development of “The Balashi Beer Experi-
1,300 square meters within a planned expan- Over the years, even during challenging times ence,” visit: