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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 17 august 2022

            Minister of Justice announces Afl. 600,000 project for homeless


            ORANJESTAD  –  During  a  recent
            press  conference,  minister  of  Jus-
            tice  and  Social  Affairs,  Mr.  Rocco
            Tjon  announced  that  the  Council
            of Ministers approved a sum of Afl.
            600,000 to start with a project dedi-
            cated specially to dealing with the
            problem  of  homeless  addicts  in

            “I am standing here today with a
            lot of satisfaction to announce that
            last Friday, the Council of Ministers
            approved Afl. 600,000 to deal with
            this  problem”,  Tjon  said.  He  ex-
            plained that these funds will be al-
            located  to  Stichting  FMAA,  which
            in the future will be Stichting Hunto
            (‘Together  Foundation’),  together
            with  SPD  (Department  of  Social
            Psychiatry) to execute this project
            in a responsible and integral man-
            ner to deal with the problem of ad-
            dicts on the streets.

            Before giving any details, the min-
            ister thanked all professionals pres-
            ent  at  the  press  conference  and
            also the steering group GGZ. Stud-
            ies  in  the  past  have  noted  that
            there  is  a  need  to  close  the  gap
            between  mental  health  aspects
            and addiction aspects.
            Tjon commented that he has spo-
            ken  to  professionals  on  the  field,
            and more and more they speak of
            a  double  diagnosis,  which  means  professionals can come on board  reached  by  steering  group  GGZ
            that  the  clients  don’t  have  chal-  to work on this project full-time. This  together with Panamerican Health  Regarding  the  current  legislation
            lenges  on  one  aspect  only,  be-  means that in a proactive manner  Organization  (PAHO),  but  there  which  does  not  force  any  addict
            ing  addiction,  but  they  also  have  they  will  approach  the  homeless  is  also  a  short-term  vision  and  the  to register or seek help, but rather
            challenges  on  the  mental  health  addicts  and  make  sure  to  place  abovementioned  projects  were  keeps  it  voluntary,  Tjon  indicat-
            aspect. This is why all these projects  them in one of the centers.     born from these plans.              ed  that  the  laws  are  staying  the
            are  born  from  the  steering  group                                                                       same.  He  said  that  the  long  term
            GGZ.                                Regarding  the  centers,  Tjon  ex-  Tjon  commented  also  that  today  strategic  plan  has  various  groups
                                                plained  that  in  the  beginning  this  a  project will launch for the infra-  working, and one of them is work-
            Tjon indicated that seeing the mul-  will be the centre at Meiveld, but in  structure of Stichting Hunto, where  ing  specifically  on  legislation.  The
            tianual plan of the Ministry of Jus-  the context of this project, an extra  SPD together with FMAA (Founda-  minister highlighted that legislative
            tice and Social Affairs, this project,  sum of Afl. 100,000 to refurbish four  tion for the Management of Addic-  processes take a long time, but at-
            ‘meddling’, deals also with home-   rooms  in  Centro  Colorado,  four  tion) will be housed in one building,  tention is also being given to them.
            less  addicts  in  a  proactive  man-  rooms which mean 16 to 24 beds  so  that  the  processes  are  better
            ner on the street, it is part of it and  where the addicts can receive the  aligned  and  they  can  provide  He added that during various con-
            this was already announced back  help they need.                        better  care  to  all  those  in  need;  versations with all professionals on
            in 2021  during the debate for the                                      not  only  adults,  but  also  children  the field, the aspect of ‘meddling’
            2022 budget.                        Tjon  commented  that  obviously  and  young  persons.  Soon,  other  is a proven concept. Even though
                                                there are other aspects that need  projects  will  be  announced.  Tjon  receiving help is voluntary, the pro-
            “What’s good about this project is  to  be  taken  into  consideration.  commented  that  FADA  (Founda-    fessionals  in  charge  of  providing
            that  this  aspect  will  be  dealt  in  a  When  a  person  is  taken  from  the  tion  Anti-Drug  Aruba)  has  some  help  will  receive  specialized  train-
            durable  manner.  There  are  funds  streets, they must receive the care  projects  that  they  will  announce  ing on how to approach the sub-
            set  aside  that  were  already  ap-  that they need, which also includes  shortly,  as  well  as  another  project  jects and execute the project.
            proved for 2022.” He continued ex-  aspects  like  food  and  hygiene  by SPD. And on the side of educa-    “A  proven  concept  in  the  Neth-
            plaining that on the 1st of Septem-  products that they might need.     tion, there are also some initiatives  erlands, a proven concept also in
            ber,  the  team  of  professionals  will  “In  the  context  of  this  project  we  starting.               Bonaire where the results of scien-
            have to being their work. But at the  took into consideration all the funds                                 tific investigations show that when
            same  time,  there  is  also  approval  I have mentioned in order to take  “Afl.  600,000  was  earmarked  to  you  as  a  professional  manage  to
            for funds to continue in 2023, with a  a durable and structural approach  deal  with  homeless  addicts,  par-  convince the person needing help
            plan for 2024 where Stichting Hunto  to this problem”, he highlighted.  ticularly in the city centre. This will  based  on  the  tools  you  received
            will make a request based on their                                      obviously increase security, will re-  during training, the probability that
            regular subsidy to continue work in  Tjon  explained  that  this  is  one  duce nuisance for all those visiting  the  person  will  succeed  with  their
            this area.                          part  of  it.  There  is  a  long  term  vi-  our centre, and will create a more  rehabilitation  is  also  greater”,  the
            These  funds  mean  that  five  more  sion,  which  is  an  aspect  that  was  beautiful city”, Tjon emphasized.  minister finalized.
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