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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 17 august 2022

            Aruba Alert: Sea urchins affected by a fatal disease

                                                  Loose individual sea urchins on the   Loose sea urchins with heavy loss   Fish and other marine species eat
              Healthy sea urchins attached to the   sand where they shed their long    of spines and tissue and with their
               surface of the rocks (tres trapi).             spines.                        skeleton  exposed                    dead sea urchins

            OrAnjeStAd  -  In  the  past  days,  baseline  to  monitor  the  mortality  encountered;                    ing  reviewed,  the  photos  and  ur-
            divers  spotted  many  diseased  or  rate and potential recovery of the  Image  1  -  Healthy  sea  urchins  at-  chin  count  indicate  that  the  seas
            dying Long-spined sea urchins (di-  infected sea urchins.               tached to the surface of the rocks  urchins  in  Aruba  are  not  looking
            adema antillarum) in many coast-    The  high  mortality  mainly  affects  (Tres Trapi).                    good.
            al areas surrounding Aruba.         the sea urchins, which are indica-  Image 2 - Loose individual sea ur-
                                                tors  of  a  healthy  ecosystem  for  chins on the sand where they shed  They have planned the next count
            This  problem  requires  the  help  of  the  corals.  Due  to  the  ecological  their long spines.          to  determine  the  mortality  per-
            the community. According to Mrs.  importance  of  the  sea  urchins  as  Image  3  -  Loose  sea  urchins  with  centage at Tres Trapi and the Man-
            Tatiana  Becker,  Marine  Ecologist,  herbivores (algae eaters) similar to  heavy loss of spines and tissue and  gel Halto.
            and  Environmental  Researcher,  parrotfish,  the  urchin’s  health  has  with their skeleton  exposed
            the shared observation and photos  implications  for  the  tourism  sector  Image  4  -    Fish  and  other  marine  It is essential for planning and pol-
            undoubtedly indicate an unknown  and fishermen who depend on the  species eat dead sea urchins              icy-making to preserve the sea ur-
            and fatal disease spreading in the  coastal ecosystem.                                                      chins.
            Caribbean  and  is  causing  devas-                                     Marine  conservation  activist  and
            tating high mortality of sea urchins.  Divers have observed many sea ur-  Divemaster  Albi  Valdéz,  BSc  re-  The DNM urges all divers to report
            In  July  2022,  Mrs.  Tatiana  Becker  chins who have lost their tissue and  ported his findings on the website  their  observations  and  send  pho-
            conducted  a  sea  urchin  count,  spines in at least 2 locations in Aru-  of AGRRA,  tographs of the sea urchins to the
            right  before  the  discovery  of  the  ba; Tres Trapi and Mangel Halto.  sea-urchin-die-off/.              AGRRA.  It  will  verify  the  presence
            significant  number  of  dead  sea                                                                          of the disease and its spread in our
            urchins.  The  count  serves  as  the  The pictures describe the situation  While  his  observations  are  be-  surrounding waters.q

            Minister of energy, Glenbert Croes will meet with American

            government regarding possibility to purhcase HFO from Venezuela

            OrAnjeStAd – during his press conference yes-   island be allowed to purchase HFO of Venezu-    that he was hope that the efforts he is doing in
            terday,  during  which  he  announced  a  reduc-  elan origin and this way it would be possible to  this area will contribute to the totality, to help
            tion  in  the  price  of  water  and  electricity,  the  lower the price of water and electricity.  reach the moment in which it will be possible to
            minister of energy mentioned that he will meet                                                  reduce the cost of water and electricity for the
            shortly with representatives of the government  To conclude, minister Glenbert Croes expressed  entire Aruban community..q
            of the United States in the area of energy, but
            particularly the Office of Foreign Assets Control
            OFAC, to see the possibility for Aruba to receive
            a license to purchase heavy fuel oil from Ven-
            ezuela for two and a half years, until the eagle
            LnG project is ready to start supplying natural
            gas to water company WeB.

            According  to  a  press  release  from  minister  of
            Energy, Labor and Integration, Glenbert Croes,
            the goal of this request is so that while there is
            so  much  uncertainty  as  to  the  price  of  crude
            oil  because  of  diverse  factors,  it  be  possible
            for Aruba to purchase HFO from Venezuela at
            a preferential price, which in turn will be trans-
            mitted into a substantial reduced fee for water
            and electricity for the people of Aruba.

            According  to  the  minister,  there  are  islands  in
            the  Caribbean  currently  purchasing  HFO  of
            Venezuelan  origin  at  a  much  more  favorable
            price than what Aruba is paying right now. So
            Croes said he will make this petition in the in-
            terest of the people of Aruba, the economy of
            Aruba, and in the interest of lowering the price
            for water and electricity on the island, that the
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