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                                                                                                                                                                        Wednesday 21 March 2018

AWD Now Has 29 Proud Aruba Certified Experts

ORANJESTAD - Twenty-             and it provides an au-
nine happy staffers of Aru-      thentic experience of the
ba Wine and Dine (AWD)           guest”.
showed off their newly ac-       The first level is Operational,
quired certificates during a     while the second level is
photo session at MooMba          Managerial.
Beach last Thursday, March       Already 4,500 employees
15. They were the first Aru-     of hotels and car rentals
ba Certified Experts (ACE)       have been certified and
belonging to a restaurant        currently the taxi drivers
group; AWD is aiming for         are receiving their training,
a 100% score, with all per-      which is taught in English.
sonnel knowledgeable             Aruba Certified Experts re-
about the island’s intriguing    ceive a pin to wear on their
history, culture and mete-       uniform.
oric rise into tourism. “We      So cheers to all AWD certi-
learned a lot that we didn’t     fied experts.
know before,” said one of        Well done, all of you; you
the newly certified experts.     are true ACEs!q
“I never knew that Aruba
played such an incredibly
important role during World
War II, for instance.”

Staffers of all of the ten
Aruba Wine and Dine res-
taurants and bars will be
attending the five 2.5 hour-
long sessions that make up
the course. Being able to
answer a wide variety of
visitors’ questions about the
island is its goal; the added
knowledge might spark
more interest in the island in
the participants themselves
as well.
The Aruba Certified Experts
course is a joint initiative of
the government, the Aruba
Tourism Authority (ATA) and
the Aruba Hotel and Tour-
ism Association (AHATA);
it “increases knowledge
about the product Aruba
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