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Thursday 2 June 2022
Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room: Where should you go?
Imagine yourself arriving on But when that happens, pm, Saturday from 8 am to
the beautiful island of Aru- you need to know who and 4 pm, Sunday/Holiday from
ba. You've scheduled your where to visit. So, the first 10 am to 2 pm. Therefore,
days with exciting activities step is to assess your medi- receive a better cost value
or to relax by the beach or cal need and its urgency. than the Emergency Room
pool. Of course, the least At Urgent Care Aruba, we as the alternative option.
you would expect is to get offer medical assistance
sick or become in need of for non-life-threatening ill- Other services offered at
medical assistance. Be- nesses and injuries. We ac- the Urgent Care Aruba is
cause honestly, who does cept walk-ins from Monday X-Ray (Without Appoint-
that while on vacation? to Friday from 8 am to 8 ment), Ultrasound (With
Appointment), and Gyne-
cology Services (With Ap-
Visit us to assess your symp-
toms, and we'll provide you
with a proper diagnosis
and treatment since we will Please view our compari- Noord 63, Noord Medical
also provide you with a pre- son information chart: Ur- Center. q
scription if deemed neces- gent Care vs. Emergency
sary. Room. Rate our service on Google!
Contact us for more infor-
Our mission is to have you mation at +297 5860448.
back on your vacation; WhatsApp +297 5975549,
that is why we offer quick,, or
reliable, and efficient med- visit our website at www.
ical service. or visit us at
Elliott Loonstra PLY achieved 5 (Fifth) place at the 2022 European
Para Taekwondo Open Championships
Elliott (Lefty) Loonstra PLY erful team and one of the wards the Grand Prix, for
finished his participation biggest and most impos- the first time in the history
in the 5 (fifth) place in the ing teams in the world. The of Para Taekwondo that
2022 European Para Tae- fight is 1 (one) round of 5 will take place in Sofia, Bul-
kwondo Open Champion- (minutes) with a ‘time-out garia on June 6, 2020. Only
ships being his first partici- request’ by each coach of the first 15 of the ranking
pation in the old continent 30 seconds. In his first min- of each weight category
on Saturday May 21st, 2022, utes the Turkish competitor can participate. Lefty is 7th
which was the competition had the advantage, but (seventh) in the world. El-
day for the K44 Male -80 KG little by little Elliott began to liott Loonstra PLY has been
category. close that advantage, un- in Sofia,Bulgaria since the
til the last 5 seconds where 23rd of May 2022 and our
Elliott woke up feeling sick, the score was in favor of Paralympic athlete has
so bad that the option the opponent 9 to 7. Elliott been very focused for
of not participating was could have been able to this important and historic
evaluated with his coach equal the score and move event, preparing with his
Luciano Mazzeo, since he on to the golden round, but coach Luciano Mazzeo
felt not fit enough to fight. unfortunately Turkey was once again to fight for
Finally, it was decided to able to connect and raise Aruba and put our flag
compete for points that his mark with 1 kick ending high in the world. We wish
are important to maintain the match 11 to 7 in favor Elliott Loonstra PLY the best
his world for ranking, while of the Turk who moved on of success and we thank
evaluating his condition to semi-finals. the Loonstra family for their
during the competition. support as well as the peo-
In the quarterfinals he The European champion- ple of Aruba for their sup-
faced Turkey, a very pow- ship is one more step to- port and kind comments.q