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Thursday 2 June 2022 LOCAL

            Divi Impact Foundation Provides Guests the Chance to Give Back to Aruba

            Employee-founded and led non-profit raised over $400,000 in donations since 2019

             Divi  &  Tamarijn  Aruba  All
             Inclusives  invites  guests  to
             give back to the local Aru-
             ba  community  through  its
             One Dollar a Day Donation
             Program within the Divi Im-
             pact Foundation.

             Guests at either Divi Aruba
             All  Inclusive  or  Tamarijn
             Aruba All Inclusive can do-
             nate $1, or as much as they
             choose, every day of their
             stay with 100% of the funds
             going  directly  to  the  Divi
             Impact  Foundation.  While
             the Divi Impact Foundation
             has  chapters  at  all  of  five
             Divi properties in Aruba, the
             One  Dollar  a  Day  Dona-
             tion  Program  is  available
             only  for  guests  staying  at
             Divi Aruba All Inclusive and
             Tamarijn Aruba All Inclusive.

             In addition to the One Dollar
             A Day Program, employees  Aruba All Inclusives Through  scholarship programs, food  able for employee children  Blog. Facebook Live video
             across  all  the  Divi  Resorts  the One Dollar a Day and  drives, green initiatives, arts  older than 18 years old at-  content  of  the  resorts  can
             properties  in  Aruba  can  the Paycheck Contribution  and  culture  programming  tending universities to help  be viewed here.
             participate  in  a  paycheck  programs,  the  Divi  Impact  and more.                 cover tuition costs and oth-
             contribution  program.  Em-  Foundation has raised over                               er boarding expenses)        About Divi & Tamarijn Aru-
             ployees can donate a min-   $400,000  since  2019.  These  “Starting  with  47  employ-  Annual  National  Book  Fes-  ba All Inclusives
             imum  of  $3  per  paycheck  funds  go  directly  back  to  ees back in 2010, the Foun-  tival  (Sponsor  book  dona-  Located in Aruba, which is
             to  the  Foundation,  which  the  greater  Aruba  com-   dation  is  now  comprised  tions  to  local  elementary  south of the hurricane belt,
             is  then  matched  by  Divi  munity and benefit causes  of  over  500  employees,”  schools during the event)      the  Divi  &  Tamarijn  Aruba
             Resorts and Divi & Tamarijn  ranging from local schools,  shares Ricardo Vrolijk, Presi-  Elderly  Appreciation  Pro-  All Inclusives are just 10 min-
                                                                      dent  of  the  Divi  Impact  gram (Food donations)        utes  from  the  airport  and
                                                                      Foundation.  “It  is  incred-                             five  minutes  from  Aruba's
                                                                      ible  to  see  the  growth  of  rts and Sports Programming  capital  city,  Oranjestad.
                                                                      our  organization  and  the  (Sponsor  sports  teams  and  The  Divi  Aruba  and  adja-
                                                                      level of generosity coming  collaborate with arts institu-  cent  sister  property  Tama-
                                                                      from both our team mem-      tions and/or Programs)       rijn  Aruba  are  both  set
                                                                      bers  and  guests.  We  look                              on  beautiful  Druif  Beach,
                                                                      forward  to  continuing  to  Health   Awareness     Pro-  with  a  shopping  arcade
                                                                      build  upon  our  mission  of  grams  (Collaborate  with  and  the  Alhambra  Casino
                                                                      giving  back  to  Aruba  and  Divi  Resorts  and  Grape  nearby.  Guests  staying  at
                                                                      its people.”                 Holding  to  sponsor  addi-  either  the  oceanfront  Divi
                                                                                                   tional health awareness re-  Aruba or adjacent ocean-
                                                                      Founded in 2010 by a group  sources to the teams)         front  Tamarijn  Aruba  have
                                                                      of  Divi  Resorts  employees,                             use of all facilities and ser-
                                                                      the  Divi  Impact  Founda-   For  more  information  on  vices  of  both  properties.
                                                                      tion was formed with the vi-  the  Divi  Impact  Founda-  Stays include all meals and
                                                                      sion to inspire and motivate  tion  and  how  guests  can  snacks  at  a  choice  of  ten
                                                                      company  leaders,  owners,  participate in the One Dol-   dining  options,  unlimited
                                                                      guests  and  employees  to  lar A Day Program, please  beverages  at  eight  bars,
                                                                      donate  time,  money  and  visit  please  visit  Facebook.  access  to  four  freshwater
                                                                      resources to help the com-   com/Divi-Impact-Founda-      pools, use of a state-of-the-
                                                                      munity.                      tion.  To  learn  more  about  art  fitness  and  watersports
                                                                                                   Divi  &  Tamarijn  Aruba  All  center,  a  wide  range  of
                                                                       A sampling of annual pro-   Inclusives and to book your  activities  including  non-
                                                                      grams that the Divi Impact  stay,  contact  your  travel  motorized   water    sports
                                                                      Foundation  gives  back  to  professional  at  1-800-554-  and  nightly  entertainment.
                                                                      includes:                    2008  or  www.tamarijnaru-   For  reservations  and  more
                                                                      Adopt  a  School  Program or www.diviaruba.       information   about    Divi
                                                                      (Renovations  +  mainte-     com.                         Aruba  or  Tamarijn  Aruba,
                                                                      nance of a public school)                                 contact your travel profes-
                                                                      Back  to  School  Program  The properties can also be  sional,  call  1-800-554-2008,
                                                                      (School  supplies  and  uni-  found  on  Facebook,  Twit-  or visit
                                                                      form donations)              ter,  Pinterest,  Instagram,  or   www.tamarijnaruba.
                                                                      Scholarship Program (Avail-  YouTube  and  the  resort  com.q
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