Page 15 - AAA 17 FEB,2016
P. 15


SPORTSTuesday 16 February 2016

 All-Star                        Western Conference’s Russell Westbrook, of the Oklahoma City Thunder, slams dunks during the                                          2013 because of injuries.
                                 first half of the NBA all-star basketball game, Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016 in Toronto.                                                     But players like Westbrook,
     Continued on Page 22                                                                                                                                              Durant and Curry are more
                                                                                                                                                     Associated Press  than ready to shoulder the
Bryant finished with 10                                                                                                                                                load.
points, so few that he lost      sarily play well.                    nadian Nelly Furtado sang       deserved.”                                                       At 37, Bryant has trouble
his career lead in All-Star      “We all at one point in our          her country’s national an-      Toronto hosted the very first                                    keeping up with the young-
scoring to LeBron James.         life wanted to be Kobe               them.                           NBA game on Nov. 1, 1946.                                        sters — especially the real
But Westbrook scored 31          in our driveways some-               Then it was time for two        Neither Naismith nor any-                                        young ones. Chris Paul’s
points in his second straight    where,” the East’s Dwyane            video tributes for Bryant,      one who saw that game                                            son stole the ball from him
All-Star MVP performance         Wade said. “We watched               whose 18 All-Star selections    would recognize the way it                                       as Bryant warmed up for
and Curry added 26 — the         him growing up and we                are second only to Ka-          looked Sunday.                                                   the second half.
final three on a 42-footer.      wanted to pay respect to             reem Abdul-Jabbar. Bryant       Curry and Durant launched                                        But he was the star without
Anthony Davis had 24 on          him.”                                thanked his millions of fans    shots from spots where only                                      playing a starring a role. He
12-for-13 shooting and Kev-      The pregame was a cel-               as the other All-Stars lined    buzzer-beating heaves                                            had said he didn’t want
in Durant chipped in 23.         ebration first of Canada,            up in the background to         were once attempted,                                             players forcing him the ball
Paul George finished with        then of Bryant.                      salute him.                     and Westbrook put togeth-                                        in an effort to make him the
41 for the East, tying West-     A video message from Dr.             “I know it’s been over-         er another combination                                           MVP — he’s already got
brook’s total from last year     James Naismith, the Ca-              whelming for him over this      of speed and force that                                          four of them in this game —
in New York that was one         nadian who invented bas-             year, but our fans across       turned it into a rare All-Star                                   but he was never far from
off Wilt Chamberlain’s re-       ketball in the early 1890s,          the world and here in the       blowout in the second half.                                      the center of attention.
cord. John Wall added 22         was followed by player               States and here in Toron-       The West has won five of                                         The West led 92-90 at the
points.                          introductions by two-time            to, as well, has just been      the last six even without                                        break, both teams surpass-
James finished with 13           NBA MVP Steve Nash and               paying so much respect,”        longtime mainstay Bryant,                                        ing the previous record of
points, just enough to move      Grammy winner Drake. Ca-             James said. “It’s all well-     who hadn’t played since                                          89 points in a half.
ahead of Bryant for most                                                                                                                                               The game goes back to
ever in the All-Star Game.                                                                                                                                             the U.S. next year, and for
James has 291, while Bry-                                                                                                                                              the first time since 1997
ant, who is retiring after this                                                                                                                                        won’t have Bryant. He
season, leaves with 290.                                                                                                                                               made his All-Star debut in
He checked out with 1:06                                                                                                                                               New York in 1998, a game
left to cheers and hugs                                                                                                                                                also remembered for Mi-
from his fellow All-Stars                                                                                                                                              chael Jordan’s last with the
who now put up points in                                                                                                                                               Chicago Bulls.
bunches the way Bryant                                                                                                                                                 Jordan, now chairman of
did for so long.                                                                                                                                                       the Hornets, was on hand
Bryant had seven assists                                                                                                                                               Sunday for a ceremonial
and six rebounds, but shot                                                                                                                                             passing of the All-Star torch
4 for 11 in a game where                                                                                                                                               from Toronto to Charlotte,
there isn’t really much de-                                                                                                                                            the 2017 host.
fense and had never been                                                                                                                                               Paul finished with 14 points
less. The 369 combined                                                                                                                                                 and 16 assists and is the
points were 48 more than                                                                                                                                               leader in All-Star assists per
last year’s record, and                                                                                                                                                game.
both clubs blew away the                                                                                                                                               DeMar DeRozan scored 18
previous individual team                                                                                                                                               points for the East and Kyle
record of 163.                                                                                                                                                         Lowry had 14 points and
But people just wanted to                                                                                                                                              10 assists as both Raptors
see Bryant play, not neces-                                                                                                                                            played well in front of their
                                                                                                                                                                       home crowd.q

Nadal and Ferrer in Rio, not worried by Zika outbreak 

STEPHEN WADE                     Rafael Nadal of Spain gives          man in the tournament and       campaign of spraying                                             to reply to comments last
AP Sports Writer                 a press conference at the Rio        fellow Spaniard David Fer-      pesticides and distribut-                                        week by Spanish swimmer
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) —            Open tennis tournament in Rio        rer is No. 2. Both said they    ing informational leaflets                                       Mireia Belmonte, a two-
Former No. 1 Rafael Nad-         de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday,          were confident the tourna-      with more than 200,000 sol-                                      time Olympic silver medal-
al said Monday he’s not          Feb. 15, 2016.                       ment was doing all it could     diers spread out across the                                      ist in London in 2012, who
frightened by the Zika virus                                          to control the mosquitoes       country.Brazilian President                                      said she “would not at-
as he prepares in Brazil —                          Associated Press  that spread the virus.          Dilma Rousseff has said                                          tend” the Olympics if she
the center of the viral out-                                          The virus is being linked to    “we’re at war against the                                        thinks her health is at risk.
break — for this week’s Rio      If it happens, it’s bad luck.”       birth defects, and preg-        mosquito” and she has re-                                        She echoed American
Open tennis tournament           Nadal is the top-seeded              nant women have been            peatedly guaranteed the                                          women’s national soccer
and the city’s Olympics in                                            cautioned not to travel to      outbreak will not derail the                                     goalkeeper Hope Solo who
less than six months.                                                 the country.                    Olympics that open Aug. 5.                                       said last week “if the Olym-
Nadal won Olympic gold                                                “I don’t know how serious       Ferrer said he’ll wear long                                      pics were today, I would
in the Beijing Olympics, but                                          the situation is,” Nadal said.  sleeves and long trousers                                        not go.”
missed London with an in-                                             “I see people living here       when he goes out socially                                        Neither Nadal nor Ferrer
jury.                                                                 totally normally. I see peo-    in the morning and eve-                                          elaborated on Belmonte’s
“I’m doing the things the                                             ple on the streets, on the      ning.                                                            comments.
people have told me,”                                                 beach and in the restau-        “I’ll try to take those pre-                                     “I have talked to the lo-
Nadal said. “I’m going out                                            rants. Things are going on      cautions, but I’m not ob-                                        cal players here, and they
at night. I’m not scared.                                             like normal.”                   sessed about it,” Ferrer said.                                   are not giving it much im-
I’m not worried about this.                                           Brazil began a week-long        Both Spaniards were asked                                        portance,” Ferrer said. q
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