Page 20 - ATA 7 MAART 2016
P. 20


LOCALMonday 7 March 2016

Top of the Caribbean

    Continued from Page 13     of 18 sustainable travel        Primary Sector and Culture.
                               experts, who conducted          “It’s a true pleasure to see
Specific recognition for the   thorough on-site inspec-        firsthand what our small is-
Aruba Tourism Authority is     tions before choosing the       land can accomplish.”
indicative of the dynamic      winners in each category.       For more information on
approach ATA takes to          The global recognition          the One happy island, visit
marketing – with digital       continued with several Engage
campaigns complement-          digital engagement-driv-        with Aruba via social me-
ed by award-winning in-        en TripAdvisor awards for       dia at www.facebook.
market media events and        the destination, beaches,       com/ArubaFans or @Aru-
world-leading sustainability   restaurants and properties      ba on Twitter.
initiatives.                   – including Aruba’s adults-     ABOUT ARUBA:
Travel Weekly’s panel of       only Bucuti & Tara Beach
industry experts recog-        Resort as both the No. 8
nized “Aruba Cultura,” an      hotel in the world and No.
immersive media experi-        1 hotel in the world for ro-
ence in NYC showcasing         mance.
Aruba’s art, culture and       Once again, The Knot
cuisine, with a Gold Ma-       named Aruba one of the
gellan Award. For the sec-     world’s top 50 honeymoon
ond consecutive year, Aru-     destinations, based on edi-
ba received a Magellan         tors’ research and person-
Award for its sustainability   al experiences.
initiatives.                   “The variety of awards,
Aruba’s “Destination Lead-     coupled with Aruba’s re-
ership” in green energy        cord-breaking tourism per-
also took first place on a     formance of more than a
global stage during the        million stay-over visitors an-
National Geographic Trav-      nually, proves the creative
el World Legacy Awards at      marketing and dedication
ITB Berlin, the world’s larg-  of the government, ATA,
est tourism convention.        industry partners and locals
More than 150 award en-        are successful in making
tries were received, repre-    Aruba one of the most de-
senting 56 countries and six   sirable travel destinations
continents. Finalists in five  in the world,” said Otmar
categories were selected       Oduber, Aruba’s Minister
by an international team       of Tourism, Transportation,
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