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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 18 December 2021

                          Crews may have found 1887 time capsule in Lee statue base

            (AP)  —  Crews  working  the top of a square box em-      historians believe it’s doubt-
            to  remove  the  pedestal  bedded  in  a  2,000-pound  ful  the  picture  is  an  actual
            where a statue of Confed-    (900-kilogram) granite block.  photograph, which would be
            erate  Gen.  Robert  E.  Lee  It was located approximately  rare and valuable.
            towered  over  Richmond  20  feet  (6  meters)  off  the
            for  more  than  a  century  ground in the main section of  Records from the Library of
            believe  they’ve  found  a  the  pedestal,  not  in  its  base.  Virginia suggest that 37 Rich-
            time capsule that was bur-   Workers who searched for it  mond  residents,  organiza-
            ied there in 1887.           in September believed it was  tions and businesses contrib-
                                         tucked inside or under a cor-  uted about 60 objects to the
            The  massive  bronze  eques-  nerstone of the pedestal.   capsule,  many  of  which  are
            trian  statue  of  Lee,  erected  Northam said in a news re-  believed to be related to the
            in  1890,  was  taken  down  in  lease  that  the  stone  must  Confederacy.
            September, more than a year  be  removed  and  lowered  to
            after  Gov.  Ralph  Northam  the  ground  before  historic  If  workers  confirm  the  box
            ordered  its  removal  after  preservation  teams  are  able  is  the  time  capsule,  it  will
            protests over racism and po-  to confirm whether it is the  be  transported  to  the  state  taken  down  in  2020,  but  determined by a community-
            lice  brutality  erupted  across  time capsule.           Department  of  Historic  Re-  the  Lee  statue  removal  was  driven  effort  to  reimagine
            the  country  —  including  in                            sources  to  be  opened  using  blocked by two lawsuits un-  Monument Avenue.
            Richmond  —  following  the  “It  looks  like  it  is  (the  time  best  practices  for  historic  til a ruling from the Supreme
            police killing of George Floyd  capsule),”  said  Clark  Mer-  preservation to maintain the  Court of Virginia in Septem-  After  Floyd’s  murder  in
            in Minneapolis. The day af-  cer, Northam’s chief of staff.  integrity of the artifacts.  ber cleared the way for it to  2020, the Lee statue became
            ter  the  statue  was  removed,  “We’re hoping it hasn’t been                          be taken down.               a focal point of the racial jus-
            work crews spent more than  damaged  by  water  over  the  The  Lee  statue,  which  be-                            tice movement in Richmond.
            12  hours  searching  for  the  last 100-plus years.”     came  a  symbol  of  racial  Northam  announced  ear-     Since  then,  the  pedestal  has
            time  capsule  in  the  40-foot                           injustice,  was  one  of  five  lier this month that the enor-  been  covered  in  graffiti,
            (12-meter)  tall  pedestal,  but  A  newspaper  article  from  Confederate  tributes  along  mous  pedestal  would  be  re-  some of it profane and much
            were unable to locate it.    1887  suggests  the  capsule  Richmond’s Monument Av-     moved, a reversal from Sep-  of  it  denouncing  the  police.
                                         contains Civil War memora-   enue  and  the  only  one  that  tember,  when  the  governor  Some activists wanted to see
            On  Friday,  Northam  an-    bilia and a “picture of Lincoln  belonged  to  the  state.  The  said  the  pedestal  would  stay  it remain in place as a work of
            nounced  that  crews  found  lying in his coffin,” although  four city-owned statues were  in place so its future could be  protest art.

                            Defense rests at officer’s trial over Daunte Wright’s death

            (AP)  —  The  defense  has  the shooting, broke down in                                warrant. Video of the shoot-  Chauvin,  was  standing  trial
            rested  in  the  trial  of  a  tears at one point as she said  “I  remember  yelling,  Taser,  ing  recorded  by  officers’  in  nearby  Minneapolis  for
            Minnesota  police  officer  the  traffic  stop  “just  went  Taser,  Taser,  and  nothing  body  cameras  recorded  Pot-  the killing of George Floyd.
            charged in the fatal shoot-  chaotic”  after  Wright  tried  happened,  and  then  he  told  ter  shouting  “I’ll  tase  you!”
            ing  of  Black  motorist  to  get  back  into  his  car  and  me  I  shot  him,”  Potter  said  and “Taser, Taser, Taser!” be-  Prosecutors  argue  that  Pot-
            Daunte Wright.               leave.                       through tears.               fore firing once.            ter  was  an  experienced  offi-
                                                                                                                                cer who had been thoroughly
            Kim  Potter,  49,  is  charged  Potter was training a new of-  It was the first time the for-  Besides arguing that Wright’s  trained in the use of a Taser,
            with     manslaughter    in  ficer when that officer decid-  mer Brooklyn Center officer  death  was  a  tragic  mistake,  including  warnings  about
            Wright’s death during a traf-  ed to pull Wright over for ex-  has publicly spoken in detail  Potter’s  attorneys  have  also  the danger of confusing one
            fic stop April 11 in the Min-  pired license plate tags and an  about  the  shooting.  She  has  said that she would have been  with  a  handgun.  They  have
            neapolis suburb of Brooklyn  air  freshener  hanging  from  said she meant to use her Tas-  justified in using deadly force  to prove recklessness or cul-
            Center.                      his mirror. Potter said that if  er instead of her gun to stop  to  stop  Wright  from  driving  pable negligence in order to
                                         she had been alone, she prob-  Wright  from  fleeing  while  away  and  possibly  dragging  win a conviction on the man-
            Potter  has  said  she  meant  ably wouldn’t have made the  officers were trying to arrest  one  of  Potter’s  fellow  offi-  slaughter charges.
            to  use  her  Taser  to  subdue  stop.                    him during a traffic stop on  cers.
            Wright when he pulled away                                a warrant for a weapons pos-                              Miller said that when a per-
            from  officers  and  got  back  Potter   acknowledged   on  session charge.            Before Potter took the stand,  son learns a new skill, mem-
            into  his  car  as  they  tried  to  cross-examination  that  she                      a  witness  called  by  her  law-  ory  of  an  old  skill  might
            arrest him on a warrant for a  had been extensively trained  Potter’s  attorneys  have  ar-  yers  testified  that  police  of-  override that, resulting in an
            weapons  violation.  She  shot  on the use of force and use of  gued that she made a mistake  ficers  can  mistakenly  draw  “action  error”  in  which  an
            him once with her handgun  Tasers.                        but  also  would  have  been  their  guns  instead  of  their  intended action has an unin-
            instead.                                                  within her rights to use dead-  Tasers under high-stress situ-  tended effect.
                                         Kim  Potter,  who  is  charged  ly force if she had meant to  ations because their ingrained
            The  defense  wrapped  up  with      manslaughter     in  because  another  officer  was  training takes over.      ”You intend to do one thing,
            their  case  soon  after  Pot-  Wright’s April 11 death, said  at  risk  of  being  dragged  by                     think you’re doing that thing,
            ter  took  the  stand  Friday  to  she saw a look of fear on an-  Wright’s car.        Laurence Miller, a psycholo-  but  do  something  else  and
            testify to her actions. Potter,  other officer’s face before she                       gist  who  teaches  at  Florida  only realize later that the ac-
            who resigned two days after  fired.                       Prosecutors say Potter was an  Atlantic University, said Fri-  tion  that  you  intended  was
                                                                      experienced officer who had  day  that  the  more  someone  not  the  one  you  took,”  he
                                                                      extensive  training  in  Taser  repeats the same act, the less  said.
                                                                      use  and  the  use  of  deadly  they  have  to  think  about  it
                                                                      force,  and  that  her  actions  and  there  can  be  circum-  Miller said it happens all the
                                                                      were unreasonable.           stances  during  a  stressful  time and is often trivial, like
                                                                                                   situation in which someone’s  writing the wrong year on a
                                                                      Potter, 49, has said she meant  normal reactions may be “hi-  check early in January. There
                                                                      to draw her Taser instead of  jacked.”                    are also more serious exam-
                                                                      her  gun  when  she  shot  the                            ples  of  action  error,  such  as
                                                                      20-year-old  Wright  during  The  death  of  Wright  set  off  when a doctor might use an
                                                                      an April 11 traffic stop as he  angry  demonstrations  for  old  approach  to  treat  some-
                                                                      was trying to drive away from  several  days  in  Brooklyn  one even after being trained
                                                                      officers seeking to arrest him  Center.  It  happened  as  an-  in a newer one, he said.
                                                                      on  a  weapons  possession  other  white  officer,  Derek
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