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Diaranson, 1 September 2021                                         

                                                                                                                                    For I am convinced that
                                                                                                                                    neither death nor life nor
                                                                                                                                   angels nor governments nor
                                                                                                                                   things now here nor things
                                                                                                                                   to come nor powers 39 nor
                                                                                                                                 height nor depth, nor any other
                                                                                                                                 creation will be able to separate
                                                                                                                                   us from God’s love that is in
                                                                                                                                     Christ Jesus our Lord.
                                                                                    “Señor ta mi wardador,                            (Romans 8:38-39)
                                                                                    mi’n tin falta di nada     With extreme sadness we announce
                                                                                  Den cunucu di yerba berde      the sudden death of our mother
                                                                                     e ta ponemi sosega.    grandmother, sister, aunt, mother in-law
                  Gradicimento                                                    E ta hibami na awa trankil,             and dear friend
         Pa medio di esaki nos kier                                                Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.  Miss Shirley Patricia Morris.

        a gradici tur esnan cu di un                                                    Salmo: 23
                                                                                                                           Left to mourn
       manera of otro a sostene nos                                                                                Her children: Beverly Morris
      na momento di fayecimiento y                      Cu hopi tristesa na nos curazon                         Nicole & Eliezer Soriano & Family
      entierro di nos defunto stima:                                                                          Shelene Morris & Christian Staupe &
                                                            ta anuncia fayecimento di:                               Family Ruthson Morris
                                                                                                                    Christal & Ashley Soriano
        Simona Reinita Brete                                        Brian G. Correa                                  Sophia & Quinty Morris
                                                                                                                           Her Siblings:
               *26-02-1939 -                                *07-01-1985 - †30-08-2021                           Vincent Mardenborough & Family
                + 22-08-2021                                                                                         Sheila Morris & Family
                                                                                                                      Daniel Byam & Family
          “Margo’ of ‘Tanchi”                                                                                         Terry Byam & Family
                                                             Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia                        Germain Byam & Family
                                                                           despues                                     Glen Byam & Family
            Un danki na tur famia,                                                                                       Livingston Byam

            bisñanan, amigonan y                                                                                     Marilyn Morris & Family
                                                                                                                      Trevor Byam & Family
      conocirnan cu a companja nos                                                                                         Fitzroy Byam
        y cu a duna nos gran sosten                                                                                       Sister In- Law:
        durante dianan hopi duru y                                                                                   Eunice Simon & Family
                                                                                                                       Nieces and Nephews:
     dificil. Na tur esnan cu a manda                                              “Pasobra Señor mes lo baha       Too numerous to mention

       flor, karchi, message y tambe                                               for di shelu cu un gritu, cu   Her cousins like brothers and sisters:
                                                                                                                     Lucia Schmidt & Family
       esnan cu a yam ana telefoon.                                                bos di arkangel i cu tròmpet       Alex Sutton & Family
         Boso muestra di atencion,                                                  di Dios; I e mortonan den             Winston Ashby
                                                                                                                          Alma Johnson
                                                                                     Cristo lo lanta promé”.
       sosten y/of presencia a nifica                                               1 Tesalonisensenan 4 : 16            Therisa Thomas
          hopi pa nos y tabata gran
     consuelo pa nos y lo keda graba                                                                        All beloved friends, brothers and sisters
                                                                                                             in the truth of Jehovah’s organization.
        den nos memoria y curason.                                                                                    She was related to the:
                                                            Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta
                                                                                                                Morris, Mardenborough, Schmidt,
              Un danki special na                       anuncia fayecimento di nos ser stima:               Soriano, Pantophlet, Byam, Christopher,
                                                                                                               Thompson, Ashby, Romney, Hodge,
            Suzy Erasmus y Darrel                                                                           Baarh, Duinkerk, Held, Simon, Johnson,
        Erasmus, Jeanine Tujeehut,                             Sr. Gilberto A. Thiel                            Sutton, Cangieter, Carti, Coutar,

     Departamento di Asunto Social,                     Cariñosamente yama “Beto”                           Lambert, Thomas, Labasti and Williams

           Dokter Milton de Cuba.                         *13-09-1956 - †18-08-2021                          If we forgot to mention anyone’s name
         Un danki special na Aurora                                                                         during this time of grief, we apologize.
      Funeral Home pa su excelente                       Entiero lo tuma lugar na Royal Funeral              The cremation ceremony will take place

                      servicio.                                                                             on Wednesday September 1st 2021 from

      Fernando Brete yui na Hulanda                      Home diaranson 8 di September 2021 di                2pm – 4pm at Aurora Funeral Home,
                                                                    2’or pa 4’or di atardi.                                Cumana # 76
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