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u.s. news Dialuna 30 november 2020
Completed Wisconsin recount confirms Biden’s win over Trump
(AP) — Wisconsin fin- Biden’s winning margin of ing people who have voted Trump is expected to make. lots that have a certification
ished a recount of its pres- about 20,600 votes, giving the illegally, and that case will Gov. Tony Evers’ attorneys envelope with two different
idential results on Sunday, winner a net gain of 87 votes. be brought after the recount have asked the state Supreme ink colors, indicating a poll
confirming Democrat “As we have said, the recount is over, on Monday or Tues- Court to dismiss the suit. worker may have helped
Joe Biden’s victory over only served to reaffirm Joe day,” Trump tweeted on Sat- Evers, a Democrat, said the complete it; and absentee bal-
President Donald Trump Biden’s victory in Wiscon- urday. “We have found many complaint is a “mishmash of lots that don’t have a separate
in the key battleground sin,” Danielle Melfi, who led illegal votes. Stay tuned!” legal distortions” that uses written record for its request,
state. Trump vowed to Biden’s campaign in Wiscon- Trump campaign officials factual misrepresentations such as in-person absentee
challenge the outcome in sin, said in a statement to The didn’t immediately respond in an attempt to take voting ballots.
court even before the re- Associated Press. to AP requests for comment rights away from millions of Election officials in the two
count concluded. With no precedent for over- on Sunday. Wisconsin residents. counties counted those bal-
turning a result as large The deadline to certify the Another suit filed over the lots during the recount, but
Dane County was the second as Biden’s, Trump was vote is Tuesday. Certification weekend by Wisconsin resi- marked them as exhibits at
and last county to finish its widely expected to head to is done by the Democratic dent Dean Mueller argues the request of the Trump
recount, reporting a 45-vote court once the recount was chair of the Wisconsin Elec- that ballots placed in drop campaign.
gain for Trump. Milwaukee finished. His campaign chal- tion Commission, which is boxes are illegal and must not Trump’s campaign has al-
County, the state’s other big lenged thousands of absentee bipartisan. be counted. ready failed elsewhere in
and overwhelmingly liberal ballots during the recount, The Wisconsin Voters Alli- Trump’s attorneys have com- court without proof of wide-
county targeted in a recount and even before it was com- ance, a conservative group, plained about absentee bal- spread fraud, which experts
that Trump paid for, reported plete, Trump tweeted that he has already filed a law- lots where voters identified widely agree doesn’t exist.
its results Friday, a 132-vote would sue. suit against state election of- themselves as “indefinitely Trump legal challenges have
gain for Biden. “The Wisconsin recount is ficials seeking to block cer- confined,” allowing them to failed in Arizona, Georgia,
Taken together, the two not about finding mistakes tification of the results. It cast an absentee ballot with- Michigan, Nevada and Penn-
counties barely budged in the count, it is about find- makes many of the claims out showing a photo ID; bal- sylvania.
NYC to reopen schools, even as virus spread intensifies
(AP) — New York City ble to keep schools open even
will reopen its school sys- with a citywide test positivity
tem to in-person learning, rate over 3%.
and increase the number Schools that are in COV-
of days a week many chil- ID-19 orange zones designat-
dren attend class, even as ed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo
the coronavirus pandem- because of rising infection
ic intensifies in the city, rates will reopen according to
Mayor Bill de Blasio said rules set by the governor, de
Sunday. Blasio said.
The announcement marks De Blasio said at a news brief-
a major policy reversal for ing that he had discussed his
the nation’s largest school reopening plan with Cuomo.
system, less than two weeks “We all agree that we have a
after de Blasio, a Democrat, different reality than what we
announced that schools were had in the summer and that
shutting down because of a this is now the way forward
rising number of COVID-19 and the best way to protect
cases in the city. everyone,” he said.
Michael Mulgrew, the presi-
Some elementary schools and dent of the United Fed-
pre-kindergarten programs eration of Teachers, said the
will resume classes Dec. 7, union supports the reopen-
a week from Monday, the ing plan as long as stringent
mayor said. Others will take 19 amid rising COVID-19 frequent testing for the vi- testing is in place.
longer to reopen their doors. “We feel confident that we infections in the city. rus. Previously, the city had “This strategy — properly
School programs serving can keep schools safe,” he Masks and social distanc- set a target of testing 20% implemented — will allow
special-needs students at all said. ing were mandatory during of teachers and students in us to offer safe in-person in-
grade levels will open to in- the weeks that schools were each school building once a struction to the maximum
person learning starting Dec. New York City’s public open, and class sizes were a month. Now, the testing will number of students until we
10, de Blasio said. schools opened to in-person fraction of the pre-pandemic be weekly. beat the pandemic,” Mulgrew
learning starting in Septem- average of up to 25 to 30 stu- said in a statement.
The plan for reopening mid- ber for students whose par- dents. The mayor said the city was New York City exceeded
dle and high schools is still ents had chosen bricks-and- About 190,000 students will doing away with its previous the 3% threshold early in
being developed, de Blasio mortar schooling. School be eligible to return to class- trigger for closing schools, November, and things have
said. buildings closed again Nov. rooms in the first round of which was when 3% or more slightly worsened since then.
reopening, just a fraction of of the virus tests conducted More than 9,300 New York
the more than 1 million to- in the city over a seven-day City residents have tested
tal pupils in the system. The period came back positive. positive for the virus over the
great majority of parents have “The idea of the hard num- past seven days.
opted to have their kids learn ber made a lot of sense back Rates of positive coronavi-
remotely by computer. in the summer when we had rus tests at school sites have
De Blasio said that many of not yet experienced all this,” remained low, however. A
those returning in person will de Blasio said. spokesperson for de Blasio
be able to attend five days of said that more than 160,000
class a week, up from one to Since then, de Blasio suggest- students and school staff
three days previously. ed, relatively low numbers of members have been tested
Students attending in person positive coronavirus tests at and that only about 0.25% of
will be required to undergo schools show that it’s possi- the results were positive.