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A28    u.s. news
                 Dialuna 30 november 2020

                               Jill Biden, Joe’s chief protector, to step up as first lady

                                                                                                                                and put her arms around the
                                                                                                                                man, turned him around and
                                                                                                                                helped push him away.
                                                                                                                                A month later in Los Ange-
                                                                                                                                les, she similarly blocked one
                                                                                                                                protester, then a second one,
                                                                                                                                who  had  stormed  the  stage
                                                                                                                                while Joe Biden was deliver-
                                                                                                                                ing his Super Tuesday victory
                                                                                                                                When  the  first  one  ap-
                                                                                                                                proached  waving  an  anti-
                                                                                                                                dairy  sign  and  yelling,  Jill
                                                                                                                                Biden  stepped  between  the
                                                                                                                                protester  and  her  husband.
                                                                                                                                She  did  the  same  with  the
                                                                                                                                second one, this time putting
                                                                                                                                her arms up to block the in-
                                                                                                                                Both were removed without
                                                                                                                                coming  in  contact  with  the
                                                                                                                                candidate.  After  the  27-sec-
                                                                                                                                ond confrontation, Jill turned
                                                                                                                                around saying, “We’re okay,”
                                                                                                                                and  encouraged  Joe  to  keep
                                                                                                                                the event going. The Bidens
                                                                                                                                then  said  it  might  be  time
                                                                                                                                for Secret Service protection,
                                                                                                                                and they got it soon after.
                                                                                                                                “I  worry  about  Jill,”  Joe
                                                                                                                                Biden said.
            (AP)  —  She’s  fended  off  ton and Michelle Obama, for  daily  life.  The  Bidens  of-  first  presidential  campaign
            protesters  who  made  a  example.                        fered themselves as agents of  started to look bleak, people  She’s been protective during
            run at her husband. She’s  She  intends  to  keep  work-  comfort at a time of loss and  were  constantly  looking  for  the pandemic.
            moved  him  farther  from  ing  as  a  college  professor,  grief, experiences they know  cracks in our team. We all felt  On Oct. 5 at New Castle Air-
            reporters during the coro-   which  would  make  her  the  well  particularly  after  their  scrutinized,  but  I  refused  to  port in Delaware, she moved
            navirus  pandemic.  She’s  only first lady to keep her day  son Beau Biden died of brain  show weakness.”           her  husband  back  from
            supported his presidential  job  outside  the  home.  And  cancer in 2015.             It  showed  early  in  the  2020  members of the media as he
            ambitions again and again  if four decades in the public  Jill  Biden  entered  her  hus-  race  when  several  women  spoke  outside  his  campaign
            —  except  in  2004,  when  eye are any indication, she’ll  band’s life as a comfort.  accused Biden of inappropri-  plane before a trip to Miami.
            she deployed a novel mes-    continue being Biden’s chief  Joe  Biden’s  first  wife  and  ate  touching.  The  candidate  Like many American families,
            saging  technique  to  keep  protector.                   young  daughter  were  killed  denied  acting  inappropri-  the Bidens spent Thanksgiv-
            Joe Biden from running.      The  role  isn’t  completely  in a car accident in 1972. Jill  ately  but  acknowledged  that  ing differently this year. They
                                         unfamiliar  territory  for  Jill  Biden  helped  raise  his  sur-  social  norms  had  changed.  stayed  at  their  house  in  Re-
            “No,”  Jill  Biden,  then  clad  Biden.  She’s  been  a  politi-  viving young sons, Beau and  He  pledged  that  he  would  hoboth,  Delaware,  rather
            in a bikini, wrote in Sharpie  cal wife the entire time she’s  Hunter,  before  giving  birth  change, too.         than their usual “Nana-tuck-
            across her stomach and then  been  married  to  Joe  Biden.  to  their  daughter,  Ashley,  Jill Biden defended him.  et,” as her grandchildren have
            marched  through  a  strategy  Plus,  she  had  a  bird’s-eye  in  1981.  She  refers  to  all  of  “I  think  what  you  don’t  re-  called  the  Massachusetts  is-
            session  in  which  advisers  view of what a first lady does  them as her children.    alize  is  how  many  people  land where the Bidens started
            were  trying  to  talk  her  hus-  during Obama’s two terms.  As  Joe  Biden  commuted  approach  Joe  —  men  and  going early in their marriage
            band  into  challenging  Re-  But  the  scrutiny  level  will  from  Delaware  to  Washing-  women, looking for comfort  to establish a new holiday tra-
            publican  President  George  change.  And  all  eyes  are  on  ton  while  serving  as  a  sena-  or empathy,” she told ABC’s  dition.
            W. Bush.                     the  incoming  Biden  admin-  tor,  Jill  Biden  built  a  career  ”Good  Morning  America.”  In 2020, instead of the usual
            Protecting  Joe  stands  out  istration to deliver what both  as a teacher, ultimately earn-  “But  going  forward,  I  think  sprawling  family  tableau,
            among  Jill  Biden’s  many  Joe  and  Jill  have  promised  ing two master’s degrees and  he’s gonna have to judge —  their  daughter  and  her  hus-
            roles over their 43-year mar-  —  getting  the  coronavirus  then a doctorate in education  be a better judge — of when  band  were  the  only  Biden
            riage, as her husband’s career  pandemic  raging  across  the  from the University of Dela-  people  approach  him,  how  visitors to the house in Dela-
            moved him from the Senate  country under control.         ware in 2007.                he’s  going  to  react.  That  he  ware.  A  Zoom  call  with  the
            to the presidential  campaign  Myra  Gutin,  a  professor  at  Throughout,  Jill  Biden’s  maybe  shouldn’t  approach  larger group was on the eve-
            trail and the White House as  Rider University and the au-  protective streak was notable.  them.”                  ning’s agenda.
            President  Barack  Obama’s  thor  of  several  books  about  There  she  stood  at  his  side,  She recalled a time in her life  Look, too, for Jill Biden to try
            vice  president.  She’s  a  wife,  first  ladies,  recalled  Barbara  when  Joe  Biden  withdrew  when  she  had  been  treated  to keep things light.
            mother,  grandmother  and  Bush telling her: “You know,  from his first presidential bid  inappropriately  and  didn’t  “She’s  not  your  average
            educator with a doctoral de-  when  I  was  second  lady,  I  under  accusations  of  plagia-  speak up.            grandmother,”  granddaugh-
            gree  —  as  well  as  a  noted  could say anything I wanted,  rism. She says she emulated  “I can remember specifically  ter  Naomi  said  on  a  video
            prankster.                   and no one really paid much  her  mother’s  stoic  style.  Jill  — it was in a job interview,”  shown  at  the  Democratic
            Now,  with  her  husband  on  attention.  But  the  minute  I  Biden’s  mother,  she  said,  Jill Biden said. “If that same  National Convention, recall-
            the  brink  of  becoming  the  became first lady, everything  didn’t  even  cry  when  her  thing  happened  today,  I’d  ing that Jill Biden once woke
            46th  president,  Jill  Biden  is  became newsworthy.”    own  parents  died.  She  saw  turn  around  and  say,  ‘What  her up at 5 a.m. on Christmas
            about  to  become  first  lady  Still,  Jill  Biden  won’t  have  that  as  strength.  “I  decided  do you think you’re doin’?”  morning to go “soul cycling.”
            and put her own stamp on a  the learning curve most other  early  that  I  would  never  let  She’s  quick  to  rally  to  her  “She’s a prankster, she’s very
            position  that  traditionally  is  new first ladies faced. “She’s  my  emotions  rule  me,”  she  husband’s  side,  sometimes  mischievous,”  Naomi  added
            viewed as a model of Ameri-  been in the public eye for a  wrote in her memoir, ”Where  physically.                 with a grin. “When she goes
            can womanhood — whether  long time,” Gutin said. “She’s  the Light Enters.”            In New Hampshire in Febru-   on  a  run,  sometimes  she’ll
            that  means  hewing  to  old  going in eyes wide open.”   “As  a  political  spouse,  I’ve  ary, a man tried to cross into  find,  like,  a  dead  snake  and
            ways or finding new, activist  The  coronavirus  has  killed  found that my stoicism often  the  roped-off  area  near  Joe  she’ll pick it up and put it in a
            ones, in the manner of Elea-  more  than  260,000  Ameri-  serves  me  well,”  Jill  Biden  Biden.  In  a  flash,  Jill  Biden  bag and use it to scare some-
            nor Roosevelt, Hillary Clin-  cans  and  upended  much  of  wrote.  “In  1988,  when  Joe’s  crossed  behind  her  husband  one.”
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