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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 13 September 2024
            U.S. consumer watchdog moves to permanently ban Navient from

            federal student loan servicing

            By WYATTE G.-PHILIPS                                                                                                acy loans from the Federal
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  Family Education Loan Pro-
            NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S.                                                                                            gram  to  another  servicer,
            Consumer Finance Protec-                                                                                            MOHELA, starting July 1.
            tion Bureau has filed a pro-                                                                                        Beyond  the  ban  of  servic-
            posed order to permanent-                                                                                           ing  direct  federal  loans,
            ly ban Navient from directly                                                                                        the  CPFB’s  order  would
            servicing  federal  student                                                                                         also  bar  Navient  from  ac-
            loans,  which  the  agency                                                                                          quiring  most  of  those  FFEL
            says will put an end “years                                                                                         loans,  which  are  federally-
            of abuse.”                                                                                                          backed  private  loans  dis-
            Under  terms  of  the  Thurs-                                                                                       tributed through a program
            day  order,  which  Navient                                                                                         that  ended  in  2010.  Bor-
            agreed  to  without  admit-                                                                                         rowers may still have these
            ting  any  wrongdoing,  the                                                                                         kinds  of  loans  if  they  at-
            Virginia-based     financial                                                                                        tended school before then.
            services  company  would                                                                                            At  the  time  the  CFPB  filed
            also have to pay a $20 mil-                                                                                         its  lawsuit  against  Navient
            lion  penalty  and  provide                                                                                         back  in  2017,  the  agency
            another $100 million in relief                                                                                      said  that  Navient  was  ser-
            to impacted borrowers.                                                                                              vicing  student  loans  of
            “Today, we are closing the                                                                                          more  than  12  million  bor-
            book  on  Navient,”  CFPB    The headquarters of student loan debt collector Navient Corporation is seen in Wilmington, Del.,   rowers, including more than
            Director Rohit Chopra said   April 2, 2014.                                                                         6 million accounts under its
            in  prepared  remarks  Thurs-                                                                      Associated Press  contract  with  the  Educa-
            day, stating that the com-   cost  repayment  plans,  or  day  order,  which  should  vicers in the U.S. But that’s  tion  Department.  In  total,
            pany  harmed  millions  of  long-term      forbearance,  be  finalized  when  entered  changed.  The  company  the  CFPB  added,  Navient
            borrowers  as  “one  of  the  and failing to properly pro-  by  the  court,  Navient  said  maintains  that  it  is  no  lon-  serviced over $300 billion in
            worst  offenders  in  the  stu-  cess payments.           the  settlement  agreement  ger a servicer or purchaser  federal and private student
            dent  loan  servicing  indus-  In  the  years  that  followed,  reached  with  the  agency  of federal student loans.  loans.
            try.”                        states also began to exam-   “puts these decade-old is-   Navient’s contract with the  “Borrowers don’t get to se-
            Chopra  said  the  CFPB  be-  ine such allegations of for-  sues behind us.” “While we  U.S. Education Department  lect  who  services  their  stu-
            gan  investigating  Navient,  bearance  steering    lead-  do not agree with the CF-   to service direct loans end-  dent loan, so more than a
            which  split  off  from  con-  ing  to  debt  cancelations  PB’s  allegations,  this  reso-  ed  in  2021.  The  company  quarter  of  all  student  loan
            sumer banking corporation  for  many  borrowers  across  lution is consistent with our  says  this  was  transferred  borrowers  had  no  choice
            Sallie Mae in 2014, nearly a  the country. In 2022, for ex-  go-forward activities and is  to  a  third  party,  Maximus,  but  to  rely  on  Navient  as
            decade  ago.  The  agency  ample,  Navient  agreed  to  an important positive mile-    which  currently  services  their servicer,” Chopra said
            later  sued  Navient,  accus-  settle  claims  with  39  state  stone in our transformation  these  loans  under  the  in  his  Thursday  remarks  —
            ing the company of preda-    attorneys general for $1.85  of the company,” the com-    name  “Aidvantage.”  And  later  adding  that  the  pro-
            tory lending practices such  billion.                     pany added.                  earlier  this  year,  Navient  posed settlement “marks a
            as steering those struggling  In a statement following the  Navient  was  once  one  of  reached an agreement to  significant  step”  for  future
            with their debts into higher-  filing  of  the  CFPB’s  Thurs-  the largest student loan ser-  outsource  servicing  of  leg-  protections. q

             Next year’s Jan. 6 election certification will get extra security to

             prevent another riot

            By REBECCA SANTANA           Homeland  Security  Secre-   pecially  when  it  comes  to  scaled   walls,   shattered  in  the  halls  of  Congress.
            Associated Press             tary  Alejandro  Mayorkas  pulling  in  resources  across  windows,  beat  police  and  About  140  police  officers
            WASHINGTON (AP) — In an  made  the  designation  fol-     the federal government.      hunted  down  lawmakers  were injured that day.q
            effort  to  prevent  another  lowing  a  request  from  the  “National  Special  Secu-
            riot like the one on Jan. 6,  mayor of Washington, D.C.  rity  Events  are  events  of
            2021,  the  Homeland  Se-    The  move  means  these  the  highest  national  sig-
            curity  secretary  has  desig-  are particularly high-profile  nificance,” Eric Ranaghan,
            nated  the  congressional  events  that  might  be  tar-  the special agent in charge
            count  and  certification  of  gets  for  terrorists  or  crimi-  of the U.S. Secret Service’s
            the presidential election as  nals.                       Dignitary  Protective  Divi-
            a  national  special  security  The  Secret  Service  is  in  sion,  said  in  a  statement.
            event overseen by the Se-    charge  of  running  security  The  agency  and  its  part-
            cret Service.                for  such  events  in  a  plan-  ners “are committed to de-
            Both  political  parties’  na-  ning  process  that  kicks  off  veloping  and  implement-
            tional   conventions,   the  many  months  in  advance.  ing  a  comprehensive  and
            presidential   inauguration  A  steering  committee  for  integrated security plan to
            and  the  U.N.  General  As-  the Jan. 6 certification has  ensure  the  safety  and  se-
            sembly  already  have  this  been  formed  and  will  be-  curity  of  this  event  and  its
            designation, but it’s the first  gin meeting in the coming  participants,” he said.
            time the Jan. 6 vote count  weeks,  the  Secret  Service  Rioters  seeking  to  overturn   Insurrectionists  loyal  to  President  Donald  Trump  try  to  break
            and  certification  have  re-  said.                      the results of the 2020 elec-  through a police barrier, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capitol
                                                                                                   in Washington.
            ceived it.                   The goal is to improve plan-  tion descended on Capitol                                            Associated Press
            The  Secret  Service  said  ning and coordination, es-    Hill  on  Jan.  6,  2021.  They
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