Page 10 - AHATA
P. 10
local Tuesday 2 april 2024
Rhythms Circus Company Aruba: putting Aruba’s name on the world stage
RCCA also offers the possibility for you and a shocking acrobatics ending, one that was
your family to enjoy dinner before the show! seen by thousands of people around the
Starting from 6pm, you and your family can world when the group travelled to Los An-
delight from the wide-ranged menu that in- geles in the United States to represent Aru-
cludes a variation of delicious main course ba in America’s Got Talent. Hernandez said
meals complete with a delectable flan des- that the show was very important for them
sert as a sweet treat. Enjoy your dinner even to meet the public present because people
more at a VIP table complete with comfort could experience this performance live and
seating! right before their eyes.
The group, under the leadership of directors Their presentation in America’s Got Talent
and creators Diego Jaramillo and Yamila “was incredible” and they were able to meet
Hernandez are opening the doors to the ball- the jury and many other artists staying there
room to our local audience as well as our visi- for three months. But the exhaustion and
tors so that everyone can have the privilege physical toll was so great that Diego suffered
of experiencing this wonderful show. an accident, and because of this, they had
to cancel all future commitments.
Hernandez explained that the idea for this
Rhythms Circus Company Aruba is a talented project started in 2010 when she came to Reservations and tickets
group of young people working daily to pres- work in Aruba. After being on the island for a To make a reservation to see this incredible
ent their art in the form of acrobatics, danc- while she decided to stay and live here, and display of creativity and acrobatics, scan the
ing, acting and singing. After an impactful she met Diego Jaramillo, who is currently her QR code which will take you directly to their
participation in one of America’s biggest tal- partner. Together they came with the idea website for a booking. To find more informa-
ent shows, they are now bringing their amaz- to establish a company together with other tion about RCCA, please visit their Instagram
ing talent to Aruba! professional artists, with the goal of living from page @rccaruba. q
their art.
In a show full of light, music, and with perfor-
mances to famous musical figures like Elvis Hernandez says that the work is hard – all of
Presley, Michael Jackson and Tina Turner, the the performers are professional artists, and
group consisting of 15 people from various while the production of the show is not a
countries delights the audience with their ar- challenge for them, selling the idea proved
tistic prowess at the Paseo Herencia Mall, ev- difficult since at the time, there weren’t any
ery Wednesday and Friday starting at 7pm. shows of its kind on the island.
Each day has a different show, so you can
attend both nights for the complete experi- America’s Got Talent
Currently they are offering a show with mu-
sic, choreography and at the end, they have
Best spots to view the sunset
(Oranjestad)—Today we dous view of the sunset, but Amsterdam Manor round- before you drive up the top the 587-step stairs and
celebrate Valentine ’s Day, also a breath taking scen- about. The sunset on these hill to the California Light reach the top to enjoy this
and what can be more ro- ery of most of the island. In beaches is truly breathtak- House. A favorite for surf- incredible scenery.
mantic than surprising your the distance you can spot ing; the sky and ocean look ers and body boarders, the
partner with a date watch- all the hotels, the west- so big and spacious, and Arashi sky stretches out for Casibari Rock Formation
ing the sunset. Aruba’s sun- ern shoreline and the wild paired with the orange/ miles, lending a spectacu- If you’re a rock climber, you
set leave many speechless, waves that crash on the pink hue of the sunset, the lar canvas for the sun to might enjoy watching the
and luckily, the best spots northern side of the island. white sandy beaches and create a masterpiece of or- sunset on top of the Casi-
to view the sunset are en- the soft sounds of waves ange, pink and purple hue. bari Rock Formation. It’s no
tirely accessible and easy Manchebo & Eagle Beach crashing—it can only be Yosemite, but it does offer
to find. Here are some of Speaking of the western described as an experi- Hooiberg Hill a fun little exercise to get to
the best places to view the shoreline, the best spots ence!* These last two options are the top. But if you prefer not
sunset on the island. for viewing the sunset on for more active couples. If to get your hands a little
the beach has to be either Arashi Beach you and your partner like to dirty, you can always use
California Light House Manchebo Beach or at Another beach that has to hike, the Hooiberg Hill may the stairs in the back.
Of course, being one of the Eagle Beach, which stretch be considered as another be a great place for you to
highest point easily acces- along the entire western great spot to view the sun- get your daily workout in Editor’s note: This spot may
sible to locals and tourists, coast of the island starting set. Arashi Beach is the last and enjoy a beautiful view be my personal favorite, if
the California Light House from behind Bucuti & Tara beach you will find along of the sunset and the island you couldn’t already tell…
hill not only offers a tremen- Beach Resort up to the the western coast line, just as a little reward. Climb on q