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Tuesday 2 april 2024
Create museum memories
ORANJESTAD — Museums are an in the Water Tower in San Nicolas restoration and construction work
integral part of conserving and and narrates Aruba's industrial his- began on the monumental build-
honoring cultures, and Aruba is no tory, which began in the 19th cen- ings and the soon-to-be exhibition
exception. Our Island has a wide tury. The Water Tower was built in space. In December 2007, the key
selection of various museums for 1939 and consists of three sections: to the complex was delivered and
our locals and visitors to see. Take the substructure, the high-rising ver- the museum’s employees moved
this opportunity to learn about our tical shaft, and the tank at the top. to the new location. The final de-
island and experience a different The Water Tower was purchased sign for the exhibit was completed
day beyond the beach. Let us in- by the Monuments Fund in 2003 so in November 2007 and the perma-
troduce to you these museums. it can be restored and preserved nent exhibit, financed by the Aru-
as one of Aruba's monuments. The ban Government and the Union of
Museum of Industry is part of Aruba Cultural Organizations (UNOCA),
Museum Foundation (Fundacion opened in July 2009.
Museo Aruban), which is a founda- In the late 1980’s, AMA identified its
tion set to maintain, preserve, and need for an adequate housing for At the new location, the National
protect the Aruban cultural sector, its collection and activities. After Archaeological Museum Aruba
history, and nature. The museum of studying various options, a project disposes of approximately 500 m2
Industry is open daily from 9 am till proposal was drawn up, including for its permanent exhibit. This exhib-
6 pm. the acquisition and restoration of it conveys information on the origin
historical buildings in downtown and culture of the first inhabitants
For more information, check out Oranjestad. of the island through archaeologi-
their Facebook page Museum of cal objects and modern exhibition
Industry Aruba. These historical buildings were for- techniques. The new permanent
merly the property of the Ecury exhibit gives the visitor an insight
Archaeological Museum of Aruba family. The “Ecury Complex”, is a into the cultures that inhabited the
The Archaeological Museum of cluster of single and two-story his- island in Pre-Historical and Early
Aruba is located at Schelpstraat 42 toric buildings, mainly Dutch colo- Historical times. The museum also
in downtown Oranjestad. The reno- nial architecture from the late 19th hosts attractive public programs,
Museum of Industry Aruba vated historic Ecury complex in the and 20th century on a plot of ap- including lectures, educational
The Museum of Industry is located area has been transformed from a proximately 1.700 m2. projects, temporary exhibits and
in San Nicolas—better known as family home to a modern museum workshops.
the art capital of Aruba. This mu- that preserves Aruba’s Amerindian In 1997, the Aruban Government
seum exhibits the industrial history cultural heritage. This 21st century bought the complex for the Na- The museum is open daily from 9:30
of gold, aloe, phosphate, oil and museum is especially designed to tional Archaeological Museum am till 4:30 pm. For more informa-
tourism through elaborated dis- preserve valuable artifacts dating project. In 2004, a financial agree- tion check out the Facebook page
plays and multimedia installations. back to the Pre-Ceramic period of ment was signed with the Europe- Museo Arqueologico Nacional
The Museum of Industry is situated 2500 BC. an Development Fund and in 2006, Aruba.q
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would like to portrait you! By inviting you to send us your favorite
vacation picture while enjoying our Happy Island.
Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ……. Send your picture with that text (including your name
and where you are from) to: and we will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t
that a special way to keep your best moments alive? Please do note: By submitting photos, text or any
other materials, you give permission to The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Printers and
any of its affiliated companies to use said materials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional
purposes without compensation.
Last but not least: check out our website, Instagram and Facebook page! Thank you for supporting
our free newspaper, we strive to make you a happy reader every day again.
For today we received a lovely message from our awesome visitor Ron Carlson from Tampa, Florida,
He wrote to us saying: “Aruba to me is all about adventure. Driving ATVs around the island is a great
way to see its natural beauty outside of the resorts. I highly recommend going out and having a look
Thank you for sending us this wonderful message sharing what Aruba means to you with us and our