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science Friday 24 February 2023
Space telescope uncovers massive galaxies near HEALTH
cosmic dawn DOCTOR ON DUTY
By MARCIA DUNN axy formation into ques- Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
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AP Aerospace Writer tion.” These galaxy obser-
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. vations were among the San Nicolas
(AP) — Astronomers have first data set that came Imsan 24 hours
discovered what appear from the $10 billion Webb Tel.524 8833
to be massive galaxies telescope, launched just Women in Difficulties
dating back to within 600 over a year ago. NASA PHARMACY ON DUTY
million years of the Big and the European Space Oranjestad:
Bang, suggesting the early Agency’s Webb is consid- Eagle Tel. 587 9011
universe may have had a ered the successor to the San Nicolas:
stellar fast-track that pro- Hubble Space Telescope, San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
duced these “monsters.” coming up on the 33rd an- Women in Difficulties
While the new James niversary of its launch.q OTHER
Webb Space Telescope Dental Clinic 587 9850
has spotted even older Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
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galaxies, dating to within This image provided by NASA and the European Space Agency Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
shows images of six candidate massive galaxies, seen 500-800
a mere 300 million years of million years after the Big Bang. +297 588 0539
the beginning of the uni- Associated Press Women in Difficulties
verse, it’s the size and ma- EMERGENCY
turity of these six apparent according to the scientists, “The revelation that mas- Police 100
mega-galaxies that stun who published their find- sive galaxy formation be- Oranjestad 527 3140
scientists. They reported ings in the journal Nature. gan extremely early in the Noord 527 3200
their findings Wednesday. Yet these galaxies are be- history of the universe up- Sta. Cruz 527 2900
Lead researcher Ivo Labbe lieved to be extremely ends what many of us had San Nicolas 584 5000
of Australia’s Swinburne compact, squeezing in thought was settled sci- Police Tipline 11141
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and his team expected Milky Way, but in a relative- ment. Fire Dept. 115
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whoppers.“While most think the results were real lems for science. It calls the Prof. Taxi 588 0035
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small and only gradually be galaxies as mature as A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
growing larger over time,” the Milky Way so early in Women in Difficulties
he said in an email, “there time and they still need TRAVEL INFO
are a few monsters that to be confirmed. The ob-
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would work is unknown.” of the team thought they Avianca 588 0059
Each of the six objects had made a mistake. “We Jet Blue 588 2244
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looks to weigh billions of were mind-blown, kind of
times more than our sun. incredulous,” Labbe said. Women in Difficulties
In one of them, the total The Pennsylvania State AID FOUNDATIONS
weight of all its stars may University’s Joel Leja, who FAVI- Visually Impaired
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