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Friday 24 February 2023
Dr. Seuss’ ‘How the Grinch stole Christmas!’ gets a sequel
By MARK PRATT ous food of the holiday.
Associated Press When the Whos gather to
BOSTON (AP) — Dr. Se- sing on Christmas morning,
uss fans might find their the Grinch realizes that the
hearts growing three sizes holiday is not about toys
this coming holiday sea- and feasting, but about
son with the release of a joyously celebrating with
sequel to the 1957 classic family and neighbors and
children’s book “How the as Seuss wrote, the Grinch’s
Grinch Stole Christmas!” “heart grew three sizes that
The new book picks up one day.” In the sequel, the
year after the original, and Grinch wants to show how
like the first, teaches a valu- much he loves the holi-
able lesson about the true day by winning Who-ville’s
spirit of the holiday, Dr. Se- Christmas Crown with the
uss Enterprises and Random most spectacular Christmas
House Children’s Books an- tree ever seen, according
nounced Thursday. to Dr. Seuss Enterprises.
The sequel entitled “How But when his plan goes
the Grinch Lost Christmas!” awry, the Grinch turns into
is not based on a newly his old, cold-hearted self,
discovered manuscript by until his friend Cindy-Lou
Seuss whose real name Who, reminds him that
was Theodor Geisel but Christmas is not all about
was written and illustrated winning.
by an author and artist with Geisel, who died in 1991 at
previous experience in the A recent undated image provided by Dr. Seuss Enterprises shows a page from the new book “How age 87, authored dozens
Dr. Seuss universe. the Grinch Lost Christmas!” Seuss Enterprises, the company that owns the Dr. Seuss intellectual of books, including “Green
“One of the most asked property, is releasing the sequel to the iconic children’s book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” Eggs and Ham” and “The
Associated Press
questions we receive from Cat in the Hat.”
Seuss fans of all ages is mated TV special narrated has illustrated the Cat in opportunity to be a part of Some of his work has been
‘What do you think hap- by Boris Karloff, a 2000 live- the Hat’s Learning Library this project, I jumped at the criticized in recent years
pened to the Grinch after action movie starring Jim books for more than two chance only to find that it because of racist imagery
he stole Christmas?” said Carrey and a computer- decades. was difficult and daunting that in 2021 prompted Dr.
Alice Jonaitis, executive animated film in 2018 with “All throughout writing the to approach adding to Seuss Enterprises to cease
editor at Random House Benedict Cumberbatch story, I couldn’t fully believe or expanding such an es- publication of six books, in-
Children’s Books, in a state- voicing the Grinch. that I was actually getting teemed and treasured part cluding “And to Think That
ment. The new book, scheduled to play in the amazing cre- of the American Christmas I Saw It on Mulberry Street”
The original Grinch book for release Sept. 5, is writ- ative sandbox Dr. Seuss canon,” he said. and “If I Ran the Zoo.”
has sold nearly 10 million ten by Alastair Heim and created all those decades In the original, the Grinch But his work remains pop-
copies in North America illustrated by Aristides Ruiz. ago,” Heim said in an email. tries to ruin Christmas for ular. Forbes magazine
alone and like other Seuss Heim has written Seuss- Working on the Grinch se- the people of Who-ville by ranked him eighth on a
books has been translated themed books like “If I Ran quel was an awesome re- making off in the middle of 2022 list of the highest-paid
into multiple languages. It Your School” and “I Am sponsibility, Ruiz said via the night with all the mate- dead celebrities, with $32
was made into a 1966 ani- the Cat in the Hat.” Ruiz email. “When I heard of the rial trappings and sumptu- million in earnings.q
Anthem for Charles III’s coronation written by Lloyd Webber
By DANICA KIRKA LONDON (AP) — Andrew composer who created the this joyful occasion,” Web- William Byrd (1543–1623),
Associated Press Lloyd Webber, the English scores for blockbuster musi- ber said in a statement George Frideric Handel
cals such as “Cats,’’ “The distributed by Buckingham (1685–1759), Edward Elgar
Phantom of the Opera’’ Palace. (1857–1934), Henry Walford
and “Evita,’’ has written the The program for the king’s Davies (1869–1941), William
anthem for King Charles coronation ceremony in- Walton (1902–1983), Hu-
III’s coronation, adapting cludes older music and bert Parry (1848–1918) and
a piece of church music new compositions as the Ralph Vaughan Williams
that encourages singers to palace seeks to blend tra- (1872–1958), whose music
make a “joyful noise.” ditional and modern ele- has featured in previous
The work by Webber is one ments that reflect the reali- coronations, along with a
of a dozen new pieces ties of modern Britain. New piece from the contempo-
Charles commissioned for pieces were composed by rary Welsh composer Karl
the grand occasion tak- artists with roots in all four Jenkins.
ing place May 6 at West- of the United Kingdom’s There will also be new works
minster Abbey. It includes constituent nations, as well by Sarah Class, Nigel Hess,
words adapted from Psalm as in the Commonwealth Paul Mealor, Tarik O’Regan,
98 and is scored specifically and foreign countries that Roxanna Panufnik, Shirley
Britain’s Prince Charles meets Andrew Lloyd Webber during a
visit to the Royal Albert Hall to discuss the arts and creativity in for the abbey’s choir and have sent so many peo- J. Thompson, Judith Weir,
school, in London, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018. organ. ple to its shores. The ser- Roderick Williams and Deb-
Associated Press “I hope my anthem reflects vice will include works by bie Wiseman.q