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                      Thursday 6 July 2023
            Quran burnings have Sweden torn between free speech and

            respecting minorities

            By KARL RITTER and                                                                                                  be  allowed  and  that  Swe-
            JAN M. OLSEN                                                                                                        den  should  resist  pressure
            Associated Press                                                                                                    to  re-introduce  blasphemy
            STOCKHOLM  (AP)  —  A                                                                                               laws,  which  were  aban-
            Quran burning and a string                                                                                          doned  decades  ago  in
            of requests to approve the                                                                                          this  predominantly  Luther-
            destruction  of  more  holy                                                                                         an  but  highly  secularized
            books  have  left  Sweden                                                                                           Scandinavian nation.
            torn  between  its  commit-                                                                                         Stockholm     police    on
            ment to free speech and its                                                                                         Wednesday  said  they  had
            respect for religious minori-                                                                                       received  two  new  appli-
            ties.                                                                                                               cations  for  book-burning
            The  clash  of  fundamental                                                                                         protests in the capital: one
            principles  has  complicat-                                                                                         from  an  individual  who
            ed Sweden’s desire to join                                                                                          wants  to  burn  the  Quran
            NATO,  an  expansion  that                                                                                          outside a mosque and an-
            gained  urgency  after  Rus-                                                                                        other  from  someone  who
            sia’s invasion of Ukraine but                                                                                       wants  to  burn  the  Torah
            needs  the  approval  of  all                                                                                       and  the  Bible  outside  Isra-
            current members.                                                                                                    el’s Embassy.
            Turkey has blocked Swedish                                                                                          A third request that involves
            accession  since  last  year,                                                                                       “setting  a  religious  text  on
            citing  reasons  including                                                                                          fire”  had  been  filed  in  the
            anti-Turkish and anti-Islamic                                                                                       southern  city  of  Helsing-
            protests in Stockholm.       Indian  Muslims  hold  placards  and  shout  slogans  condemning  the  desecration  of  Islam’s  holy   borg,  local  police  chief
            Then,  last  week,  an  Iraqi   book ‘Quran’ in Sweden, during a demonstration in Mumbai, India, Monday, July 3, 2023.   Mattias Sigfridsson told The
            Christian immigrant burned                                                                         Associated Press   Associated Press.
            Islam’s holy book outside a  cent protests by a far-right  Muslim   countries   have  mentators in Sweden argue  Police have not yet decid-
            Stockholm  mosque  during  activist,  it  sparked  a  de-  urged  Sweden  to  enact  that the protests should be  ed on the requests.
            the  major  Muslim  holiday  bate in Sweden about the  bans  and  Pakistan’s  prime  regarded  as  hate  speech,  “In  Sweden,  we  have  the
            of Eid al-Adha, an act that  limits of freedom of speech.  minister,  Shehbaz  Sharif,  which  is  outlawed  in  the  freedom of expression. We
            the man said displayed his  Now,  Swedish  police  say  called for a daylong protest  country when it targets eth-  also  respect  people  who
            feelings about the Quran.    they  have  received  new  to defend the sanctity of Is-  nicity or race.              have  a  different  opinion
            The burning triggered wide-  requests for demonstrations  lam’s  holy  book  on  Friday,  But  many  in  Sweden  say  and the fact that it may hurt
            spread  condemnation  in  by individuals who want to  when Pakistan’s parliament  criticizing religion, even in a  some feelings. We have to
            the Islamic world.           burn the Quran, as well as  will  discuss  Quran  burning.  manner  that  is  considered  look at the law. That is what
            And  along  with  similar  re-  the Torah and the Bible.  Even  some  liberal  com-    offensive by believers, must  we do,” Sigfridsson said.q

            UN: Millions left with no aid as West Africa suffers worst hunger

            crisis in 10 years

             By CHINEDU ASADU            West Africa are without aid  lion  people  targeted  for  said.                        from  the  2015-2022  aver-
             Associated Press            as  the  agency  struggles  food  aid  during  the  June  Long  before  last  year’s  age,” the agency said.
             ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — The  with  limited  funding  to  re-  to August lean season are  flooding  and  Russia’s  war  In  central  Sahel  coun-
             U.N.  World  Food  Program  spond to the region’s worst  not  receiving  any  assis-  in  Ukraine,  West  Africa  al-  tries  of  Mali,  Burkina  Faso,
             said  Wednesday  that  mil-  hunger crisis in a decade.  tance,  the  agency  said  in  ready  was  facing  its  worst  and  Niger  where  jihadists
             lions  of  hungry  people  in  Nearly half of the 11.6 mil-  a statement. It warned that  food  crisis  in  10  years  with  have become increasingly
                                                                      hundreds  of  thousands  of  more than 27 million hungry  deadly,  U.N.  agencies  es-
                                                                      people  are  at  risk  of  join-  people  mainly  as  a  result  timate  that  the  number  of
                                                                      ing  armed  groups,  getting  of conflicts but also due to  people  fleeing  violence
                                                                      married  early  or  engaging  drought and the economic  there  has  nearly  quadru-
                                                                      in “survival sex” in their des-  impacts  of  the  COVID-19  pled from 30,000 in January
                                                                      peration to survive.         pandemic.                    to 110,000 people in June.
                                                                      “We’re  in  a  tragic  situa-  Food  insecurity  in  West  “We need a twin-track ap-
                                                                      tion. During this year’s lean  and  Central  Africa  is  now  proach  to  stop  hunger  in
                                                                      season,  millions  of  fami-  affecting  47.2  million  peo-  the Sahel  we must address
                                                                      lies  will  lack  sufficient  food  ple  in  this  year’s  lean  sea-  acute   hunger   through
                                                                      reserves  to  sustain  them  son  which  is  when  hunger  humanitarian   assistance
                                                                      until  the  next  harvests  in  peaks,  the  WFP  said,  with  while tackling the structural
                                                                      September,”  said  Margot  women  and  children  the  causes  of  food  insecurity
                                                                      Vandervelden, WFP interim  most vulnerable groups.        by  increasing  investments
                                                                      regional  director  for  West-  “Malnutrition  rates  have  in  resilient  food  systems
             Malnourished  children  wait  for  treatment  in  the  pediatrics   ern  Africa.  “We  must  take  also  surged,  with  16.5  mil-  and  expanding  govern-
             department of Boulmiougou hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina   immediate  action  to  pre-  lion children under 5 set to  ment social protection pro-
             Faso, on April 15, 2022.                                 vent  a  massive  slide  into  be  acutely  malnourished  grammes,”  Vandervelden
                                                     Associated Press  catastrophic  hunger,”  she  this year  an 83 percent rise  added.q
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