Page 25 - MIN TTC 31 MAART 2016
P. 25
Thursday 31 March 2016
Loyal Guests Honored at the Aruba Beach Club
PALM BEACH - Recently Aruba, and the Emerald
the Aruba Tourism Author- Ambassadors also receive
ity had the great pleasure a lovely Commemorative
of honoring a very loyal Coin designed especially
group of guests as Good- for the occasion!
will Ambassadors and Em- The honorees for Goodwill
erald Ambassadors at the Ambassador were Mr. Pat-
Aruba Beach Club. rick and Mrs. Judith Mac-
Cormack of York, Maine.
The symbolic honorary The honoree for Emerald
titles are presented in the Ambassador was Mrs. Mrs.
name of the Minister of Mildred W. Martin of Brews-
Tourism as tokens of ap- ter, New York.
preciation to guests who Patrick, Judith and Mil-
visit Aruba for 20-to-34 and dred are all loyal mem-
35-or-more consecutive bers of the Aruba Beach
years. Club and they love Aruba
All of the guests are hon- very much because of
ored with official plaques the friendly people, the
from the Government of
climate, beaches, restau- representing the Aruba
rants, relaxation and be- Tourism Authority, together
ing on Aruba and staying with family and friends of
at the Aruba Beach Club is the honorees, Ms. Kenia
like being home for them. and Mrs. Amanda Singh
The certificate was present- and other associates from
ed by Ms. Dalrine de Cuba the Aruba Beach Club.