Page 27 - MIN TTC 31 MAART 2016
P. 27

LOCALA15                                                                                   A15

                                                                                           Thursday 31 March 2016

Morin Family Honored at the Playa Linda Beach Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently the       Goodwill Ambassadors of      appreciation to guests        This year marks the Morin’s  and Aruba feels like a
Aruba Tourism Authority         Aruba , at the Playa Linda   who visit Aruba for 20-to-34  25th consecutive visit       second home and the
had the great pleasure          Beach Resort. The symbolic   consecutive years.            to Aruba, and they are       people are like a family
of honoring a very nice         honorary title is presented  The honorees were Mr. Tom     also celebrating the 25th    to them, and Playa Linda
couple whom are loyal and       in the name of the Minister  and Mrs. Diane Morin of       wedding anniversary of       is their home away from
friendly Visitors of Aruba, as  of Tourism as a token of     Newport, New Hampshire.       their son Todd and his wife  home. The certificates
                                                                                           Sherry – quite a special     were presented by Mr.
                                                                                           vacation! The Morin family   Ernest Giel representing the
                                                                                           loves Aruba very much        Aruba Tourism Authority
                                                                                           because of the people,       together with Ms. Yvette
                                                                                           the climate, beaches,        Tromp representing the
                                                                                           relaxation, restaurants,     Playa Linda Beach Resort.
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