Page 18 - Amigoe Aruba, Curacao
P. 18
9 APRIL 2016
AWE NO: Making Noise to Fight Crime
‘Bochincha!’ is a well-known word in Curaçao. It
means noise. It is anything but negative. The move-
ment AWE NO [Not Today] is using noise to draw at-
tention to something negative in a positive way.
By Elisa Koek making people aware and uniting everybody.
The start of AWE NO is a peaceful noise pro-
“There’s too much crime in Curaçao,” says initia- WHVW7KLVLVGRQHLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVWR¿JKW
tor Danny Yanga. “That’s why we ask everybody violence in neighborhoods and seems to be
to go outside on April 16th, wearing an AWE very effective. “Noise is contagious. If you hear
NO t-shirt, carry pots and pans, and make noise a neighbor participating when you aren’t, you’re
together. The positive sound can strike sparks very aware of the fact that you’re not making a
everywhere.” The noise protest will be followed statement against violence. We want to inspire
by a big concert that same evening. others and wake them up.” Because New Year’s
Danny Yanga was born in Curaçao and has is celebrated with many bangs in Curaçao,
always been an entertainer. He participated in Danny thinks this kind of protest suits the island.
the Tumba Festival, and played with artists like “We welcome the new year with noise, so let’s
Doble R and Magic Sound. In Holland, he played welcome a fresh start without violence the same
the lead part in the musical Lion King. He loved way.” The noise protests will take place at vari-
being on stage, but after a few years, life as a ous times in the afternoon, at 12:00 noon, 13:00
star became too much. “I missed my family, and PM, and 14:00 PM. The protest day will end with
being free to visit my island whenever I wanted a big concert by over a hundred local artists.
to do so. My life revolved around musicals, and I
realized this wasn’t the way I wanted to live.” AWE NO doesn’t stop there. After the 16th of
Danny moved back to Curaçao in 2014, but April, they will start visiting districts around
even before moving back, he was already the island. On weekends, they want to offer
thinking of plans to unite people: a movement to people educational courses, but also to unite,
spread positivity. “I noticed people were really debate with, and talk to people. “Inspiration and
startled about the crime rate, so I wanted to do motivation are keywords of AWE NO. We want
something about it, something that would unite to create chances for everybody, and get them
people against crime. When a man was shot interested in choosing the right path, the path
during the Carnival celebrations this year, I knew of a stable lifestyle without crime. That’s what
this was the time to make it happen.” Danny AWE NO is all about: striking sparks to spread
started AWE NO, a movement which aims at positivity.”
IN tShPeOT LIGHT 5 Things You Can
Dispose of While Spring Cleaning
People call him crazy ‘ Doing the Vierdaagse is more than
and can’t even begin to an excuse for a trip to Holland’ You are underwear, out-of-style clothing from the 60’s? Stop
understand his motives, attempting to begin hanging onto these old pieces that you’re not going
but for Rensley Victoria Rensley your spring cleaning, but to be wearing. If you need to purchase new clothing,
it’s a sheer fact every Victoria where do you begin? don’t do that unless you’ve parted with the old, oth-
year: the ‘ Vierdaagse’ erwise you’re just adding more clutter. Trash items
in Holland. For the tenth Excess clutter can impede upon your spring clean- that are torn or damaged, and if you can, donate
time this year Rensley ing efforts, so decluttering your home will help you items that are in good condition.
jumped on a plane to complete that spring cleaning project. Here are Expired Medicines - If the date has expired, it’s
Holland to walk for four ¿YHWKLQJV\RXFDQJHWULGRIWRGD\WRIUHHXSPRUH time to trash that medication. Expired prescription
days during this event in space in your home: drugs can be harmful rather than helpful, so dispose
Nijmegen. His 10th anni- of old medicines. Be careful to safely and properly
versary is extra special, dispose of the medications to avoid any incidents,
because it’s the 100th such as animals getting in your garbage and acci-
Vierdaagse ever. dentally consuming the potentially harmful meds.
By Elisa Koek Old Magazines and Newspapers - Those news Tupperware Containers - Lids may be disappear-
and entertainment articles are of the past, so why ing, cracks in the plastic may be developing, or you
“When I lived in Nijmegen I supported the people from the Antilles, hold onto additional paper clutter in the present? may just have way too many containers. Do you re-
but I never participated,” Rensley tells while reminiscing about his Be honest with yourself: you’re not going to go back ally need all those plastic storage containers? Toss
time in Holland. Like many people now, he also couldn’t under- and read these articles, so don’t let old magazines the damaged containers as well as the ones you
stand why people from the tropical Caribbean wanted to run the and newspapers clutter your household. don’t actually use because these storage containers
Vierdaagse in Holland. Now, he’s the one running while holding are ironically taking up storage space in cabinets
WKHÀDJRI&XUDFDRWRUHSUHVHQWKLVLVODQG Old Clothing - Go through your closet and drawers and in your home.
and get rid of old clothing. Holey socks, raggedy
But, what’s so important about this event? For Rensley it goes a
lot further than an excuse for a holiday in Holland. “Although that SPRING CLEANING
is important too,” he laughs. “I have a connection with Holland, so
again. However, now it’s a goal I want to achieve every year. I’ve
always loved sports and It feels amazing to train for this goal and
to actually do it this summer.”
During the last ten years Rensley became better known in Hol-
people from Curacao participate in the Vierdaagse, people are
interested and I get them to listen.” The social aspect of his trip to
Holland became more and more important to Rensley. He already
raised awareness for people with disabilities, childcare, and this
year he is focusing on mental care. To him, the right mental care
can do great things for the island. “If you’re not happy, you can’t
get far. Many people walk around while they need mental care
and help, but are not getting it for years. With the right help, these
people can contribute instead of create trouble for the whole com-
munity. During several receptions in Holland, I can get attention for