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P. 13
CLASSIFIED Wednesday 25 OctOber 2017
Dr. Wijngaarde
Tel. 588 2992
San Nicolas
Dr. Tromp
TIME SHARE FOR SALE For Sale Timeshare Tel. 584 7224
Divi Phoenix Resort Casa del Mar EMERGENCIA 911
1 bdrm Unit # 633 sleeps up to 6 Week 1 + deed 2 bedroom and
peoples week 1 and 2. Have 37 2 bath #1313 Presidential
weeks left. deed ocean view $ 19.500
Price $37,000 for 2 weeks. ________________________________208200 POLICE 100
215 9067397 Marriott Ocean Club ORANJESTAD 527-3140
_________________________________208098 1 BR Gold Ocean View $4000 NOORD 527-3200
TIME SHARE FOR RENT 2 BR Gold Ocean Ocean STA. CRUZ 527-2900
A patron exhales vapor from an e-cigarette at the Henley Divi Phoenix Front $10,000 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
Vaporium in New York. New York has added electronic one bedroom 2 full bath room # 2 BR Gold Ocean View $8500 FIRE DEPT. 115
cigarettes to its indoor smoking ban, making it illegal to use the 633 price $4500 for 2 weeks 2 BR Gold Ocean Front FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
devices in bars, restaurants and most workplaces. call or text 215 9067397 $16,000 HOSPITAL 527-4000
(AP Photo/Frank Franklin II) e-mail Platinum weeks also available DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Gov. Cuomo signs bill banning ________________________________208196 Call:(297) 630-1307 AMBULANCE 582-1234
e-cigarettes in NY workplaces Divi Phoenix RED CROSS 582-2219
one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps Marriott Surf Club Women in Difficulties
By DAVID KLEPPER dangerous loophole in the up to 6 people week 1 and 2 2 BR Gold Ocean View $8000 PHARMACY
Associated Press law, creating a stronger, have 37 weeks left price $37000 2 BR Gold Ocean Side $8500
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New healthier New York for all.” for 2 weeks 2 BR Gold Ocean Front Oranjestad:
Sta. Anna Tel. 586 8181
York has added electron- Several states including $16,000 San Nicolas
ic cigarettes to its indoor California, Connecticut or call 215 9067397 Mrs Lydia 3 BR Gold Ocean View San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
smoking ban, making it il- and New Jersey have al- ________________________________208196 $13,000
legal to use the devices in ready added the devices Timeshare For Sale / Rent Platinum weeks available
bars, restaurants and most to their smoking bans. wk 50 12/16 12/23 Call;(297)630-1307 INFORMATION 118
workplaces. New York’s new law will go sale at divi Golf unit 2314, TAXI-TAS 587-5900
While New York City and into effect in 30 days. Ear- studio 3500$ and week 44 PROF. TAXI 588-0035
several other localities had lier this year, Cuomo signed divi Village 10/29 For sale/rent Costa Linda Beach Resorts TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
SERVICE AUA 583-3232
already prohibited the use legislation to prohibit the email: 2 BR Week 44 Room #2023 A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
of e-cigarettes in areas use of electronic cigarettes 5086510016 pool ocean view $8500 280-2828
covered by the smoking in all public and private ________________________________208363 2 BR Week 43 Room #4012$ crUIse sHIP
ban, the new statewide schools. FOR SALE 8000
rules will provide consisten- The new law has the back- 2 BR Week 45 Room #1010
cy, according to Demo- ing of the American Can- Paradise Beach Villas $6500 All Ocean View
2 bedroom townhouse
cratic Gov. Andrew Cuo- cer Society and the Ameri- Call:(297)630-1307
mo, who signed the bill into can Lung Association. Jeff week 40 and 41 $4,900/week October 25
contact info e-mail address
law Monday. Seyler, executive vice pres- adventure of the seas
“These products are mar- ident of the American Lung Marriott Renaissance Suites nieuw amsterdam
keted as a healthier alter- Association’s northeast ________________________________208364 1 BR WK 41 Room #2501 $5000 Monarch / Freewinds
native to cigarettes, but region, said the new law 1 BR WK 42 Room #2517 Aruba Airport 524-2424
the reality is they also carry sends a signal that e-ciga- $5000 American Airlines 582-2700
long-term risks to the health rettes are not safe — and CPV Village Resorts Avianca 588-0059
Aruba Airlines 583-8300
of users and those around could help prevent some 2 BR wk 44 and 45 Room # Jet Blue 588-2244
them,” Cuomo said. “This young people from getting 101 A/B Surinam 582-7896
measure closes another hooked on nicotine.q $6000 Each Venezolana 583-7674
Call:(297)630-1307 Aruba Foundation For those Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582-5051
For Rent: Studios, AL-ANON group
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