Page 22 - HOH_Neat
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                 Thursday 1 OcTOber 2020
            Mild to severe: Immune system holds clues to virus reaction

                                                                                                                        for  hospitalization,  giving  Herold's
                                                                                                                        team the opportunity to compare
                                                                                                                        60  adults  and  65  children  and
                                                                                                                        teens  at  New  York's  Montefiore
                                                                                                                        Health System.
                                                                                                                        The children produced much high-
                                                                                                                        er  levels  of  certain  cytokines  that
                                                                                                                        are among the innate immune sys-
                                                                                                                        tem's first responders. When the im-
                                                                                                                        mune system's next stage kicked in,
                                                                                                                        both adults and children made an-
                                                                                                                        tibodies targeting the coronavirus.
                                                                                                                        Here's the rub: The adults' adaptive
                                                                                                                        immune  response  was  more  the
                                                                                                                        type that can trigger an inflamma-
                                                                                                                        tory overreaction.
                                                                                                                        The findings suggest kids' early ro-
                                                                                                                        bust reaction lets their immune sys-
                                                                                                                        tem  get  ahead  of  the  virus,  mak-
                                                                                                                        ing an overreaction less likely "and
                                                                                                                        that's  protecting  them,"  Herold
                                                                                                                        ANY PREEXISTING IMMUNITY?
                                                                                                                        The coronavirus that causes COV-
                                                                                                                        ID-19 is new to humans. But Sette's
                                                                                                                        team  studied  blood  samples  that
                                                                                                                        were stored in freezers before the
                                                                                                                        pandemic  and  found  some  har-
            This electron microscope image made available and color-enhanced by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious   bored memory T cells that recog-
            Diseases Integrated Research Facility in Fort Detrick, Md., in 2020, shows Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 virus particles,   nized a tiny portion of the new virus
            orange, isolated from a patient.                                                                            in laboratory tests.
                                                                                                       Associated Press   "You can actually tell that this is an
            By LAURAN NEERGAARD and CAN-        they were to begin with and how  But new research shows those cru-      experienced  T  cell.  This  has  seen
            DICE CHOI                           much of the virus — the "dose" —  cial molecules were essentially ab-   combat  before,"  Sette  said.  Re-
            Associated Press                    they were exposed to.               sent in a subset of people with se-  searchers in Germany, Britain and
            One of COVID-19's scariest myster-  "Infection and what happens after  vere COVID-19.                       other countries have made similar
            ies is why some people are mildly  infection is a very dynamic thing,"  An international project uncovered  findings.
            ill  or  have  no  symptoms  and  oth-  said Alessandro Sette, a researcher  two  reasons.  In  blood  from  nearly  The  new  coronavirus  has  cousins
            ers rapidly die — and scientists are  at the La Jolla Institute for Immunol-  1,000  severe  COVID-19  patients,  that cause as many as 30% of com-
            starting to unravel why.            ogy in San Diego, who is studying  researchers found 1 in 10 had what  mon colds, so researchers believe
            An international team of research-  yet another piece of the immune  are  called  auto-antibodies  —  an-   those  T  cells  could  be  remnants
            ers found that in some people with  response.                           tibodies  that  mistakenly  attack  from past colds.
            severe  COVID-19,  the  body  goes  IMMUNE PRIMER                       those  needed  virus  fighters.  Espe-  But  despite  the  speculation,  "we
            rogue and attacks one of its own  There are two main arms of the im-    cially  surprising,  autoimmune  dis-  don't know yet" that having those T
            key  immune  defenses  instead  of  mune  system.  Innate  immunity  is  orders  tend  to  be  more  common  cells makes any difference in who
            fighting the coronavirus. Most were  the body's first line of defense. As  in women — but 95% of these CO-  gets  seriously  sick  with  COVID-19,
            men, helping to explain why the vi-  soon  as  the  body  detects  a  for-  VID-19 patients were men.       noted Rory de Vries, co-author of
            rus is hitting men harder than wom-  eign intruder, key molecules, such  The  researchers  didn't  find  the  a study in the Netherlands that also
            en.                                 as  interferons  and  inflammation-  damaging  molecules  in  patients  found such T cells in old blood.
            And  separate  research  suggests  causing cytokines, launch a wide-    with  mild  or  asymptomatic  CO-   All these findings beg for a deeper
            that children fare better than adults  ranging attack.                  VID-19.                             understanding of the myriad ways
            thanks to robust "first responder" im-  Innate immune cells also alert the  In another 660 severely ill patients,  some people can be more suscep-
            mune cells that wane with age.      slower-acting  "adaptive"  arm  of  the  same  team  found  3.5%  had  tible than others.
            They're the latest in a list of studies  the immune system, the germ-spe-  gene  mutations  that  didn't  pro-  "We  need  to  look  quite  broadly
            uncovering multiple features of the  cific  sharpshooters,  to  gear  up.  B  duce Type I interferons.      and not jump into premature con-
            immune system's intricate cascade  cells  start  producing  virus-fighting  Each  of  those  silent  vulnerabilities  clusions  about  any  one  particular
            that can tip the scales between a  antibodies,  the  proteins  getting  was enough to tip the balance in  facet of the immune system," said
            good  or  bad  outcome.  Next  up:  so  much  attention  in  the  vaccine  favor of the virus early on, said Dr.  Stanford  University  immunologist
            Figuring  out  if  all  these  new  clues  hunt.                        Jean-Laurent Casanova, an infec-    Bali  Pulendran. He also has found
            might offer much-needed ways to  But antibodies aren't the whole sto-   tious  disease  geneticist  at  Rock-  some  innate  immune  cells  "in  a
            intervene.                          ry. Adaptive immunity's many oth-   efeller University in New York, who  state  of  hibernation"  in  seriously  ill
            "We have the knowledge and ca-      er ingredients include "killer" T cells  co-leads  the  COVID  Human  Ge-  adults and next is looking for differ-
            pability  of  really  boosting  many  that  destroy  virus-infected  cells  —  netic Effort.                ences before and after people get
            aspects  of  the  immune  system.  and "memory" T and B cells that re-  Certain  interferons  are  used  as  sick.
            But we need to not use the sledge  member an infection so they spring  medicines and are under study as  But,  "it's  not  just  all  about  the  im-
            hammer," cautioned Dr. Betsy Her-   into action quicker if they encoun-  a  possible  COVID-19  treatment;  mune system," cautioned Dr. Anita
            old  of  New  York's  Albert  Einstein  ter that germ again.            the auto-antibody discovery adds  McElroy, a viral immunity expert at
            College  of  Medicine,  who  co-au-  A MISSING PIECE                    another factor to consider.         the University of Pittsburgh Medical
            thored the child study.             Usually when a virus invades a cell,  KIDS' IMMUNITY REVS FAST          Center who's closely watching the
            Adding to the complexity, people's  proteins  called  Type  I  interferons  It's not clear why children appear  research. A way to tell in advance
            wildly varying reactions also reflect  spring  into  action,  defending  the  less at risk from COVID-19. But oc-  who's  most  at  risk?  "We're  a  long,
            other factors, such as how healthy  cell by interfering with viral growth.  casionally  they're  sick  enough  long way from that."q
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