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science Thursday 1 OcTOber 2020
Study: Neanderthal genes may be liability for COVID patients HEALTH
By FRANK JORDANS ticular Neanderthal gene tion. of the Institute of Clinical DOCTOR ON DUTY
Associated Press group is highest in people "It is striking that the ge- Molecular Biology at the Oranjestad
BERLIN (AP) — Scientists say from Bangladesh, where netic heritage from the Ne- University of Kiel, Germany, Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
genes that some people 63% are estimated to carry anderthals has such tragic said the findings have no Tel. 527 4000
have inherited from their a copy of the haplotype. consequences during the immediate impact on the
Neanderthal ancestors They cited studies from the current pandemic," Paabo treatment of COVID-19. San Nicolas
may increase their likeli- U.K. showing that people of said in a statement. "Why In a comment ahead of Imsan 24 hours
hood of suffering severe Bangladeshi descent have this is must now be inves- the study's final publica- Tel.524 8833
forms of COVID-19. about two times higher risk tigated as quickly as pos- tion, Franke said one in- Women in Difficulties
A study by European scien- of dying from COVID-19 sible." teresting question arising PHARMACY ON DUTY
tists published Wednesday than the general popula- But Andre Franke, director from the study is why that Oranjestad:
by the journal Nature ex- haploytpe — unlike most Oduber Tel. 582 1780
amined a cluster of genes Sudoku Neanderthal genes — sur- San Nicolas:
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