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a8    local
                 Thursday 14 January 2021

            Covid-19 update Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  –  Almost  a  There are 24 persons hospi-     Boats on sea:                New  legal  basis  for  fines  is  •   Businesses  are  required
            year  after  the  1st  case  of  talized of which 9 of them  Maximum  4  persons  on  introduced  which  allows        to  have  a  compliance
            Covid-19 hit the island and  are  in  the  Intensive  care  boats/yachts.              police  to  act  more  effec-   officer.
            was completely shut down  unit.  A  total  of  74.075  per-  Avoid  social  events  on  tively against violations.  •   Business  owners  are
            for  3.5  months,  Aruba’s  sons  have  been  tested  of  boats.                                                       asked  to  take  respon-
            tourism  and  economy  is  which  45.024  were  tested                                 Still Operative                 sibility  for  enforcement
            picking  up  bit  by  bit.  Bor-  at  the  airport.  52  persons  Gathering Ban:       •   Curfew   (TDQ)    from      of rules.
            ders  had  been  reopened  lost  the  battle  against  Co-  Maximum  2  persons  to-      11pm to 5am.
            for US Travelers, Europeans,  vid-19. Due to the amount  gether in public areas.       •   Business  closing  time  Advice for travelers
            and  as  per  December  1st,  of  increase  in  cases  these                              is  between  10pm  and  Prior to travel, visitors should
            2020  we  welcomed  back  last  days  the  Government  Shopping:                          6am.                      download  the  Aruba  De-
            our  visitors  of  Latin  Amer-  of  Aruba  took  some  ad-  Only 1 person per family in- •   Hotels  and  lodgings  partment of Public Health’s
            ica,  South  America  and  ditional  measurements  in  side stores/supermarkets.          are exempted from the  Aruba  Health  App.  A  mo-
            the  rest  of  the  Caribbean  order to stop the spread as  Masks required inside*.       closing  time,  BUT  only  bile  resource  for  informa-
            with the exception of Ven-   quickly as possible.         (*Remember - Resort Eleva-      to serve their registered  tion  on  COVID-19  health
            ezuela. Rules and protocols                               tors  &  hallways  are  inside   guests  between  10pm  procedures in Aruba, facili-
            are  being  reviewed  and  These are the decisions tak-   areas)                          and 6am.                  tation of the airport health
            evaluated on a daily basis  en  by  the  Government  of  Use masks when 1.5 meter  •      Casinos  are  not  part  screening,  and  faster  re-
            and adapted as per current  Aruba up till today:          is not possible.                of  the  exemption  and  sults for Molecular PCR CO-
            situation by a crisis team, in  For Restaurants:                                          must close at 10pm.       VID-19 tests taken in Aruba.
            order  to  protect  each  and  Max 4 per table.           Social events                •   Ban  on  beaches  and
            every  one  visiting  and  in-  No  live  musicians/enter-  Max 10 inside (if distance is   parking  from  7pm  to  Also as of November 1, 2020
            habiting our island.         tainment.                    possible) and 25 outside (if    5am.                      a flat premium of $30 is ap-
                                         No musical events that are  distance is possible).        •   (Licensed   restaurants  plicable for new insurance
            There  are  currently  (Janu-  intended  to  attract  cus-  No contact sports.            on the beach can op-      policies  for  travelers  over
            ary 13th, closing of this edi-  tomers.                   No permits for public events    erate  until  10pm  -  cus-  14 years old. More informa-
            tion) 624 active Covid cas-  Background (non-live) mu-    will be granted.                tomers to be seated at  tion  on  travel  and  health
            es  on  the  island.  592  resi-  sic only in restaurants.   Police  can  stop  event  if   tables  at  all  times,  as  requirements can be found
            dents and 32 non-residents.  No dancing.                  there is disorder.              per rules).               on

            PCR test required for returning US travelers

                                                                                    ORANJESTAD  —  In  accordance  requirement  such  as  quarantine,
                                                                                    with the Center for Disease Control  isolation  and  transportation.  Cost.
                                                                                    and  Prevention  and  the  Govern-   The  insurance  however  does  not
                                                                                    ment of the United States of Amer-   cover  the  test  upon  this  new  re-
                                                                                    ica  it  is  required  that  all  returning  quirement.
                                                                                    travelers present a negative COV-
                                                                                    ID-19 test result prior boarding. This  These are the 3 certified labs where
                                                                                    will  become  effective  as  of  Janu-  you can conduct your test:
                                                                                    ary 26, 2021.                        •  MedLab:  -  (+297)  586-
                                                                                                                            1600  -  Cell/Whatsapp  (+297)
                                                                                    In the Aruban Government’s con-         597-5544 -
                                                                                    tinuing efforts to provide the safest,  1.  Testing is available at visitors ac-
                                                                                    seamless  and  coordinated  travel      commodation  (hotel/  home).
                                                                                    experience  possible,  the  Aruba       Appointment  recommended
                                                                                    Tourism  Authority  would  like  to  in-  for this service. This service will
                                                                                    form you that all necessary facilities   be  free  of  charge  if  booked
                                                                                    and  procedures  are  in  place  for    online in advance on
                                                                                    any visitor needing to take a PCR An extra fee will
                                                                                    test  while  in  Aruba  as  a  require-  be applied if the appointment
                                                                                    ment for re-entry to their country/     is made on the same day
                                                                                    state of origin.                     2.  Walk-in  service  accepted  at
                                                                                    Aruba has a modern infrastructure,      our physical location - No ap-
                                                                                    state-of-the-art  hospital  and  well-  pointment necessary
                                                                                    equipped medical facilities. Three  •  Price  for  the  test  is  $126.  Con-
                                                                                    (3)  certified  laboratories  in  Aruba   duct  the  test  before  11am  for
                                                                                    will  offer  the  PCR  testing  service   same day results.
                                                                                    to  outbound  travelers.  The  facili-
                                                                                    ties have ample test kits available  •  MedCare  Clinic:
                                                                                    and testing is priced between $75       -  (+297)  280-0630  -  Whatsapp
                                                                                    and $126. Visitors will find appoint-   (+297)  562-4440  -  info@med-
                                                                                    ments easy to book and the turn-
                                                                                    around time for test results is within
                                                                                    24 hours. Between the facilities, visi-  •  Horacio Oduber Hospital: (US$
                                                                                    tors  will  have  the  option  to  make   75) https://www.arubahospital.
                                                                                    an appointment, walk in, or have        com/ - servicecenter@hoharu-
                                                                                    the test done at their place of stay. - (+297) 597-4522 (Call
                                                                                    It  is  also  very  important  to  remark   or WhatsApp)
                                                                                    that  the  Aruba  Visitors  Insurance  For  more  information  go  to  www.
                                                                                    will cover all costs related to a posi-  and  click  under  the
                                                                                    tive Covid-19 results based on this  health requirements section.q
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