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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 5 augustus 2021

                        Mexico sues U.S gun manufacturers over arms trafficking toll

            (AP)  —  The  Mexican  “brings this action to put an  American laws.”
            government  sued  United  end  to  the  massive  damage
            States gun manufacturers  that  the  Defendants  cause  Mexico did not seek the ad-
            and  distributors  Wednes-   by  actively  facilitating  the  vice of the U.S. government
            day  in  U.S.  federal  court,  unlawful  trafficking  of  their  on the matter, but advised the
            arguing  that  their  neg-   guns to drug cartels and oth-  U.S.  Embassy  before  filing
            ligent  and  illegal  com-   er criminals in Mexico,” the  the lawsuit.
            mercial  practices  have  lawsuit said.
            unleashed      tremendous                                 Steve Shadowen, the lead at-
            bloodshed in Mexico.         The  government  estimates  torney  representing  Mexico,
                                         that  70%  of  the  weapons  said  that  in  the  early  2000s
            The  unusual  lawsuit  was  trafficked  to  Mexico  come  about 30 U.S. cities brought
            filed  in  U.S.  federal  court  from  the  U.S.,  according  to  similar litigation against gun
            in Boston. Among those be-   the Foreign Affairs Ministry.  manufacturers  arguing  that
            ing  sued  are  some  of  the  And  that  in  2019  alone,  at  they  should  be  responsible
            biggest  names  in  guns,  in-  least  17,000  homicides  were  for increased police, hospital-
            cluding:  Smith  &  Wesson  linked to trafficked weapons.  ization and other costs asso-  ufacturers.               Walmart,  including  some
            Brands,  Inc.;  Barrett  Fire-                            ciated with gun violence.                                 Mexican  citizens.  At  that
            arms  Manufacturing,  Inc.;  Alejandro Celorio, legal advi-                            The  sale  of  firearms  is  se-  time,  Foreign  Affairs  Secre-
            Beretta U.S.A. Corp.; Colt’s  sor for the ministry, told re-  As  some  cities  started  win-  verely  restricted  in  Mexico  tary Marcelo Ebrard said the
            Manufacturing     Company  porters  Wednesday  that  the  ning,  gun  manufacturers  and  controlled  by  the  De-  government  would  explore
            LLC, and Glock Inc. Another  damage  caused  by  the  traf-  went  to  Congress  and  got  fense Department. But thou-  its legal options. The govern-
            defendant is Interstate Arms,  ficked  guns  would  be  equal  an  immunity  statute  for  the  sands  of  guns  are  smuggled  ment  said  Wednesday  that
            a Boston-area wholesaler that  to  1.7%  to  2%  of  Mexico’s  manufacturers.   Shadowen  into Mexico by the country’s  recent rulings in U.S. courts
            sells guns from all but one of  gross domestic product. The  said  he  believes  that  immu-  powerful drug cartels.  contributed to its decision to
            the named manufacturers to  government will seek at least  nity  doesn’t  apply  when  the                          file the lawsuit.
            dealers around the U.S.      $10 billion in compensation,  injury  occurs  outside  the  There were more than 36,000
                                         he  said.  Mexico’s  GDP  last  United States.            murders in Mexico last year,  It cited a decision in Califor-
            The  manufacturers  did  not  year was more than $1.2 tril-                            and  the  toll  has  remained  nia allowing a lawsuit against
            immediately answer requests  lion.                        “The  merits  of  the  case  are  stubbornly high despite Pres-  Smith & Wesson to move for-
            for comment.                                              strongly  in  our  favor  and  ident  Andrés  Manuel  López  ward, a lawsuit filed last week
                                         “We  don’t  do  it  to  pressure  then  we  have  to  get  around  Obrador’s  pledge  to  pacify  against Century Arms related
            The  Mexican  government  the  United  States,”  Celorio  this immunity statute which  the  country.  Mexico’s  na-  to a 2019 shooting in Gilroy,
            argues  that  the  companies  said. “We do it so there aren’t  we think we’re going to win,”  tionwide murder rate in 2020  California, and the $33 mil-
            know that their practices con-  deaths in Mexico.”        he  said.  “That  statute  just  remained  unchanged  at  29  lion  settlement  reached  by
            tribute  to  the  trafficking  of                         simply doesn’t apply. It only  per  100,000  inhabitants.  By  Remington with some of the
            guns to Mexico and facilitate  Ebrard  said  the  lawsuit  was  applies  when  you’re  in  the  comparison, the U.S. homi-  families whose children were
            it.  Mexico  wants  compensa-  another piece of the govern-  United States.”           cide rate in 2019 was 5.8 per  killed in the Newtown, Con-
            tion  for  the  havoc  the  guns  ment’s  efforts  against  guns.                      100,000.                     necticut, mass school shoot-
            have wrought in its country.  “The  priority  is  that  we  re-  He said he believes it is the                      ing.
                                         duce  homicides,”  he  said.  first  time  a  foreign  govern-  In  August  2019,  a  gunmen
            The  Mexican  government  “We aren’t looking to change  ment has sued the gun man-     killed 23 people in an El Paso

                             Thai protest leader renews calls for reform of monarchy

            (AP) — A Thai protest leader on  light rally in downtown Bangkok by  the  country  with  its  unprecedented
            Tuesday renewed calls for the re-   about 200 people who defied corona-  challenge to the status of the monar-  “We are here to fight to build a bet-
            form  of  the  country’s  monarchy  virus regulations to attend.        chy, which is widely considered to be  ter  future  together,”  he  said.  “This
            and suggested that time was run-                                        an  untouchable  bedrock  element  of  year we will fight with strategies. We
            ning out for the powerful institu-  The  civil  rights  lawyer  dressed  as  Thai nationalism.              will fight with goals. Not only will we
            tion to respond.                    Harry Potter, a reference to what he                                    fight through protests to bring pres-
                                                and other proponents of change see  It sparked a series of large-scale ral-  sure,  we  will  also  fight  to  propose
            “This year shall be the last year that  as the opaque world of the palace. Ar-  lies  demanding  that  the  palace  be  laws in Parliament.”
            we  will  discuss  monarchy  reform.  non is widely considered the protest  made more transparent and account-
            After this, whatever will happen, will  movement’s most senior figure.  able. The protests, which also called  Arnon, who is currently free on bail,
            happen. You can’t stop the sun rising.                                  for the resignation of Prime Minister  faces  more  than  10  charges  under  a
            You can’t control what people believe  The rally marked one year since Ar-  Prayuth Chan-ocha and the amend-  stringent  royal  defamation  law  that
            in,” Arnon Nampha said at a candle-  non  delivered  a  speech  that  shook  ment  of  the  constitution,  raised  the  mandates  prison  terms  of  up  to  15
                                                                                    political  temperature  significantly,  years  for  perceived  insults.  Human
                                                                                    leading to clashes with royalists and  rights  defenders  say  it  is  routinely
                                                                                    police and the arrests of protest lead-  used to stifle public discussion of the
                                                                                    ers.                                monarchy  and  to  jail  political  activ-
                                                                                                                        ists. Its abolition is a key demand of
                                                                                    The rallies died down this year due  the reform movement.
                                                                                    to legal action, a lack of unity in the
                                                                                    movement and fears over the corona-  Many people still revere the monar-
                                                                                    virus. But in recent weeks protesters  chy, and the military, a major power
                                                                                    have returned to the streets, prompt-  in Thai society, considers its defense
                                                                                    ed  by  a  worsening  COVID-19  out-  a key priority.
                                                                                    break for which many people blame
                                                                                    the government.                     Questioning of the monarchy’s posi-
                                                                                                                        tion has grown since the 2016 acces-
                                                                                    They’ve  largely  targeted  Prayuth’s  sion to the throne of King Maha Va-
                                                                                    government  but  Arnon’s  speech  on  jiralongkorn,  whose  much  admired
                                                                                    Tuesday  suggests  the  monarchy  will  father,  King  Bhumibhol  Adulyadej,
                                                                                    once again be a focus of Thai political  ruled for seven decades.
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