Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210805
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A30     world news
                 Diahuebs 5 augustus 2021

                        Greek fires force beach rescue, approach Olympics birthplace

            (AP) — Greece evacuated  even harder. Our key target is  of forest.                    at the highest level since re-  ple with breathing difficulties
            people  in  boats  from  an  to protect human lives.”                                  cords started in 2003.       to stay indoors.
            island  beach  Wednesday                                  Temperatures   in   Greece
            amid  heavy  smoke  from  Evacuations were taking place  reached  45  degrees  Celsius  Outside  Athens,  low-fly-  It also raged close to a large
            a nearby wildfire and fire  in  Greece’s  southern  Pelo-  (113 Fahrenheit) Wednesday,  ing  helicopters  and  planes  forested estate and palace that
            crews  fought  elsewhere  ponnese region due to a ma-     in what authorities described  dumped  water  on  charred  once  belonged  to  Greece’s
            to keep flames away from  jor fire near ancient Olympia  as the worst heat wave since  forests around Tatoi, 20 kilo-  royal family and is now a pub-
            the  birthplace  of  the  an-  — where the Olympics were  1987. Neighboring countries  meters  (12  1/2  miles)  north  lic park but Greece’s Culture
            cient  Olympic  Games  as  held  every  four  years  from  face similar conditions, fuel-  of Athens, where more than  Ministry said Wednesday the
            the country sweltered un-    776 B.C. for more than a mil-  ing deadly wildfires in Turkey  500  firefighters  had  battled  Tatoi estate was not harmed.
            der a record heat wave.      lennium. The adjacent town  and blazes in Italy and across  through the night to contain
                                         of  Ancient  Olympia  was  the  Mediterranean  region.  the blaze that started Tuesday.  It said artifacts “of particular
            With  over  100  wildfires  evacuated, with another sev-  Officials in Albania said one  At least 80 cars were burned.  historic  and  artistic  value”
            burning  in  Greece,  the  Eu-  en  nearby  villages.  The  area  person died of smoke inhala-                      were  removed  from  storage
            ropean Union sent assistance  was  ravaged  by  wildfires  in  tion near the southern city of  “The ground crews did vital  areas in the estate as a precau-
            to it and other southeast Eu-  2007 that cost dozens of lives  Gjirokaster,  where  wildfires  work,  (fighting)  nightmar-  tion. Under a major restora-
            rope countries grappling with  but spared Olympia’s ruined  caused hundreds of residents  ish  fires  in  suburban  for-  tion  program,  thousands  of
            huge  wildfires.  The  help  sports venues and temples.   to flee.                     ests,”  Prime  Minister  Kyria-  artifacts from the former pal-
            came a day after another ma-                                                           kos  Mitsotakis  said,  visiting  ace  —  including  ceremonial
            jor  blaze  burned  more  than  The  mayor  of  the  nearby  An  EU  disaster  response  a mobile control center. “We  carriages,  luxury  cars,  antiq-
            100  homes  and  businesses  town of Pirgos said a strong  group  said  firefighters  and  had no loss of human life. ...  uities,  paintings  and  clothes
            near the Greek capital of Ath-  firefighting cordon had been  water-dropping  planes  were  Homes  will  be  rebuilt  and  — have been stored for years
            ens.                         placed  around  the  verdant  being  sent  from  EU  mem-  over time the forest will grow  on the estate pending conser-
                                         site, one of the most beauti-  bers to Italy, Greece, Albania  back.”                  vation and future exhibition.
            Civil Protection chief Nikos  ful in a country teeming with  and North Macedonia.
            Hardalias  said  118  wildfires  antiquities.                                          Firefighters  pumped  water  Sporadic  power  outages  oc-
            broke  out  over  the  past  24                           “Following the situation with  from  a  swimming  pool  to  curred  after  the  flames  top-
            hours, and warned that even  “I think the site’s security is  great concern. European soli-  douse the flames, and water-  pled  electricity  transmission
            worse  days  could  lie  ahead  at  a  satisfactory  level,”  Pan-  darity is at work to fight these  dropping  buckets  were  at-  towers,  adding  more  strains
            for the hard-pressed fire ser-  agiotis Andonakopoulos said.  terrible fires,” EU Commis-  tached to military helicopters.  to  Greece’s  overloaded  na-
            vice.                                                     sion  President  Ursula  von  Authorities  said  more  than  tional  power  grid  at  the
                                         The  coast  guard  evacuated  der Leyen wrote in a tweet.  100  homes  and  businesses  height  of  the  key  summer
            “We are making a titanic ef-  about 90 people stranded on                              had  been  seriously  damaged  tourist season.
            fort on many fronts,” he told  a beach near the northern vil-  The EU Atmosphere Moni-  or destroyed, and more than
            an evening briefing. “Accord-  lage of Rovies on the island of  toring  Service  said  smoke  500  people  were  put  up  for  The heat wave is forecast to
            ing to our threat forecasts, to-  Evia. Private boats helped in  plumes  from  the  region’s  the night in hotels.  hover  over  Greece  and  Tur-
            morrow too is expected to be  the operation. Media reports  wildfires were clearly visible                          key until the end of the week.
            a difficult day ... The tough-  said  three  firefighters  suf-  in satellite images, which also  The  fire  sent  clouds  of
            est part lies ahead of us, the  fered  burns.  Several  homes  showed that the intensity of  smoke over the Greek capital,
            next days and weeks will be  were burnt as well as swaths  the  wildfires  in  Turkey  was  prompting warnings for peo-

                           Red Cross questions Lithuania on trying to block migrants

            (AP)  —  The  Red  Cross  groups noted that all nations  understands  the  state’s  chal-                           Later Wednesday, the Belaru-
            warned  Wednesday  that  have an obligation to protect  lenges  in  protecting  its  bor-  Defense  Minister  Arvydas  sian State Border Committee
            Lithuania’s  decision  to  vulnerable people.             der.                         Anusauskas called the report  claimed  that  five  Iraqi  mi-
            turn away immigrants at-                                                               “an  obvious  provocation.  grants who were forcibly ex-
            tempting to cross in from  “Pushbacks of people seeking  Lithuania,  a  nation  of  less  Lithuania is under hybrid at-  pelled to Belarus from Lithu-
            neighboring  Belarus  does  asylum  are  not  compatible  than  3  million  people,  has  tack  and  spreading  such  in-  ania  had  injuries,  including
            not  comply  with  interna-  with  the  Geneva  Conven-   no  physical  barriers  for  its  formation is a classic example  dog bites, and had been hos-
            tional law.                  tion  on  Refugee  Status,  the  679-kilometer   (420-mile)  of this process.”         pitalized.
                                         EU  Charter  of  Fundamen-   long  border  with  Belarus.
            Lithuania,  a  member  of  the  tal  Rights  and  other  human  Some  4,090  migrants,  most
            European  Union,  has  faced  rights   instruments”   Egle  of  them  from  Iraq,  have
            a  surge  of  mostly  Iraqi  mi-  Samuchovaite,  program  di-  crossed  this  year  from  Be-
            grants in the past few months.  rector  for  Lithuania’s  Red  larus into Lithuania.
            It  says  that’s  due  to  retalia-  Cross,  told  The  Associated
            tion by Belarus’ authoritarian  Press.                    Another  35  people  crossed
            President Alexander Lukash-                               into  Lithuania  illegally  on
            enko after the EU put sanc-  Samuchovaite  also  pointed  Wednesday, according to the
            tions on his country over an  out that rejecting the admis-  State  Border  Guard  Service,
            air piracy incident. The Lith-  sion  of  vulnerable  people  but  this  was  significantly
            uanian Interior Ministry this  into  the  country  would  put  lower  than  the  triple-digit
            week distributed a video shot  them into an unsafe environ-  numbers of previous days.
            from  a  helicopter  showing  ment,  trapped  between  two
            large  groups  of  immigrants  countries.                 Belarus  claimed  Wednesday
            being escorted to Lithuania’s                             that  a  “non-Slavic”  person
            border by  Belarusian  border  “In  the  absence  of  a  physi-  died  from  injuries  at  a  bor-
            guard vehicles.              cal  border  barrier  with  Be-  der  town  but  Lithuania  dis-
                                         larus,  the  question  arises  as  missed  the  report  as  propa-
            On  Tuesday,  Lithuania  said  to  how  to  ensure  that  there  ganda from a hostile regime.
            it  reserved  the  right  to  use  is no disproportionate use of
            force to stop such illegal im-  force against asylum seekers,  “This is nonsense, a Brothers
            migration  and  turned  away  which  by  any  means  could  Grimm fairy tale,” Lithuania
            180  people  attempting  to  not  be  justified,”  she  said,  Interior  Minister  Agne  Bi-
            enter the country. But rights  adding  that  the  Red  Cross  lotaite told reporters.
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