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                      Saturday 9 May 2020
            Mexico auto plants to reopen as country weighs virus risks

            By MARK STEVENSON                                                                                                   But workers at the GM plant
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in  Silao  reported  receiving
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — On a                                                                                             messages with a GMC logo
            day  Mexico  saw  its  worst                                                                                        telling  them  to  report  for
            daily  increase  yet  in  coro-                                                                                     temperature  checks  and
            navirus   cases,   foreign-                                                                                         health  questionnaires  at
            owned  auto  plants  began                                                                                          the plant.
            setting dates for reopening.                                                                                        Mexico says it wants to be
            Volkswagen  de  Mexico                                                                                              cautious,  and  indicates
            said late Thursday it is plan-                                                                                      that hard-hit cities like Mex-
            ning to reopen its assembly                                                                                         ico  City,  Tijuana,  Ciudad
            plant  in  Puebla  state  and                                                                                       Juarez  and  Villahermosa
            its  engine  factory  in  Gua-                                                                                      probably won't allow wide-
            najuato state on June 1.                                                                                            spread  business  reopening
            General  Motors  said  it                                                                                           anytime soon.
            hadn't fixed "an exact date"                                                                                        Assistant  Health  Secretary
            for reopening its plant, also                                                                                       Hugo  López-Gatell  said
            in the Guanajuato city of Si-                                                                                       Thursday  that  reopening
            lao, but some workers there                                                                                         "doesn't  mean  that  every
            reported getting notices to                                                                                         place is going to get back
            report for work on May 18.                                                                                          to  the  same  level  of  nor-
            Ford  de  Mexico  said,  "We                                                                                        mality."
            are  working  very  closely                                                                                         In  the  past,  officials  have
            with  the  Mexican  govern-  In this April 28, 2020 photo, a couple rides a motorcycle past a painted sign reading in Spanish   mentioned   re-opening
            ment,  complying  with  the   "Coronavirus. Stay Home," in Iztapalapa, Mexico City.                Associated Press   business in the least-affect-
            health  and  security  proto-                                                                                       ed states, but limiting inter-
            cols.  We  hope  to  receive  Mexico  has  lost  about  trade  zone  could  be  per-   the 3,000 mark.              state  travel  through  high-
            their  approval  to  operate  500,000 jobs because of the  manently  affected  if  they  Volkswagen said in a state-  way  checkpoints.  How-
            in Mexico."                  pandemic  lockdown,  and  didn't  resume  production.  ment  it  was  reopening  ever,  the  usual  measures
            Toyota  and  Nissan  did  not  small  store  owners  wrote  Mexico has said it is working  "with the aim of getting the  practiced  at  such  check-
            immediately  respond  to  a  public  letter  to  López  on a joint plan with the U.S.  needed elements together  points  —  taking  travelers'
            requests  for  comment  on  Obrador  on  Wednesday  and  Canada  to  reopen  to  ensure  a  stable  supply  temperatures  and  asking
            possible reopenings of their  complaining they can't get  factories,  especially  auto  chain."                     about  symptoms  —  are  of
            plants in Mexico.            stocks of basic supplies be-  plants.                     In  a  statement  on  its  re-  limited  use  in  stopping  the
            Pressure  is  growing  both  cause hundreds of towns in  But the dangers of reopen-    opening  plans,  GM  said:  spread of the coronavirus.
            domestically  and  from  the  Mexico have closed them-    ing  are  evident.  On  Thurs-  "We  are  waiting  for  the  In  some  places,  like  the
            United States for Mexico to  selves off for fear of conta-  day,  Mexico  reported  its  plan that the Economy De-  border  assembly  plants  in
            reopen manufacturing ac-     gion.                        largest one-day increase so  partment will present for a  Ciudad  Juarez,  across  the
            tivities, something President  In late March, the U.S. gov-  far  in  confirmed  coronavi-  gradual  resumption  of  ac-  border from El Paso, Texas,
            Andrés  Manuel  López  Ob-   ernment launched a cam-      rus cases, with almost 2,000  tivities  in  the  automotive  workers  have  demonstrat-
            rador  says  could  happen  paign to get Mexico to re-    new  infections  nationwide  industry. As soon as authori-  ed against being forced to
            by  May  17  in  areas  of  the  open assembly plants, sug-  —  a  7.2%  increase  com-  ties  present  that  plan,  we  work in close quarters and
            country  that  haven't  been  gesting the supply chain of  pared  from  Wednesday's  will  be  able  to  restart  GM  with  inadequate  protec-
            hit hard by the virus.       the  North  American  free  rise.  Total  deaths  neared  operations" in Mexico.       tion measures.q

              Judge to hear lawsuit on Puerto Rico school food crisis

              By DANICA COTO                                                                       the  government  revealed  cafeterias  had  remained
              Associated Press                                                                     that  more  than  30  work-  closed  for  more  than  a
              SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico                                                             ers have tested positive for  month  since  the  lock-
              (AP)  —  A  judge  on  Thurs-                                                        COVID-19  while  activists  down was imposed in mid-
              day  agreed  to  consider                                                            say many students are not  March. The Department of
              a lawsuit filed by a group                                                           receiving  meals,  noting  Education  had  offloaded
              of  mothers  and  nonprof-                                                           also that only one instead  its food to nonprofit orga-
              its  who  accuse  the  U.S.                                                          of  the  usual  two  meals  a  nizations and a food bank,
              territory’s  government  of                                                          day are being distributed.  but  teachers  and  others
              dodging  its  responsibility                                                         “We  cannot  be  satisfied  warned  it  wasn’t  enough
              to feed public school chil-                                                          until there’s no one left to  and  that  it  wasn’t  reach-
              dren  amid  a  coronavirus                                                           feed,”  attorney  Osvaldo  ing those most in need.
              lockdown.                                                                            Burgos said in a phone in-  On  Thursday,  education
              The  judge’s  refusal  to  dis-  The  coordinator  of  Comedores  Sociales  (Social  Canteens),   terview.       officials  said  that  more
              miss the lawsuit as request-  Giovanni  Roberto,  a  non-profit  entity  dedicated  to  offering   The judge set a hearing for  than  46,000  meals  were
              ed  by  the  government     hot  meals  in  the  middle  of  the  Covid-19  pandemic,  carries   May 15, and in the mean-  distributed  in  the  second
              comes amid new problems     supplies before handing out an order in Caguas, Puerto Rico,   time,  Burgos  worries  that  day  since  some  cafete-
              that have arisen since the   Wednesday, April 29, 2020.             Associated Press  the  ongoing  problems  will  rias  reopened,  and  that
              island’s Department of Ed-                                                           only worsen.                another  35  cafeterias  will
              ucation abruptly changed  certain  restrictions.  It  had  cafeteria workers, of which  Nearly 70% of public school  reopen next week in what
              its  position  last  week  and  previously refused to do so,  64% are elderly.       students in Puerto Rico are  Education  Secretary  Eligio
              announced it would open  citing  concerns  of  conta-   Since  the  reopening  of  poor, and many on the is-     Hernández  described  as
              school  cafeterias  under  gion among students and  certain  school  cafeterias,  land  were  outraged  that  “complicated logistics.”q
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